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T Minus 13 days and counting: Battlefield 2 Release

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:40 pm
by David_Copperfield
This game is going to be absolutely nuts. Check out the actual gameplay videos and see for yourself.

Battlefield 2

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:16 am
by Rack Fu
The week after its release, I'm taking the week off and plan on doing nothing but playing BF2. That was the last week I could take off before Fu Jr. is born and just happen to coincide with the release of BF2.

Sad, I know, but I need the veg time before the baby.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:10 am
by David_Copperfield
man you are freaking lucky to get to take time off for this! I went to Game Stop tonight and pre-ordered a copy to snag a free headset. Gotta love free stuff...I've also been playing Battlefield: Vietnam like a mad man to get my skeelz back...we'll have to hook up one night and play it man, seriously.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:42 pm
by jiminphilly
Rack Fu wrote: Sad, I know, but I need the veg time before the baby.
You'll have plenty of time after.. they sleep, shit and eat for the first few weeks so other then diapers (and bottle if you go that route) you'll have some time on your hands..

I may purchase the game too (pc version). Is that the version you guys are going?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:49 pm
by David_Copperfield
jiminphilly wrote:
I may purchase the game too (pc version). Is that the version you guys are going?
heck yes! it will be top-notch

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:18 pm
by Justa Heel
Another gay boring shooter game. Rack. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:19 pm
by Joe in PB
Take a week off to play BF2? Let me guess you're a virtual 12 year old?


You guys need to get out more........

But I'll rack Rack Fu, at least he pushed away from the computer long enough to pick up an old lady.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:50 am
by Rack Fu
Joe in PB wrote:Take a week off to play BF2? Let me guess you're a virtual 12 year old?


You guys need to get out more........

But I'll rack Rack Fu, at least he pushed away from the computer long enough to pick up an old lady.
No, dipshit. I took the week off awhile back and wasn't planning on doing anything while I was off. Now I have something to do. My wife will be about 38 weeks pregnant at that point so it's not like I can go anywhere.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:37 pm
by jiminphilly
Joe in PB wrote:Take a week off to play BF2? Let me guess you're a virtual 12 year old?


You guys need to get out more........

But I'll rack Rack Fu, at least he pushed away from the computer long enough to pick up an old lady.
Joe you're an idiot. Stick to the football forum where you at least have some idea of what your talking about.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:55 pm
by ElvisMonster
Waiting on the review....

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:52 pm
by Joe in PB
Rack Fu plans his vacation for before the baby is born and plans on doing nothing but playing BF2. Instead of perhaps taking his vacation after the baby is born to help out a little more. That's awesome? And I'm the dipshit and idiot.

One thing you guys aren' virtual pussies.

And Jim in Philly isn't about that time of year you put TO'c cock back in your mouth? At least you make a lot more sense then.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:28 am
by David_Copperfield
mvscal wrote:Looks pretty cool. I don't know. Once you've played one FPS, you've played them all.
in most cases that is true but the Battlefield series is completely different. The team based play is outstanding if your team actually plays as a team (which they usually do).

I am downloading the demo right now. I'll give you a review of that soon.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:32 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Looks pretty cool. I don't know. Once you've played one FPS, you've played them all.

Try Ghost Recon 2.

Like me, you'll get a kick out of it if you pretend your character is a freedom fighter, ridding his land of oppressor imperialists.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:23 am
by jiminphilly
mvscal wrote:Looks pretty cool. I don't know. Once you've played one FPS, you've played them all.

Have you ever considered americas army? Because your a vet you'd get a military tag in-game for the branch you served in. The game rewards team play and you really can't go around shooting from the hip and expect a lot of kills.

The game is free and new maps are created every few months. I see alot of active military playing when I play.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:21 am
by Rack Fu
Joe in PB wrote:Rack Fu plans his vacation for before the baby is born and plans on doing nothing but playing BF2. Instead of perhaps taking his vacation after the baby is born to help out a little more. That's awesome? And I'm the dipshit and idiot.
I have no idea who you are as your other post was the first that I've ever seen but you're apparently a sucker for looking like a complete and total moron.

See... there's this thing called sick time which you're allowed to use for paternity leave. I have about 200 hours accrued and will be taking four weeks off following the birth of my son... to help out. If you had a fucking job, you'd understand that concept.

Any more comments to add or would you like to quit now. I'd choose the latter, that's just me, but you haven't really impressed me with your intellect as of yet. Carry on at your own discretion.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:21 am
by David_Copperfield
Rack Fu wrote:
Joe in PB wrote:Rack Fu plans his vacation for before the baby is born and plans on doing nothing but playing BF2. Instead of perhaps taking his vacation after the baby is born to help out a little more. That's awesome? And I'm the dipshit and idiot.
I have no idea who you are as your other post was the first that I've ever seen but you're apparently a sucker for looking like a complete and total moron.
That exact thought crossed my mind as well..I don't know anyone who can tally up that many posts and say things as apricot as "You guys need to get out more........" and still remain completely invisible. :shock:

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:07 pm
by jiminphilly
David_Copperfield wrote:
Rack Fu wrote:
Joe in PB wrote:Rack Fu plans his vacation for before the baby is born and plans on doing nothing but playing BF2. Instead of perhaps taking his vacation after the baby is born to help out a little more. That's awesome? And I'm the dipshit and idiot.
I have no idea who you are as your other post was the first that I've ever seen but you're apparently a sucker for looking like a complete and total moron.
That exact thought crossed my mind as well..I don't know anyone who can tally up that many posts and say things as apricot as "You guys need to get out more........" and still remain completely invisible. :shock:

Relax, Joe's harmless. Besides if anyone needs to get out, its him. He spends hours and hours scouring the internet for 'inside information' on who the Raiders will sign to their practice squad.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:21 am
by David_Copperfield
Demo is awesome contrary to everyone on other message boards who are having problems getting the game to play. you gotta have a powerful pc to play this one. All i can say is download the demo...if it runs on your system, you'll be hooked.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:29 pm
by Hapday
I downloaded it on the weekend on it is SWEET!!! In single person mode, the AI on the bots is 100 times better than Vietnam or WWII. The graphics are great, and the weapon selection has really improved. What is cool about this version is that instead of ammo boxes lying around, you have to call a 'supplier' teammate to come and give you more ammo. This 'supplier' works like a medic and is an optional character you can play. If you run out of ammo and there is no supplier around, you better get used to using you knife real quick.

I keep getting bad connection problems when I try the mutliplayer version. Is anyone else having problems?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:17 pm
by jiminphilly
Hapday wrote:I downloaded it on the weekend on it is SWEET!!! In single person mode, the AI on the bots is 100 times better than Vietnam or WWII. The graphics are great, and the weapon selection has really improved. What is cool about this version is that instead of ammo boxes lying around, you have to call a 'supplier' teammate to come and give you more ammo. This 'supplier' works like a medic and is an optional character you can play. If you run out of ammo and there is no supplier around, you better get used to using you knife real quick.

I keep getting bad connection problems when I try the mutliplayer version. Is anyone else having problems?

I have yet to d/l it.. what kind of video card do you have? I think I may need to upgrade based on the required specs but I wanna see what others who have played have first.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:47 pm
by Hapday
My video card is a (I am no techy, but I think it's OK):

9800 Pro
MSI 9000, 125 MB RAM

I think that's right.

I have no problem playing a single-person game, no lags or anything. It was just when I tried to play online I kept getting disconnected.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:29 pm
by Rack Fu
The only issue I'm having is that it keeps giving me a key map conflict error message when I try to remap my keys... even though no error exists.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:10 pm
by David_Copperfield
Rack Fu, that's a problem everyone has which is supposedly fixed in the final release.

I am using a GEForce 5500 128mb and it runs smooth as silk.

I have no problem playing online.

Only problem is that this game is made for "team play" and people on the servers aren't used to that, they just run-and-gun on their own and get killed...if you want to win, you HAVE to play as a freaking team. The other night there were eight of us that stuck together and we took over every base and won round after round.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:43 am
by kcdave
Rack Fu wrote:My wife will be about 38 weeks pregnant at that point ...
I dont know shit about the game, but Rack Fu gets a RACK and should be given a month off PAID, just for using proper grammer.

Pay attention politically correct losers. His wife is the only one thats pregnant. Not him. Not they. Not we. HIS WIFE! She will be having a bady. NOT HIM!

There is no we in team, and there sure as hell is no we in pregnant!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:54 am
by Rack Fu
I'm not about to pretend that I'm going through that shit. Props to any woman who goes through that. If men had to give birth, the human race would cease to exist in about 100 years.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:26 am
by Cueball
Rack Fu wrote:I'm not about to pretend that I'm going through that shit. Props to any woman who goes through that. If men had to give birth, the human race would cease to exist in about 8 1/2 months.
FTFY, being that most geeks would be holed up in front of a pc/tv with this release, rather than cock deep in some nay-nay

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:07 am
by kcdave
Fu and Cue ..... thats my point here. Men have a role in all of this ..... but it sure does not have anything to do with enduring that pain. FUCK THAT! Women pass the child through the vaginal canal ...... and men pass out cigars. Thats how the shit works. :D

My problem with all of this is, too many men, are forgetting that they are men, and falling into the pc trap, thinking THEY are pregnant also. Fuck that. Our bellys get swollen from beer. Our ankles never do for any reason.

Stand up men, and unite. WE are not pregnant. YOU are. We are simply the guy that did this shit too you, drives too the grocery store at 2:00am to get what you want, and scratches hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of checks over 20 plus years.

Sorry if I pissed on the game thread with a rant!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:07 am
by JHawkBCD
kcdave wrote:WE are not pregnant. YOU are. We are simply the guy that did this shit too you, drives too the grocery store at 2:00am to get what you want, and scratches hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of checks over 20 plus years.
Followed by a brutal beating of your ribcage by said pregnant woman.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:58 pm
by Hapday
David_Copperfield wrote:
I have no problem playing online.
Really? I either crash before I can even get to the server screen, or continue to lose connection and get huge lags when online. I don't think it's my system, because I can play the single person game completely lagfree.

What system are you running?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:22 pm
by jiminphilly
kcdave wrote:Fu and Cue ..... thats my point here. Men have a role in all of this ..... but it sure does not have anything to do with enduring that pain. FUCK THAT! Women pass the child through the vaginal canal ...... and men pass out cigars. Thats how the shit works. :D

My problem with all of this is, too many men, are forgetting that they are men, and falling into the pc trap, thinking THEY are pregnant also. Fuck that. Our bellys get swollen from beer. Our ankles never do for any reason.

Stand up men, and unite. WE are not pregnant. YOU are. We are simply the guy that did this shit too you, drives too the grocery store at 2:00am to get what you want, and scratches hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of checks over 20 plus years.

Sorry if I pissed on the game thread with a rant!

..I agree with you 100% but it is ok for the guy to say "we are expecting" but thats about it.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:27 pm
by Donovan
I haven't had any problems either.

I've pre-ordered it and can't wait to play the full game. It looks amazing at 1280x1024 at full detail.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:49 pm
by Hapday
Donovan wrote:I haven't had any problems either.
What system are you running? Is it possible that I downloaded a demo with bugs in it? (I am furthest thing from a techy and have no idea) I think my graphics card is still good enough to handle it (it handled Doom 3 with no problems)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:40 pm
by Donovan
Hapday wrote:
Donovan wrote:I haven't had any problems either.
What system are you running?
Why? My system isn't the one having problems. ;) Let us know what you're running and we'll see what could be causing it to crash.
Is it possible that I downloaded a demo with bugs in it?
Not likely, but if you want to redownload a 500+ mb file to see if another one works better be my guest.
I think my graphics card is still good enough to handle it (it handled Doom 3 with no problems)
I have an ATI 9800 Pro too, but my system is speedy and I have 1.5 gig of ram. There have been issues with the latest Radeon drivers. I recommend using Omega's Radeon drivers. I'm my experience they're more stable, and can even improve performance, although they aren't official drivers so use them at your own risk.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:56 pm
by Hapday
Donovan wrote:Let us know what you're running and we'll see what could be causing it to crash.
I could be using the wrong terms but I am pretty sure I am running:

AMD Athlon 64 300+ processor
512 MB Ram
120 Gig HD
9800 Pro MSI RX 900 pro 125 MG Ram video card (does that sound right?)

I played BF Vietnam online, with this setup, and there were no problems. Do I need more RAM?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:22 pm
by David_Copperfield
Donovan wrote: I have 1.5 gig of ram.
That is SWEET dude...i only have 512mb of RAM but am upgrading soon...I can run with most stuff on medium and it still looks beautiful.

Did you get the headset when you pre-ordered? I did but not many people have them yet so you pretty much talk to yourself.

Hapday..don't redownload the demo, there's no need...what type of internet connection do you have? Cable or DSL? Make sure your video settings are on low as well. It could also be that your video card is over-heating...take off the case of your PC and blow a fan on it while you play online, that may also be the problem.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:16 pm
by Donovan
^ Good advice.

I wouldn't say you need more ram, but you will definitely notice a difference if you throw another 512 mb in there. It'll cost you less than $100.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:57 am
by Hapday
Thanks for the advice guys!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:24 am
by Rack Fu
This has plagued numerous people from what I understand. Reading the readme was actually helpful. If you have any of those cards turn the audio to software.
The following sound cards do not support the Hardware Audio
Renderer option:

Altec Lansing ADA70 USB Speakers
AOpen AW-320
AOpen Phantom 3D AW-724
ASound Express II
Aureal Vortex
Aureal Vortex 2
Aztech A3D
Creative Labs SB 16 PCI
Creative Labs SB Audigy 2 NX
Creative Labs SB Audigy LS - (5.1)
Creative Labs SB Extigy
Creative Labs SB Live 24-bit
Creative Labs SB Live
Creative Labs SB Live PLATINUM
Creative Labs SB Live Value
Creative Labs SB Live X-GAMER
Creative Labs SB Live X-GAMER 5.1
Creative Labs SB MP3+ USB
Creative Labs SB PCI 128
Creative Labs SB PCI 512
Creative Labs SB PCI 64
Diamond Monster Sound II MX300
Diamond Monster Sound MX400
Diamond Sound Impact S90
Ensoniq Audio PCI PNP
ESS Canyon 3D
ESS Canyon 3D-2
ESS Maestro-2 3D Audio
Hercules DIGIFIRE 7.1
Hercules Game Theater XP 7.1
Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo III 7.1
Hercules Gamesurround Muse Pocket USB
Hi-Live PCI
Hi-Live PCI SC4000
IOMagic Storm Surge
M-Audio Sonica
M-Audio Sonica Theater 7.1
M-Audio Transit USB
Microsoft Digital Sound System 80 USB
Nvidia nForce Audio
Nvidia nForce2 Audio
Philips Acoustic Edge
Realtek ALC861 audio
Siig Soundwave Elite 2000
Siig Soundwave Pro PCI
SoundMAX 3
SoundMAX Cadenza (Intel 845)
SoundMAX Cadenza (Intel 850)
Turtle Beach Montego A3D Xstream
Turtle Beach Montego II
Turtle Beach Montego II Quadzilla
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz
Yamaha Xwave-192
Yamaha Xwave-512
Zoltrix Nightingale Value

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:35 am
by ElvisMonster
Four hours to download this mother fucker? UnWAR.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:47 pm
by David_Copperfield
ElvisMonster wrote:Four hours to download this mother fucker? UnWAR.
admit was worth the four hours, wasn't it?