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Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
Ryan’s as nutty as Romney. Birds of a feather, and whatnot.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:40 pm
by BSmack
No matter who gets the nod, they will HAVE to have flawless conservative credibility. That rules out Rice or Colin Powell. They just aren't seen as down for the "values voters" cause.

Ryan is too pasty. It will look like the country club ticket.

I'd say the smart money is on Rubio. Unless Rubio doesn't want it. He may well be keeping his powder dry for is own Presidential run.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:03 pm
by Wolfman
My best guess is Marco Rubio. He'll solidify FL and probably garner enough support elsewhere. He is the real deal to me and may well end up in the White House. Here's another thing in play down here. State Senator Lizbeth Benaquisto is getting a huge promotion with mailings, TV ads, etc. I think she is being set up to take Rubio's US Senate seat. Time will tell. Ryan will stay in Congress and may well end up as Speaker soon.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:08 pm
by Goober McTuber
Wolfman wrote:Ryan will stay in Congress and may well end up as Speaker soon.
Or his constituents will wake up and send his ass packing in November.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:53 pm
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:
Wolfman wrote:Ryan will stay in Congress and may well end up as Speaker soon.
Or his constituents will wake up and send his ass packing in November.
By the same voters who sent Scott Walker packing? Oh, wait...they didn't.

Yes, you remain a pitifully deluded moron.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:56 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Wolfman wrote:Ryan will stay in Congress and may well end up as Speaker soon.
Or his constituents will wake up and send his ass packing in November.
By the same voters who sent Scott Walker packing? Oh, wait...they didn't.

Yes, you remain a pitifully deluded moron.
And you remain pathically uninformed about Wisconsin politics. It would be amusing to see that chucklehead as Speaker of the House.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:09 pm
by smackaholic
Wolfman wrote:My best guess is Marco Rubio. He'll solidify FL and probably garner enough support elsewhere. He is the real deal to me and may well end up in the White House. Here's another thing in play down here. State Senator Lizbeth Benequisto is getting a huge promotion with mailings, TV ads, etc. I think she is being set up to take Rubio's US Senate seat. Time will tell. Ryan will stay in Congress and may well end up as Speaker soon.
I would like to see West take Rubio's seat. Then maybe a Rubio/West ticket after Mitt.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:23 pm
by mvscal
West is a tard. He's fine right where he is. He's wrapped too tight for higher office. Rubio seems like the conventional wisdom pick at this point. He should be able to help in Floriduh and isn't too revolting to conservatives.

He still seems awful young to me for VP at 41. Nixon was 40 when he was VP but he had already been a Congressman and Senator at that point.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:31 pm
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:West is a tard. He's fine right where he is. He's wrapped too tight for higher office. Rubio seems like the conventional wisdom pick at this point. He should be able to help in Floriduh and isn't too revolting to conservatives.

He still seems awful young to me for VP at 41. Nixon was 40 when he was VP but he had already been a Congressman and Senator at that point.
He is a bit young, but, he's a sharp fukker and Willard absolutely can not afford to lose florida. The way Obongo is shamelessly sucking up to the spics, he just might be able to pull it off. Rubio on the ticket should prevent this.

And the nice thing is, Barry's shamless hispanic cum guzzling will not win him any favor among the brothas that compete for those lower wage yobs. If Mitt and Marco point this out well enough, they could skim enough black votes or at least cause them to sit on the couch rather than vote, to win a state or two. I think this tactic could swing PA his way. And if Barry looses PA, you can stick a fork in his semi-black ass.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:38 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
When Barry wins this election, the only thing you need to come away with, is how utterly broken the GOP is.

This isn't the "Party Of Reagan". Hasn't been for a long time.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:07 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:And the nice thing is, Barry's shamless hispanic cum guzzling will not win him any favor among the brothas that compete for those lower wage yobs.
Nigggers will do what they're told and vote in lockstep as directed by their Massa's in the Democrat party. No different than every other moron in coal country who voted for Barry O'Buttfuck despite his promise to put them all out of work.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:11 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote: Nigggers will do what they're told...

You don't hold your fellow Americans in very high regard, do you?

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:24 pm
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote: Nigggers will do what they're told...

You don't hold your fellow Americans in very high regard, do you?
No, not particularly. Should I?

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:50 pm
by Goober McTuber
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote: Nigggers will do what they're told...

You don't hold your fellow Americans in very high regard, do you?

He doesn’t hold himself in very high regard. Haven’t you been listening to LTS? :wink:

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:48 pm
by Carson
mvscal wrote:Nigggers will do what they're told and vote in lockstep as directed by their Massa's in the Democrat party. No different than every other moron in coal country who voted for Barry O'Buttfuck despite his promise to put them all out of work.
Case in Point: George Wallace all but swept the black vote the last time he ran for governor, despite being a national figurehead for racism.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:30 am
by War Wagon
Rob Portman if he wants to win Ohio. Florida is already in the bag.

Bobby Jindal if he wants the best candidate.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:10 am
by War Wagon
Yes, Jindal, and he's very much a part of the conversation. Much more so than Condi, you nitwit. You probably detest him because he's 100% pro-life and adamantly against gay marriage.

Sucks for you he's your governor, eh?

I think he's one smart feller and would be an asset to Romney in booting Obama from the White House.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:29 am
by Derron
smackaholic wrote: And the nice thing is, Barry's shamless hispanic cum guzzling will not win him any favor among the brothas that compete for those lower wage yobs.
You normally have pretty solid takes here holic..but what fucking planet are you on with this one ? The spics taking yobs from the brothers ? And the brothers are going to be pissed about it ??

Last time I looked, the spics done wrapped up all those yobs a long fucking time ago. Much to the brothers pleasure of course...spics will actually give you a solid 8 hours of labor, and if they don't, there is about 800 more waiting to take their job when you shit can them.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:34 am
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:We can, and should, do better.
I agree that we can do much better than Biden. He reminds me of Howard Dean.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:35 am
by poptart
Jindal comes off a bit too much as 'that little brown blabbermouth who's face belongs rubbed in the dirt.'

Romney's 2012 objective: Make the race about Obama... and specifically his economic failure.

VP selection strategy: Have it be a quiet selection. One which will draw no unnecessary drama or attention. If it's a person who can help with the electoral map, good.

Portman (Ohio) would make some sense, but it might come off as a little too much of an electoral play by Romney.
Also, Portman has some Bush ties and that could be a bit spooky.
I'm thinking no.

Rubio makes some electoral and hispanic sense.
He's bright, energetic, well spoken, and appealing to many people.
He's young, though, and a Rubio selection wouldn't exactly fit the 'quiet' criteria all that well.
I think Romney passes on this idea.

The balck woman thang, yes.
But George Bush?
'Nuff said.
She won't be the pick, imo.

Could make electoral sense.
Ryan is strong (among conservatives) with his economic views, but because he has been very visible with his budget, this might be too much of a 'splash' choice, imo.
The "I'm a douche... just like Mitt" angle might be too strong, also.
Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
I think no.

Mitch Daniels?
I understand that Purdue just named him new prez, but I haven't heard Daniels verify that he's taking the post.
Quiet, solid, midwestern guy (who could have appeal to Ohioans?)
I think this is the guy.

Even though there are reasons to say it isn't going to be Daniels, I'll call my shot and tell you numbnuts that it will be him.

You can suck my nut now.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:49 am
by War Wagon
poptart wrote:Romney's 2012 objective: Make the race about Obama... and specifically his economic failure.
Pretty much what Jindal has been doing, and quite effectively.
Governor Bobby Jindal has launched yet another attack on the US President by alleging that Barack Obama’s re-election campaign message is “divide and blame” and not “hope and change” of his 2008 campaign.

“In 2008, President Obama campaigned on a message of ‘Hope and Change’ (On) Thursday, speaking in Ohio, the President announced his re-election campaign message of ‘Divide and Blame’,” Jindal wrote in an op-ed on the CNN website.

Jindal is said to be among those short listed as the Vice President running mate of Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

The first Indian American governor of a US State, Jindal said Obama cannot ask Americans if they are better off than they were four years ago, and so is trying to blame others for his record.

Over half a million fewer Americans have jobs today than when he took office, he charged.

“After his advisors projected that his USD 800 billion stimulus bill would keep unemployment below eight per cent, it has remained above that benchmark for a record 40 months and counting.

“Median family net worth has hit a two-decade low, median household income has declined, more than 30 per cent of borrowers are underwater on their mortgage, 23 million Americans remain unemployed or underemployed, and half of college graduates this year come out of school unemployed or underemployed,” he said.

This is the second time in less than a month that Jindal has launched a scathing attack on Obama.

Early this month Jindal alleged Obama’s administration is a nexus of liberalism and incompetence.

“The Obama admin(istration) is at the nexus of liberalism and incompetence and together that’s a deadly combination,” Jindal said in his remarks at the Chicago meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Writing for CNN, Jindal said being President is a hard job.

“One of the hardest parts is that you can’t just make excuses. Harry Truman understood this. It’s just not allowed from the president of the United States. Excuses make the president look small and weak. It is frankly a little embarrassing,” he wrote.

“The President himself promised, after being elected, that if he didn’t get the economy fixed in three years, then his presidency was ‘going to be a one-term proposition’ President Clinton, speaking in 2010 at the same spot where the President spoke Thursday, said ‘Give us two more years. If it doesn’t work, vote us out’ Good advice. That was then. Now, the president is basically saying that he is a victim of circumstances, and we are all victims,” Jindal wrote.

“Thursday’s speech was also a speech of class warfare. The other campaign President Obama announced is a class warfare campaign of division. He plans to divide America along class lines, gender lines, party lines, age lines and any other lines he can find. He will run a campaign of rich against poor, men against women, Democrats against Republicans, young against old and liberals against conservatives,” he said.

Jindal said Obama’s entire philosophy can be encapsulated in one little line toward the end of his speech.

“He suggested we should put money into infrastructure and ’do some nation building here at home’ While this may be a cute turn of phrase, and certainly polls well, it is all you need to know about the outlook of this President.

“He believes that this nation was built by the government, and that more government spending is the key to our future.

This is a speech that should have been delivered in France,” Jindal said.
Rack it.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:30 am
by poptart
I don't think Jindal enhances anything electorally.

The first Indian American governor of a US State...

Bobby Jindal, the first...

A bit more flash than Romney ought to be looking for, imo.

Not saying it can't happen, but I'd be surprised if the magic underwear man went that route.

B. Jindal is doing fine right now as Mitt's bubbly little toy attack dog.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:55 am
by Bizzarofelice
Romney is a spineless bitch. No backbone.

Bobby Jindal would have been the person Romney would have ganged up on with his other magical underwear types and unwound the young Jindal's turban.

Bobby Jindal doesn't make up for the fact that the Mormon is a spineless bitch.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:14 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Whoever Romney picks, it should be a balance out the ticket.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:56 am
by poptart
A 'solid' Christian vp (and tea party fliend) will help Mr. Christian Sheep rationalize his vote for the heretic... just for the sake of preventing satan himself from earning another 4 years, yes.

Very wise, Marty.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:09 pm
by Goober McTuber
Derron wrote:
smackaholic wrote: And the nice thing is, Barry's shamless hispanic cum guzzling will not win him any favor among the brothas that compete for those lower wage yobs.
You normally have pretty solid takes here holic..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Word on the street is that Bobby Jindal was born in Mumbai. We’re going to need to see his birth certificate.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:34 pm
by poptart
Sam wrote:flies in the face


Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:36 pm
by smackaholic
Derron wrote:
smackaholic wrote: And the nice thing is, Barry's shamless hispanic cum guzzling will not win him any favor among the brothas that compete for those lower wage yobs.
You normally have pretty solid takes here holic..but what fucking planet are you on with this one ? The spics taking yobs from the brothers ? And the brothers are going to be pissed about it ??

Last time I looked, the spics done wrapped up all those yobs a long fucking time ago. Much to the brothers pleasure of course...spics will actually give you a solid 8 hours of labor, and if they don't, there is about 800 more waiting to take their job when you shit can them.
The U&R is a little different from the U&L when it comes to spic demographics. We have PRs and not so many messicans. PRs don't go so much for the construction yobs like the messicans do. They go for other menial jobs and being US citizens they also go for the gubmint jobs, which happens to be the single greatest path to the middle class for blacks.

So, in my neck of the woods, they are competing for the same yobs.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:51 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Nice variation of IKYABWAI. Your stupidity knows no bounds.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:22 pm
by LTS TRN 2
C'mon guys, isn't anyone awake? the robot from Kolob is going with Indiana guv Mitch Daniels, another lock-step lunatic dedicated to Permanent War and national suicide. Fat Boy from Joisy crapped out, crazy MILF from South Carolina is a little too loud and unstable for the old boys, while Rubio is a slimy little punk who has made a fake career out of hounding Castro. Condi is a total disgrace--surely the most incompetent and catastrophic National Security adviser and Secy of State ever, and she's properly despised. Gee, how come Jeb Bush isn't on any list?

As for the petty and humorless bigotry offered by the usual idiots here, well, if Barry is Oniggna, what does that make Clarence Thomas (an actual black man)? And if we regard Mitt's Mormonism as disgusting--and I agree--than what about Harry Reid's? You see, even you're childish and bratty bigotry is weak and hollow. All you care about is dutifully propping the Limpdick (Koch brothers) line. :doh:

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:21 pm
by MadRussian
LTS TRN 2 wrote:C'mon guys, isn't anyone awake? the robot from Kolob is going with Indiana guv Mitch Daniels, another lock-step lunatic dedicated to Permanent War and national suicide. Fat Boy from Joisy crapped out, crazy MILF from South Carolina is a little too loud and unstable for the old boys, while Rubio is a slimy little punk who has made a fake career out of hounding Castro. Condi is a total disgrace--surely the most incompetent and catastrophic National Security adviser and Secy of State ever, and she's properly despised. Gee, how come Jeb Bush isn't on any list?

As for the petty and humorless bigotry offered by the usual idiots here, well, if Barry is Oniggna, what does that make Clarence Thomas (an actual black man)? And if we regard Mitt's Mormonism as disgusting--and I agree--than what about Harry Reid's? You see, even you're childish and bratty bigotry is weak and hollow. All you care about is dutifully propping the Limpdick (Koch brothers) line. :doh:
Please deep throat a bullet train, thanks.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:00 am
by LTS TRN 2
Hi, I love Jesus, power, Jesus. and Permanent (and conclusive) War. Hi...

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:57 am
by Dan Vogel
I think it's going to be Rubio.

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:41 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
poptart wrote:Portman (Ohio) would make some sense, but . . .
Portman has some Bush ties and that could be a bit spooky.
I'm thinking no.

. . . .

. . .
But George Bush?
'Nuff said.
She won't be the pick, imo.

. . .

Mitch Daniels?
. . .
I think this is the guy.
Ummm, you do know where Daniels cut his political teeth, no?

(Hint: it's the same Presidential Administration whose connections, you say, disqualify Portman and Condi.)
Bizzarofelice wrote:Bobby Jindal would have been the person Romney would have ganged up on with his other magical underwear types and unwound the young Jindal's turban.
^^^ This. Jindal has no chance of being Romney's running mate.

Oh, and even if that weren't the case, while I'm not entirely convinced that Goober is right about his birthplace (fwiw, Wikipedia, admittedly not the most reliable site, claim it's Baton Rouge), there's no dispute that his parents were immigrants. Isn't that why the birthers claim Obama is ineligible to be President, so it follows that they should make the same claim about Jindal, right? But then again, Jindal has an R after his name. So no, no they won't.

And Ryan won't be the pick. Picking Ryan would mean putting the Ryan Plan front and center in the campaign. While I have no doubt that Rmoney wants to implement it if elected, he doesn't want it to see the light of day during the campaign, because it will scare off moderate independents. That rules Ryan out, although I could see him as Treasury Secretary if Rmoney wins the election.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:08 pm
by Goober McTuber
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm not entirely convinced that Goober is right about his birthplace

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:47 pm
by War Wagon
Terry in Crapchester wrote: there's no dispute that his parents were immigrants. Isn't that why the birthers claim Obama is ineligible to be President, so it follows that they should make the same claim about Jindal, right?
Right.... what? :lol:

Nice leap there.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:50 am
by poptart
Terry wrote:Ummm, you do know where Daniels cut his political teeth, no?

(Hint: it's the same Presidential Administration whose connections, you say, disqualify Portman and Condi.)
In the public psyche, Rice, as sec of state for Bush, is recognized as being tied directly to his hip.

I think that'd be a problem, and yes, would virtually disqualify her as a realistic choice for Romney.

I would not say Portman's Bush association would disqualify him, but just that it would be a hurdle.

In Daniels' case, he was Director of OMB in the first two years of Bush's presidency.
That's going back a ways - and the first budget he submitted had very deep spending cuts, but was not approved by Congress.

I don't think many people would really associate him closely in their mind with George Bush, and would view him as being a pretty serious fiscal hawk.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:05 am
by mvscal
poptart wrote:
Terry wrote:Ummm, you do know where Daniels cut his political teeth, no?

(Hint: it's the same Presidential Administration whose connections, you say, disqualify Portman and Condi.)
In the public psyche, Rice, as sec of state for Bush, is recognized as being tied directly to his hip.

I think that'd be a problem, and yes, would virtually disqualify her as a realistic choice for Romney.

I would not say Portman's Bush association would disqualify him, but just that it would be a hurdle.

In Daniels' case, he was Director of OMB in the first two years of Bush's presidency.
That's going back a ways - and the first budget he submitted had very deep spending cuts, but was not approved by Congress.

I don't think many people would really associate him closely in their mind with George Bush, and would view him as being a pretty serious fiscal hawk.

Correct. Daniels "cut his political teeth" as Governor of Indiana.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:00 am
by Terry in Crapchester
War Wagon wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote: there's no dispute that his parents were immigrants. Isn't that why the birthers claim Obama is ineligible to be President, so it follows that they should make the same claim about Jindal, right?
Right.... what? :lol:

Nice leap there.
The birthers claim that Obama can't be a "natural born citizen," regardless of his place of birth, because his father was not a citizen.

That's applying a tougher standard, retroactively, than the Constitution calls for. It also flies in the face of history -- Obama is not the first President who is the son of an immigrant.

My question was will they apply that tougher standard to Jindal? But since he has an R after his name, no, no they won't.

Re: Romney's VP, call it

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:16 pm
by War Wagon
Terry in Crapchester wrote:The birthers claim that Obama can't be a "natural born citizen," regardless of his place of birth, because his father was not a citizen.
What planet do you live on?

The birther claims have nothing to do with his father.