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Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:43 pm
by Wolfman
I'm surprised Roberto Duran's name has not been included in the discussion.
Did Biles say "no mas."

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:44 am
by Smackie Chan
Wolfman wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:43 pmI'm surprised Roberto Duran's name has not been included in the discussion.
Did Biles say "no mas."
Pro boxing isn't much of a team sport.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:04 am
by Wolfman
Of course---I was referring to a person just not wanting to go on. Duran let a lot of people down besides those who wagered money on him to win.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:32 am
by Diego in Seattle
Papa Willie wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:42 pm ... 446755001/

Well - at least she must have figured out that she fucked up. Props to her for giving it another go.
Someone fucked up alright....a group of them royally fucked up. But Biles was only a victim.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:55 am
by Softball Bat
Mikey wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:45 pm Djokovic Quits ... 1627734411

This loser threw his teammate under the bus, and is an embarrassment to tennis, himself, his country and the entire Olympic movement
I don't think I have ever watched a single Olympic tennis match.

I've never considered tennis to be an Olympic sports.

The Olympics are basically horse shit.

Zero interest.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:57 am
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:58 pm
Left Seater wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:56 am
Mikey wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:06 am
Completely irrelevant to this discussion, but I guess it’s the best you can do.

I bet my dick’s bigger though.
So you can call me fat and lazy which in your mind is relevant to the discussion, but if I counter that then it is irrelevant to the discussion? Nice mental gymnastics.
I merely suggested, at the outset, that you should try "walking a mile in her shoes" before being so quick to criticize. Suddenly it becomes "well I run triathlons what about you?" Yes, that is irrelevant. You're either monumentally dense and missing the point or intentionally deflecting. You have no idea what her mental or physical state is, or was, or her relationship and history with her teammates. You post something inflammatory on a message board and get all offended when somebody calls you on it. Sad little XXXL snowflake.

Read this article, if you have the attention span. Over the past six years she (along with the rest of the women's gymnasts) has been abused, lied to and "thrown under the bus" over and over by her own "team" and still accomplished more than almost any athlete in gymnastics or Olympic history. Most of her teammates are four to six years younger than she is and have benefitted from her recent activism and the light that's being cast on the entire corrupt orgnization.

You and 'Spray can call me a woke liberal for giving this any credence. So be it. As far as I'm concerned, the entire Olympic movement, and especially the US Gymnastics organization, should be torn down and started over in some other form.

I don't particularly like what she did, because I wanted to see her perform and succeed, but I get, or at least accept, why she did it. Try walking a mile in her shoes.

I was going to boycott the Olympics entirely this year on principle, but can't "not watch" because the athletes deserve our attention and respect, whatever the outcome of the events. ... assar-fbi/
Simone Biles was abandoned by American Olympic officials, and the torment hasn’t stopped
The trouble with the phrase “mental health” is that it’s an abstraction that allows you to sail right straight over what happened to Simone Biles and, in a way, what is still happening to her. To this day, American Olympic officials continue to betray her. They deny that they had a legal duty to protect her and others from rapist-child pornographer Larry Nassar, and they continue to evade accountability in judicial maneuvering. Abuse is a current event for her.

It’s a perilous endeavor to project what Biles, the most uniquely superior gymnast in the world, is feeling or thinking at this juncture. But she has been frank about these things: her profound lingering distrust of USA Gymnastics and the USOPC and her conviction they will not do right by her and other athletes of their own accord. Remember, if it wasn’t for Biles bringing her clout to the issue, these users would still be making women train in the buggy squalor of the Karolyi Ranch, the USOPC-sanctioned hellhole where they were molested.

As Biles told NBC’s Hoda Kotb in a recent interview, one of the main reasons she came back for another Olympics at age 24 was to try to ensure some accountability. “If there weren’t a remaining survivor in the sport, they would’ve just brushed it to the side,” she said.

It was only two weeks ago that the Justice Department’s inspector general released a report on the Nassar case, in which Biles learned in new infuriating detail how corrupt officials hushed up evidence that the gymnastics doctor was a serial sex assaulter and how then-USAG chief Steve Penny traded favors with local FBI agent Jay Abbott to bottom-drawer it.

Documents produced in a long-stalled civil suit against USOPC and USAG have brought other aggravating recent revelations. One in particular is worth looking at, in light of what happened to Biles on the vaulting floor in Tokyo on July 27, 2021. That’s the day Biles became so disoriented on her vault that she couldn’t risk competing in the team finals.

As chance would have it, that’s the same date that, six years earlier, Steve Penny threw her to the wolf.

On July 27, 2015, Biles was an 18-year-old world champion who arrived at USAG headquarters in Indianapolis for a series of appearances to promote one of their events. For two days, Biles signed autographs and did other favors to please USAG officials. Penny personally drove Biles and her mother to some of the functions and had extended conversations with her, according to John Manly, an attorney for Biles and other victims. Biles even appeared at a birthday party for Penny’s daughter.

You know what Penny failed to mention over those two days? In fact, failed to breathe so much as a word of, much less warn her of? The fact that he had credible evidence Nassar was a molester.

On July 25, shortly before Biles arrived in Indianapolis, Penny had learned of an “unambiguous claim of sexual abuse” by Nassar against a gymnast from a private investigator, who told him he was obliged to go straight to law enforcement. Instead Penny went straight to the USOPC, calling CEO Scott Blackmun for advice. On July 27, even as Biles was in Indianapolis smiling for the cameras and signing autographs, Penny scheduled a meeting with the local FBI. And on July 28, he met with the FBI’s Abbott, who subsequently smothered the investigation for months while Penny explored getting him a job at the USOPC.

And he never said a word to Biles.

If you think conduct like this is past tense for these organizations, think again. Throughout 2020 and 2021, the USOPC and USAG have perpetuated their coverup with civil court motions. They have hidden from accountability with bankruptcy proceedings. They have demanded that in exchange for any civil settlement, Biles and others who suffered Nassar’s assaults issue blanket liability releases that would protect a rogue’s gallery of well-known abusers, as well as Penny. And they have fought to keep the depositions of Penny, Blackmun and former chairman Larry Probst under seal.

Under seal.

Does that sound like these organizations have turned over a new leaf and become more “athlete-centered?” They had the nerve to feign support for Biles this week. They are not her supporters. They are her tormentors.

The price for winning all those gold medals is that Biles now gets to be analyzed by every armchair psychologist in the world. Here’s a bulletin. She’s not doing so well. And exactly how well should she be doing under these circumstances? “It’s like fighting all those demons coming in here,” she said after the team competition.

It is unfair and potentially even deceptive to try to peer into her head and delineate the exact shape of those demons as she tries to decide whether to compete again in Tokyo. But it was always equally unfair to expect her to vault lightly past the Nassar case and back on to the medal podium.

One of the things the women who were preyed upon by Nassar need is real accountability. There has been very little. The FBI’s report describes outright lies to the internal investigator by Abbott, yet the Department of Justice declined to charge him, and he is enjoying retirement with impunity. Why? Blackmun appears to have lied outright to Congress, and he and Penny ignored mandatory child abuse reporting laws, also with impunity. Why? Even Nassar, in prison, has evaded full accountability, ducking financial penalties of his verdict. Why? And by the way, why hasn’t there been a full-fledged law enforcement investigation into crimes against children at the Karolyi Ranch? Why? Because, girls.

Prison officials allowed convicted sex abuser Larry Nassar to pay little to victims while spending thousands on himself

Here’s another bulletin: The Olympics is no happy anniversary for Nassar’s victims. “It is a huge trigger,” says Rachael Denhollander, whose police report against Nassar in August 2016 finally triggered the Michigan law enforcement investigation — led by women — that took him down.

“This time of year is awful because it brings back what it was like,” she says. “It brings back how hard it was to speak up, to verbalize it all for the first time. This is when it all came out. And the body does keep score. It remembers those times of year and those anniversaries. I can’t even imagine trying to function.”

The body keeps score.

To perform the aerials that Biles does requires a wholesale commitment of mind and body. When you are suspended 10 feet in the air, upside down and twisting at the rate of a motorized rotor, “You have to be there 100 percent or 120 percent because, if you’re not the slightest bit, you can get hurt,” she said the other day. “I didn’t want to go out there and do something dumb and get hurt and be negligent. . . . Not worth it. At the end of the day, it’s like, we want to walk out of here. Not be dragged out of here on a stretcher or anything.”

To perform at that height and that hazard required trust. Right now, Simone Biles has none. And why should she?
You mean to tell me one gov. hack covered for another gov. hack?

I'm shocked.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:24 pm
by Kierland
Left Seater wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:55 am
Mikey wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:12 pm

Really you need get to out of your Barcalounger, join Left Pantload in a workout schedule, and go try some international competition before you try and judge any of these competitors.
Care to take the triathlon challenge? You are shorter than I am and not that far behind me in weight. I carry some extra weight, but I probably do more physically than most of this board.

But are you saying unless you have done exactly what someone else does then you can't offer an opinion? If so then why are you offering your opinion on politicians? And if it comes down to athletics, then Wolfman and I are the most qualified to offer an opinion since we have competed at the highest level of the regular posters here. Meanwhile I don't say you can't have an opinion on college football for example.

And yes she quit on her teammates.
A) MJ- the guy who quit on his team.
B) I was top 100 in the world at speed skiing and free skied with many an Olympian.
C) I found a gym in Avon that will let us “spar” (meaning I beat your ass) and I’m there in oct and nov and april and may, you fat yellow nazi.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:24 pm
by Kierland
Brittney Bowe quits on her team. Board racists say nothing.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 12:29 am
by Left Seater
She gave up her spot to a teammate who stumbled in the 500 meter qualifying race. The teammate was the top ranked in the world this year. She also had qualified in 2 other events.

So she gave up her spot to a higher ranked person in the event, weeks before the Olympics.

Again though, why would you even consider anything from the tiny one to be anywhere close to truthful?

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:02 am
by Kierland
So she quit, nice to see you confirm. Also not surprised you give her a pass.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:52 am
by Left Seater
Actually she still competed. But the lady she allowed to take her spot won the gold medal in the event. That is a true teammate. White lady gives up her spot to a balck teammate. Unlike Biles who was clearly the best and walked away from her team on the day of the competition.

There is zero racism involved here, but again Papa, why do you engage or believe the wee one?

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:47 pm
by Kierland
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:52 am Actually she still competed. But the lady she allowed to take her spot won the gold medal in the event. That is a true teammate. White lady gives up her spot to a balck teammate. Unlike Biles who was clearly the best and walked away from her team on the day of the competition.

There is zero racism involved here, but again Papa, why do you engage or believe the wee one?
I only seem small because you guys are pushing 4bills.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:46 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Now we know why Left Behinder is so into the Olympic Games.

They reflect his views.

Both tested positive for banned substances prior to the Olympic Games. One was banned & one wasn't


Go ahead, Left Behinder....explain how there was no white privilege involved...

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 6:51 pm
by L45B
Big surprise.

Not the first place the world will let the Russians skate by. :wink:

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:39 pm
by Left Seater
Diego in Seattle wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:46 pm Now we know why Left Behinder is so into the Olympic Games.

They reflect his views.

Both tested positive for banned substances prior to the Olympic Games. One was banned & one wasn't

explain how there was no white privilege involved...
Of course you come with projection and a straw man. Do you even think for a second before you start mashing on the keyboard? Or is thinking something your brain isn't capable of?

First off the Olympics continue to make themselves out to be a joke when it comes to a level playing field. Russia has had issues at the last three Olympics and shouldn’t be sending any athletes. Yet the IOC not only allows Russian athletes to compete, they continue to allow Russia to break rules. (See also the Russian flag proudly displayed on their athletes coats during the opening ceremony.)

This isn’t the only issue the IOC is messing up. See snowboarding judging so far at these games. Or we can discuss the entire award of the games to China.

Break the rules you should be banned, regardless of color or country. See Richardson’s use of hippy lettuce.

To make this worse you tried to make this about race because it is what you liberals do. But that is just a straw man. You put a position out there that you assumed was mine. Typical for you.

Keep posting this shit, it makes it really easy to prove what a complete and total idiot you are. You keep teeing this shit up for me to knock out of the park. I would offer you props for coming back time and time again after getting your ass handed to you, but that wouldn’t be appropriate.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:42 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:Now we know why Left Behinder is so into the Olympic Games.

They reflect his views.

Both tested positive for banned substances prior to the Olympic Games. One was banned & one wasn't


Go ahead, Left Behinder....explain how there was no white privilege involved...
Without more details of each situation, it’s hard to say.

But of course you’ll call it white privilege, because everything is racial in your fukked up world.

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Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 12:58 am
by Left Seater
The details are all out there. But you are correct in mentioning race.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 5:01 am
by Softball Bat
Are the Olympics going on?


Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
by BSmack
Softball Bat wrote:Are the Olympics going on?

Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone using a big network of tubes.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:21 am
by Left Seater
BSmack wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
Softball Bat wrote:Are the Olympics going on?

Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone using a big network of tubes.
Please tell us how Eric Staal or Mikaela Shiffrin were exploited for national sport programs.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:46 am
by Softball Bat
BSmack wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
Softball Bat wrote:Are the Olympics going on?

Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:47 am
by Diego in Seattle
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:21 am
BSmack wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
Softball Bat wrote:Are the Olympics going on?

Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone using a big network of tubes.
Please tell us how Eric Staal or Mikaela Shiffrin were exploited for national sport programs.
I believe that BSmack was speaking in general terms. But you wouldn't know that because for three years you only pay attention to the four largest professional sports & noting else. Every four years you pay attention to amateur sports, but pretty much related to their looks or performances during the games. Beyond that you couldn't give a shit about amateur sports. Your posting of this thread & the way you framed it is evidence of that.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:14 pm
by Kierland
Papa Willie wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 7:18 am
BSmack wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
Softball Bat wrote:Are the Olympics going on?

Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone using a big network of tubes.
I didn't watch it either. First night it was on, NBC was going all political, and I said "nope". Didn't watch another second.
“I didn’t watch it, but I watched it.”

What a fattt Dum Dum.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:41 pm
by Left Seater
Diego in Seattle wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:47 am
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:21 am
BSmack wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:49 am
Did not watch one minute of coverage. The Olympics are an excuse for IOC bribe payments and the exploitation of children for national sport programs. They can all fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone using a big network of tubes.
Please tell us how Eric Staal or Mikaela Shiffrin were exploited for national sport programs.
I believe that BSmack was speaking in general terms. But you wouldn't know that because for three years you only pay attention to the four largest professional sports & noting else. Every four years you pay attention to amateur sports, but pretty much related to their looks or performances during the games. Beyond that you couldn't give a shit about amateur sports. Your posting of this thread & the way you framed it is evidence of that.
Just more projection from the board whipping boy. First I don’t follow the MLB or NBA. 2nd, I follow skiing all the time and multiple other Olympic sports.

But where you really kick your own ass is on the amateur sports comments. I continue to officiate HS football, HS and age group swimming, and financially support scholarships for amateur athletes and their associations. I have served on a special Olympics board and a task force on youth sports lack of officials.

Once again you attempted to run smack on me and it just blows up in your face. What a fucking sad pathetic loser you continue to be.


Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:59 pm
by smackaholic
Every post here, the midget shows his utter lack of reading comp.

Too busy calling people tractors

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Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:12 pm
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:59 pm Every post here, the midget shows his utter lack of reading comp.

Too busy calling people tractors

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He literally just admitted watching it after saying he didn’t you fucking traytorr.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:49 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:41 pm I continue to officiate HS football, HS and age group swimming,
Considering your take on Biles you must be a big Chuck Wielgus guy.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:37 pm
by Left Seater
He is dead. He did some great things for the sport, but none of that matters when he didn't take allegations of assault seriously.

But nice job projecting by you again.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:37 pm
by smackaholic
Papa Willie wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:15 pm
smackaholic wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:59 pm Every post here, the midget shows his utter lack of reading comp.

Too busy calling people tractors

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He still doesn’t get it. 🤣
Pretty obvious he doesn't practice contract law.

OK, shorty, let's see if I can break it down for you.

Spray turned on NBC and after 5 minutes of watching them apologize for the CCP and badmouth 'murica, he said fukk you assholes and changed the channel. This means he can say he didn't watch any of the actual events, which was what we're talking about here.

As for the Olympics in general, during their heyday, the later half of the 20th century, it was pretty much an extension of the cold war. It was us against those heathen commie bastards. The most iconic moment was The Miracle on Ice.

When the Cold War ended, allegedly, interest in the games waned. Allowing pros, which I was for, actually, added to the increased level of WGARAness, IMO. We see these overpaid pro primadonnas all the time, it was kind of nice to see unknown amateurs do stuff.

Now that we have the Cold War warming up in the bullpen, who knows, maybe it will revive interest in the Olympics. Prolly not though. Too much competition for viewers attention.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:38 pm
by Kierland
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:37 pm But job projecting by you again.
Make sure to wear my typo for another decade fatman.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:40 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Left Seater wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:37 pm He is dead. He did some great things for the sport, but none of that matters when he didn't take allegations of assault seriously.

But nice job projecting by you again.
You're in lock-step with Marge Schott:

"Hitler did a lot of great things. He just went a little to far."

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:26 am
by Left Seater
Again with more projection. What I said was none of that matters. But keep making shit up.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:33 am
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:37 pm
Papa Willie wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:15 pm
smackaholic wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:59 pm Every post here, the midget shows his utter lack of reading comp.

Too busy calling people tractors

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He still doesn’t get it. 🤣
Pretty obvious he doesn't practice contract law.

OK, shorty, let's see if I can break it down for you.

Spray turned on NBC and after 5 minutes of watching them apologize for the CCP and badmouth 'murica, he said fukk you assholes and changed the channel. This means he can say he didn't watch any of the actual events, which was what we're talking about here.

As for the Olympics in general, during their heyday, the later half of the 20th century, it was pretty much an extension of the cold war. It was us against those heathen commie bastards. The most iconic moment was The Miracle on Ice.

When the Cold War ended, allegedly, interest in the games waned. Allowing pros, which I was for, actually, added to the increased level of WGARAness, IMO. We see these overpaid pro primadonnas all the time, it was kind of nice to see unknown amateurs do stuff.

Now that we have the Cold War warming up in the bullpen, who knows, maybe it will revive interest in the Olympics. Prolly not though. Too much competition for viewers attention.
Fuck off you fatstupid traytorr. Bsmack said he didn’t watch coverage, fatman said he didn’t either but he did, so take your “I know K law” smack and blow it out your well fucked ass.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 12:45 am
by Kierland
Nice white flag fatman.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:01 pm
by Kierland
Wave it fatman.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:32 am
by Mikey
So I guess she redeemed herself, at least to a certain degree with team and individual all round gold (so far). Though I figure Seater is still suffering from Biles induced limpdick 3 1/2 years later.

Expect Suckaholic in here eventually to claim the judging was crooked and controlled by Democrats.


Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:00 am
by Rootbeer
Does Russian Judge post here?

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:27 pm
by mvscal
From what I understand, the "twisties" are very real. I would think a pilot would understand how dangerous it is to lose your sense of orientation and/or spatial awareness.

Very impressive for her to overcome that and compete again at an elite level.

Re: Biles quits…

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:44 am
by dan's college room mate
mvscal wrote:From what I understand, the "twisties" are very real. I would think a pilot would understand how dangerous it is to lose your sense of orientation and/or spatial awareness.

Very impressive for her to overcome that and compete again at an elite level.
A good pilot actually learns to ignore spatial awareness. Fly the instruments no matter what your inner ear is telling you.

Just ask JFK Jr.

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