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Is College Basketball getting better

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:56 am
by Tiberious
or are the better teams just playing down to the level of lesser teams? Since I gamble my share of games I have noticed that for the most part that point spreads that are over 15 points do not get covered alot. I know that is alot of points, but in the past the teams that are favored like that would just pound ass to no end. I think college basketball IS getting better just because the players are staying at least three years now for the most part. Just my two cents.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:30 pm
by Shoalzie
If all of the top teams kept their players all four years, there would be a little more seperation between them and the rest of the field. The early entries into the NBA draft brings parity in college hoops. I don't like guys leaving early but it does make things interesting. I can't see there being a top contender going into the's going to be wild in March.