Moving Sale wrote:Why are you so obsessed with what I look like? According to you and your wack theory that would make you gay.
Don't flatter your sick self Midget, I could give a rats ass what you look like. It's just that getting under your lizard-like skin by commenting on your diminutive stature pisses you off so much and it's you flailing your widdle arms and wegs in limp fury which is fucking hysterical. However, that said, it would be the one who constantly talks about sucking black cock in every single post (that being you) who is the not-so-closeted gay fuck stick.
Move to Russia if you don't like the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments.
I very much respect and appreciate the aforementioned Amendments. It is your deplorable perversion of our rights to defend drunken murderers that I find so immoral and disgusting. Does everyone have a right to be defended..? Of course, but you defend killers, repeat offenders with no moral or ethical obligation to the victims of these crimes, and for that you should burn in hell.
Are you tired of me commenting on your cloths emperor?
It's spelled clothes moron, and no, your commentary is meaningless. As is your pathetic LITTLE existence. Stick a fork up your ass, you're done.