Look Like Bush might get his own version of Watergate

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Variable wrote: A bit melodramatic, don't you think?...not to mention ironic, considering your tax rate is about double ours.

What part of "Fuck The State" aren't you getting? I apply it equally to Canada.

I don't care if my name is scrawled with some rhino horn ink pen in the annals of US history. I don't get off on that type of crap. I only want to live a comfortable life and raise good kids and I'm more than capable of doing so without the teet of the government in my mouth.

Nope. It's the other way around. It's your teat in the government's mouth...as in...you're being milked like the barnyard animal they've turned you into.

You'll have to excuse me if I don't join you in cowering in fear of the big bad USA government who's out to get us all. :lol:

I don't cower, and certainly not to corporate, statist thugs.

You seem angrier than usual today, Marty. Been drinking? Maybe you should get a dog or something.

I'm not angry, I'm focused.
I don't drink.
Pet ownership is animal slavery.

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by Variable »

Martyred wrote:
What part of "Fuck The State" aren't you getting? I apply it equally to Canada.
Dude, where we're at now is hardly ideal, but, again, the anarchy-thing was tried and it blew. What you're not getting is that thugs with guns will always organize with other thugs with guns, whether states and armies exist or not. What your advocating is that we all live on our own means and prove Darwin right. That's nothing but a great way to have a planet full of looting and thuggery, ruled by those with guns and numbers.
Nope. It's the other way around. It's your teat in the government's mouth...as in...you're being milked like the barnyard animal they've turned you into.
That's fine. I have yet to be attacked by roving bands of gun-toting thugs, as you advocate, so so far I'm getting my money's worth in that regard anyway. :D
I don't cower, and certainly not to corporate, statist thugs.
You're big and tough on an internet message board, but I imagine you'd be singing a different tune the first time twenty dudes with guns roll up on your house to rape your OL and take your big screen. I'm guessing right about then you'd be thinking police and a land ruled by laws aren't such a bad idea.
I'm not angry, I'm focused.
I don't drink.
Pet ownership is animal slavery.
That's like the guy who says, "I'm not a cynic, I'm a realist."

You don't drink? You sure you're Canadian? :lol: It was there...I had to. Nothing wrong with not drinking...I don't drink either. But you need to have a release other than venting on things you can't change. All that's going to do is put miles on your cardiac system, brother.

Certain types of pet ownership are slavery, such as having a pet in a cage or confined space. But my dogs live a far better life than they ever would if they were out in the wild.
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Mister Bushice
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Post by Mister Bushice »

I liked the old marty better.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Gunslinger »

Variable wrote:
Martyred wrote:
Variable wrote: We sheep love a good herding.
So I'm a Republican again? I thought I was grouped in with the Democrats last week after I called the Bush Administration "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight." You guys should really get together and iron this shit out. :lol:

I only care about who's in power if they're ultra-left or ultra-right, as I don't think either serves the best interests of this country. As long as they're somewhere in the middle, I'm good with a President from either party. I agree with a lot of what Bush does, and most of the stuff that I don't agree with either has to do with his Religious Right leanings, or his refusals to secure our southern border just to fellate his corporate donors.
And there is nothing about the war in Iraq that goes under the label "fellate his corporate donors".

Glad you served in the military before this shit went down. A real president would have started the war on terror in Saudia Arabia and solved the other shit in N. Korea and Iran. I'm glad you aren't serving now under this pussy of a president, because you would be bogged down in a stupid fucking war that does nothing except create more chaos in the Middle East. You want to make an impact you take out the biggest and strongest country by basically bending their will to do your policing of the Middle East.

So if you were in Iraq, you should know the extent of the effect Saudia Arabia kicking us out of their country did to us. Kind of what Osama wanted huh?
I fucking suck.
Sir Slappy Tits
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Post by Gunslinger »

Variable wrote:
Martyred wrote: Get over this Republican/Democrat bullshit.
Both parties are beholden to corporate/union/globalist interests.
Their concern for you does not extend beyond the value you can offer the state.
Once the United States of Dracula is done draining your blood, you will barely register as a statistic in the footnotes of history.
A bit melodramatic, don't you think?...not to mention ironic, considering your tax rate is about double ours.
Yeh, and Canadians have this awful problem with their poor acting up from time to time. :meds: That tax shit is truly way out of hand. How do those Canadians survive?

Their median income must be waaaaaaaaay lower than ours.

Wait, it isn't?
I fucking suck.
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Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

mvscal wrote:
Martyred wrote:Their concern for you does not extend beyond the value you can offer the state.
Why should it be otherwise?
Sorry, I never realized the whole "government by the people/for the people" thing was actually a clever marketing ploy.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by OCmike »

Gunslinger wrote:
Variable wrote:
Martyred wrote:
So I'm a Republican again? I thought I was grouped in with the Democrats last week after I called the Bush Administration "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight." You guys should really get together and iron this shit out. :lol:

I only care about who's in power if they're ultra-left or ultra-right, as I don't think either serves the best interests of this country. As long as they're somewhere in the middle, I'm good with a President from either party. I agree with a lot of what Bush does, and most of the stuff that I don't agree with either has to do with his Religious Right leanings, or his refusals to secure our southern border just to fellate his corporate donors.
And there is nothing about the war in Iraq that goes under the label "fellate his corporate donors".
Dude, that shit goes on by both parties all the time. That doesn't make it right, but let's keep things in perspective, m'kay?
Glad you served in the military before this shit went down. A real president would have started the war on terror in Saudia Arabia and solved the other shit in N. Korea and Iran.
If Bush had attacked Saudi Arabia, the war would have gone on for at least one hundred years, and that's if it ended at all. You think muslims would see an Evangelical Christian President attacking the home of Mecca as anything else?! If you think the suicide bombings in Iraq are bad, brother, you ain't seen nothing.
I'm glad you aren't serving now under this pussy of a president, because you would be bogged down in a stupid fucking war that does nothing except create more chaos in the Middle East. You want to make an impact you take out the biggest and strongest country by basically bending their will to do your policing of the Middle East.
There are pros and cons to every President when you're in the military. With Clinton, he greatly cut back our budget, often causing us to operate our ship with defective equipment in an unsafe manner...but, he poured a ton of money into upgrading military buildings and barracks and gave us pay raises every year and increased benefits to vets. With Bush I, the military had an endless operational budget, so all of the equipment ran great, but the ship was always on deployment. Things are pretty much the same now under Bush II. The ships have more than enough money to operate safely, but are constantly deployed and are sometimes held over on deployment for longer than the standard six months.

In general, people in the military would rather operate under a Republican. You may be deployed more often, but at least you know you'll have the money and equipment to operate safely.
So if you were in Iraq, you should know the extent of the effect Saudia Arabia kicking us out of their country did to us. Kind of what Osama wanted huh?
As far as S.A. goes, we were fucked no matter what we did. Even if they are double-talking fucktards, at least the Saudi Royal Family is "friendly" to the US. If we even hinted about invading S.A., they'd be overthrown and replaced in a heartbeat with a fundamentalist Islamic government that would be so radical, they'd make Iranians blush. So pick your poison...
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