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Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:42 am
by Left Seater
Hey let cities decide if they want to be sanctuaries. At the same time let the states and Feds decide if they want to cut funding for said cities.

The double speak by folks like the Mayor of NYC is quite sad. They say potential funding cuts will make their cities less safe while completely ignoring law breakers potentially in their grasp.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:36 pm
by Wolfman
As all this unfolds I keep thinking Michael Savage was correct when he said "liberalism is a mental disorder." How else can these things be explained?

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:33 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Wolfman wrote:As all this unfolds I keep thinking Michael Savage was correct when he said "liberalism is a mental disorder." How else can these things be explained?
He's got it mixed up. It's conservatism that is a mental disorder. It makes people see things that aren't there (like the Bowling Green Massacre).

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:55 pm
by Innocent Bystander
That was the point of the other post, then?

Left Seater has a point, Diego. A very good one. They can't continue to have it both ways.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:58 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Innocent Bystander wrote:That was the point of the other post, then?

Left Seater has a point, Diego. A very good one. They can't continue to have it both ways.
I agree.

Nor can the conservatives have it both ways.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:17 pm
by Smackie Chan
Neither conservatism nor liberalism are mental disorders. They are simply philosophies based on different value systems. The individuals who believe in each of these philosophies want government to operate and behave according to their respective beliefs, and also want everyone else to believe as they do, each secure in the notion that what they believe is right and therefore true, meaning that what the other side believes is wrong and false. When they can't convince other individuals to accept their values and political philosophy, they accuse them of having mental disorders. This is essentially why radical Muslims want to kill all infidels - they refuse to accept that other individuals have a right to believe differently than they do.

Key words in this discussion are belief, values, and philosophy, none of which should be confused with facts or truth. Facts are simply pieces of information proven to be true. But their implications take on different meanings depending on the lenses of beliefs, values, and philosophies through which they are viewed, which can be likened to funhouse mirrors that distort true reflections.

The freedoms Americans have to believe what they want as far as religion and politics go are what supposedly help make us great. It's getting tough to see that lately, though. Accusing those who hold different political views of having mental disorders simply by virtue of holding those beliefs is akin to an Episcopalian accusing a Baptist of being mentally disabled for subscribing to a different religion. There is plenty of ammunition on both sides of the political spectrum to support belief in either conservatism or liberalism. And there are plenty of opposing values from which to choose that will inform political viewpoints. None (well, almost none) are right or wrong - they're just different. Sure, government and society would be much different and likely easier to manage if everyone believed the same way. But that wouldn't be America. And it hopefully never will be.

Diego intimates that only conservatives buy into fake news reports. Gullibility or being taken in by that which is not true has nothing to do with political philosophy. Yet the lens through which Diego views facts might lead him to believe otherwise. Sam believes California should secede because a buncha folks were arrested there for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children, the implication being that the state as a whole values such activity counter to what the rest of the nation values and should therefore separate itself from the Union, much like the South did prior to the Civil War based on its differing values regarding slavery and states' rights. I'm sure both of them were being somewhat tongue-in-cheek regarding what they posted, but only somewhat. It is true that California has among, if not the, highest rate of human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children due to its population, location on the border, high immigrant population, and its large economy. Texas, New York, and Florida are also high on the list for similar reasons. But none of those states' general populations value human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children; in fact, I'm sure they all find it to be as abhorrent as Sam does. The fact that law enforcement in CA rounded up as many offenders as they did during the operation is a testament to that.

I've been merely an observer rather than a participant of political discussions on this board for several years now, and for a number of reasons. Among them are that no one cares, nor should they, about what I think. Another being that no one is ever swayed by the beliefs of others here. It's kinda like watching a science project being conducted. It's also at varying times amusing, disheartening, annoying, and enlightening. And while I believe that some of you do indeed suffer from mental disorders, they do not spring from your political beliefs. They result from you just being a buncha dick slappin' knuckle draggin' forehead slopin' retards.

Keep up the good work.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:23 pm
by Dinsdale

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:28 pm
by Mikey
:lol: :lol:

In 'Bama they don't arrest anybody for it.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:02 pm
by Mikey
Sudden Sam wrote: ... tion-lasd/

474 Arrested, 28 Sexually Exploited Children Rescued During Statewide Human Trafficking Operation: LASD

In total, 474 arrests were made, including 142 males on solicitation charges, and 36 males on suspicion of pimping, according to figures provided by the Sheriff’s Department.

Additionally, 28 commercially and sexually exploited children and 27 adult victims were rescued.
Great Britain is being hit with a shortage of lettuce, courgettes and aubergines.

You'd best be thankful for California, else you might be stuck eating grits and chitlins three times a day. ... 00501.html

Waiting for Dins's fact check...

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Fact check what? Southerners eating grits?

What I do know is that 10% of everything Americans eat comes from the Central Valley.

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:18 pm
by Mikey
Dinsdale wrote:Fact check what? Southerners eating grits?

What I do know is that 10% of everything Americans eat comes from the Central Valley.
I think CA is only about third or fourth nationally in aubergine production, and maybe about the same in courgettes as well.

Hard to find summer squash production broken out by type, but Oregon may produce more than CA

Re: California - PLEASE secede

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:14 am
by Y2K
Good lord..
Rack SC