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Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:38 am
by poptart

It's starting.


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:43 am
by Tom In VA
Fuckin' A, man the headlines today are unfucking real.

Tsunami, Earthquake, Civil War all over the place, Christ, I hope nobody is thinking about a Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:37 am
by smackaholic
my uncle's jehovah witness wife (sorry, I can't call her auntie, she's two weeks older than me) must be giddy about this. everytime there's the slightest bit of an earfquake, she goes into full rapture mode on FB.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:48 pm
by MuchoBulls
Just read on twitter that Japan has already reported 6,884 reported deaths.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:08 pm
by The Seer
Tell Japan not to worry. With our unlimited cash surplus, we will be delivering a blank check to help bail them out.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:25 pm
by Moby Dick
The Seer wrote:Tell Japan not to worry. With our unlimited cash surplus, we will be delivering a blank check to help bail them out.

isnt that like giving your kids 50 bucks to get you something for your Bday?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:13 pm
by Screw_Michigan
The Seer wrote:Tell Japan not to worry. With our unlimited cash surplus, we will be delivering a blank check to help bail them out.
Yes, after we've wasted all that money in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Go fuck yourself, cunt.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:16 pm
by mvscal
All of what money? The war has cost nothing more than spare change in couch cushions compared to the orgy of spending your stupid niggger president has indulged in the last two years.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:33 pm
by Dinsdale
Papa Willie wrote:God DAMN you should see this tsunami coverage.

God DAMN, you should see what it's like on the Left Coast.

The small surge in Hawaii is good news.

Since they revamped the warning system (since the old one didn't work, and Evil W was pretty adamant on fixing it after Indonesia), this is the first time it went off. Apparently, it's a success, since it woke every non-deaf motherfucker on the Coast up. And a few of them might even be able to get out of town after the lines at the gas station (not too many 24 hours stations at the Coast), and then the lines to get on the hiway out of town.

I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Q, West Coast for at least a few hours -- they were predicting the biggest waves down south, right around his neck of the woods... assuming he's not a heavy sleeper.

The NOAA is building their new HQ in Newport ($20 mil of your tax dollars at work, to claim global warming is causing _______ this week). They just had someone involved in the construction on the local news (the building sits on pilings in the water, just inside Yaquina Bay), and dude says it's the exact wrong point during the construction to deal with a tsunami, since they just got pilings/piers in, and they're not secured. If that does come to fruition (there seems to be a formula -- whatever the dickweeds predict for carnage, multiply it by a factor of 0.3 and it's probably in the ballpark.

Been 47 years since anyone died in a tsunami in Oregon (and they were californians, so they don't count for full value), and hopefully by the end of this morning, that streak stays intact.

City Hall could be burning to the ground right now, and the newsies wouldn't know it... it'a allll tsunami, all the time. Which has already produced some priceless moments...

One local channel has a reporter right on the boardwalk in Seaside (right above the beach... GOOOOOO DARWIN!!!!!). After being asked if there were any signs of the tsunami (30 minutes after the NOAA said it would hit, based on the always-accurate computer models, that also said two adjacent beaches would get hit 12 minutes apart... funny stuff) he said something to the æffect of... and you can't make this shit up..

Dude responds "well, I've been watching the surf for about two hours, and noted some landmarks on the beach. The tsunami must be getting close, because over the last two hours, the marks that were on the edge of the surf are now slightly underwater."

No, dude actually said that. I was embarrassed for him. Although I guess it was his lucky day, since it was obviously his first trip to the beach -- if not for the reporting assignment, he'd be the DB that loses his shoes on the beach because for some odd, super-mysterious, inexplicable reason, the water came up.

Gotta give props to the head of the state geology department they had on, though -- the cameras they have trained on the beach had some happy-go-lucky beachcomber dude walking by, right as they were split-screen interviewing geology dude, who, live on air, said beachcomber dude was "just doing his part to clean up the gene pool." I laughed like a mofo.

Some of these reporters (and the reporters who are at the station to head to the Coast at 3AM are always the cream-of-the-crop) are a hoot. Since there's rough surf on an incoming tide in March on the North Coast, it must have something to do with the quake in Japan.

Surf's actually rough as all get out this morning (not the slightest bit unusual this time of year).

We're over an hours past when the geniuses at the NOAA said the surge was coming. Ain't seen it yet. Although, some places on the Coast, especially the northern part, it starts to get shallow a ways off the shoreline, which would theoretically make any incoming surge much higher than open ocean, or Hawaii... we'll see how that works out. If I didn't have stuff to do, and it was a little later in the day, I'd trek on down to Seaside (I assume the warrant they have on me has expired by now... over parking in the wrong place), and hike on up Tillamook Head (which is nowhere near Tillamook), and sit on the cliff (must be 500' up), and dangle my legs over the edge, crack a beer, and watch the show. But I guess I'll get some work done instead.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:08 pm
by Sirfindafold
Poor Chuck Sheen. For the first time in a week, he's not the lead story.

What else did you expect from the liberal leaning main stream media?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:33 pm
by War Wagon
These are houses washed out to sea after the tsunami receded. :shock:

I've never seen anything like this. Unfuckingreal.

Makes me glad I live 1,500 miles from the nearest ocean.


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:57 pm
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:The war has cost nothing more than spare change in couch cushions
Your imbecility is simply breathtaking.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:58 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:These are houses washed out to sea after the tsunami receded. :shock:

I've never seen anything like this. Unfuckingreal.
How soon they forget.


The Boxing Day Tsunami

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:05 pm
by Goober McTuber
Stunning headline from CNN:

Travelers urged to stay away from Japan

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:11 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
War Wagon wrote:Image

For some reason, all I can think of is some dude in a huge cruise ship putting around the harbor as some family is sitting on top of their house as it makes it way out to sea. The two collide. Some dude in the cruise ship yells out, "Hey, you scratched my anchor!"

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:12 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
Dinsdale wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:God DAMN you should see this tsunami coverage.

I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Q, West Coast for at least a few hours -- they were predicting the biggest waves down south, right around his neck of the woods... assuming he's not a heavy sleeper.
Turned out to be little more than rough seas. A bit further south around Crescent City and Eureka there was significant harbor damage but not up here. Kindof a letdown for the local media and redneck thrill-seekers.
BSmack wrote:
War Wagon wrote:These are houses washed out to sea after the tsunami receded. :shock:

I've never seen anything like this. Unfuckingreal.
How soon they forget.


The Boxing Day Tsunami
From a pure mother nature flexing her muscles standpoint this one is much more impressive than 2004, even though 04 was much more of human tragedy due to the high-density and underdeveloped nature of the populations hit.

But man, have you seen this shit today? It's movie CGI shit! Crazy!

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:22 pm
by BSmack
Q, West Coast Style wrote:From a pure mother nature flexing her muscles standpoint this one is much more impressive than 2004, even though 04 was much more of human tragedy due to the high-density and underdeveloped nature of the populations hit.

But man, have you seen this shit today? It's movie CGI shit! Crazy!
Have you seen the before and after satellite shots of Banda Aceh? Those folks got hit by a surge nearly 100 feet tall. The only reason this one looks more impressive is because they didn't have aerial video going on in Indonesia.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:57 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
BSmack wrote:The only reason this one looks more impressive is because they didn't have aerial video going on in Indonesia.

Thats sorta the point here. You can't travel 3 feet without tripping over a camera in Japan.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:01 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No surprise, but the lunatic GOP slash 'n burn agenda has decided to CUT the earthquake warning system. Apparently the government ( :twisted: those fucks!!!) shouldn't be sucking our money into some wasteful crap--that probably doesn't even exist...!!

WASHINGTON — A spending plan approved by the House would slash funding for a tsunami warning center that issued an alarm after the devastating earthquake in Japan.

The plan approved by the GOP-controlled House last month would trigger deep cuts for the National Weather Service, including the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.

A union representing workers at the tsunami center said the proposed cuts could result in furloughs and rolling closures of National Weather Service offices.

Barry Hirshorn, Pacific region chairman of the National Weather Service Employees Organization, said the GOP bill would affect the center's ability to issue warnings similar to those issued after Thursday's earthquake in Japan.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:32 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wow, Sam, you are really firing on all cylinders there. Oooh boy, that's a zinger.

Problem's no joke. Oh sure, you could have some union government worker ( :evil: ahhhh, kill them all...the horror..) warning you about some earthquake (non-man made and occurring naturally for thousands of years!) at tax-payer expense, or you could earn the safety of preparation and low-taxes and a non-regulated second amendment approach to our Exceptionalism. The choice is obvious...

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:40 pm
by The Seer
Screw_Michigan wrote: Yes, after we've wasted all that money in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It's okay for you to belong to the cult of the incredibly stupid. It's okay that you haven't an ounce of common sense. There's medication, counseling, and electro shock that you can try.

But what IS odd is your penchant for insisting on proving all the above on a daily basis here on this board. Maybe message board anonymity is your only avenue left for "expression". Which village is missing their idiot (iodot)?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:46 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What are you pretending to disagree with, Seer? You forgot to mention. What, that we've effectively poured over a trillion dollars down the drain in Iraq alone? And that we're seemingly committed to a permanent similar sinkhole in Afghanistan? Are you suggesting that a trillion dollars wouldn't fix most, if not all of our current fiscal quagmires? Are you twelve years old?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:01 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What are you pretending to disagree with, Seer? You forgot to mention. What, that we've effectively poured over a trillion dollars down the drain in Iraq alone?
Uh, no. We "effectively" haven't. Try 710 billion, fucktard.


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote: Uh, no. We "effectively" haven't. Try 710 billion, fucktard.
HA! TAKE THAT, traitors!

It was ONLY 710 billion, NOT 1 trillion!


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
As usual, you're not counting the additional hundreds of billions required for medical treatment for the hundreds of thousands of American servicemen who are permanently damaged.

But quit weaseling around like a little rat. The issue here is the ludicrous--but predictable--effort of the GOP to cut the freakin' earthquake warning system. And make no mistake, their purpose is to weaken yet another union, etc.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:13 pm
by BSmack
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
BSmack wrote:The only reason this one looks more impressive is because they didn't have aerial video going on in Indonesia.

Thats sorta the point here. You can't travel 3 feet without tripping over a camera in Japan.
In dense urban areas it is two feet.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:13 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As usual, you're not counting the additional hundreds of billions required for medical treatment for the hundreds of thousands of American servicemen who are permanently damaged.
Well that would be more than the VA's entire budget. How long will it take us to reach your imaginary figure?

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:29 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:A union representing workers at the tsunami center said the proposed cuts could result in furloughs and rolling closures of National Weather Service offices.
When was the last time some loudmouthed union asshole didn't threaten the most dire form of diaster if so much as one thin dime of his budget was cut?

That card doesn't play anymore.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:06 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As usual, you're not counting the additional hundreds of billions required for medical treatment for the hundreds of thousands of American servicemen who are permanently damaged.
Well that would be more than the VA's entire budget. How long will it take us to reach your imaginary figure?
You mean the VA budget that the GOP wants to cut? Well, the fact is that many of these damaged men have not yet run up the bills for their necessary treatment. The cost has been estimated at about 700 billion for the basic rehab, etc.
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:A union representing workers at the tsunami center said the proposed cuts could result in furloughs and rolling closures of National Weather Service offices.
When was the last time some loudmouthed union asshole didn't threaten the most dire form of diaster if so much as one thin dime of his budget was cut?

That card doesn't play anymore.
Sure, get those union fucks, Avi. They're stealing from us. Let's just privatize and deregulate everything. What could go wrong? I mean it worked great for the financial industry, right? :wink:

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:35 pm
by The Seer
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What are you pretending to disagree with, Seer? You forgot to mention. What, that we've effectively poured over a trillion dollars down the drain in Iraq alone? And that we're seemingly committed to a permanent similar sinkhole in Afghanistan? Are you suggesting that a trillion dollars wouldn't fix most, if not all of our current fiscal quagmires? Are you twelve years old?
I was commenting on screwy's ability in mass marketing his stupidity on a regular basis...the collective works, if you will....

Most in here would be content to utilize drones to target bomb and bring back the troops, reduce costs and keep killing we kind of agree there...reduce costs.....

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:43 pm
by Carson
Only jizzmopper and FUK STK 2 could turn this thread into a political discussion.

Back to the topic: What makes this disaster bigger than 2004 are the out-of-control nuclear reactors that stand a good chance of letting Godzilla out.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:52 pm
by mvscal
Carson wrote:Back to the topic: What makes this disaster bigger than 2004 are the out-of-control nuclear reactors that stand a good chance of letting Godzilla out.
Well except that their reactors aren't out of control.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:19 am
by Q, West Coast Style

BTW, no Godzilla smack, yet? We've all gotten soft and PC with age.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:46 am
by Carson
mvscal wrote:
Carson wrote:Back to the topic: What makes this disaster bigger than 2004 are the out-of-control nuclear reactors that stand a good chance of letting Godzilla out.
Well except that their reactors aren't out of control.
I'm sure you're a fugging nuke expert, too.


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:50 am
by OCmike
Dinsdale wrote:GOOOOO DARWIN!
They're now reporting that five Californians in Crescent City are presumed dead after they went down to the beach to take pictures of the tsunami and were swept out to sea by the waves. :doh:

Hopefully they at least got the pics up on Facebook before they drowned.


Ernest and Gladys checked in at the beach
Tagged: Tsunami

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:34 am
by smackaholic
War Wagon wrote:Makes me glad I live 1,500 miles from the nearest ocean.
^^^^^makes me glad i attended a school system where geography was on the curriculum.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:48 am
by OCmike
Carson wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Carson wrote:Back to the topic: What makes this disaster bigger than 2004 are the out-of-control nuclear reactors that stand a good chance of letting Godzilla out.
Well except that their reactors aren't out of control.
I'm sure you're a fugging nuke expert, too.

I went to two years of Navy Nuclear Power school. Is that good enough?

This won't end up like Three Mile Island (partial reactor core meltdown and partial loss of containment). There was a design flaw at the TMI plant that prevented the control rods from fully dropping when the cooling system failed, thus allowing an uncooled fission reaction to continue until it melted down. The Jap's facility does not have that flaw.

The control rods are raised and lowered by electric motors to initiate and then control the level of reaction. When power fails to the reactor, the control rods effectively just drop to the bottom of the reactor core. They're basically giant neutron sponges that absorb free-roaming neutrons and bring the fission reaction rate effectively to zero. The Japs claim that the control rods dropped in all plants. As long as they're not lying, a Three Mile Island accident can't happen, since there's no (or extremely minimal) fission going on. No fission = no new heat generated.

The real problem for the Japs is that their backup diesel cooling systems aren't working at some of the plants. So you have all of that residual heat built up in a system with high temperature water in a pipe system where pressure is dropping rapidly, and the heat exchanger pumps (that cool the coolant via salt water condensers) are idle. Even if the reactor isn't generating any new heat (control rods shut it down), the lowered pressure in the pipes will make water flash to steam and expand, resulting in pressure buildups in piping that's not meant to handle that level of pressure. So you're left with two options: Open relief valves and release highly-irradiated steam into the air (pretty much a cancer cloud) or wait until a welded seam or pipe joint bursts and release ALL OF IT in one big uncontrolled KA-BOOSH! of radioactive steam and water. In case you haven't figured it out, option #2 is really fucking bad.

Ultimately they'll have no choice but to periodically manually release controlled bursts of steam until the backup cooling systems are brought back online. But even then they aren't out of the danger zone. You can't just fire the pumps back up and magically cool everything down. Saltwater from the Pacific is about 60 degrees +/-. What do you think happens if you splash 60 degree water into a condenser that's 200+ degrees? See: Uncontrolled KA-BOOSH! above.

So technically, mvscal is right. As long as they're able to periodically release irradiated steam into the atmosphere, they're fine...assuming the control rods have completely ceased the fission reaction in all reactors. And honestly, that's a pretty safe assumption. Modern day reactors have about twenty different redundant safety systems, all of which have "drop control rods NOW" as automated step #1 when anything goes wrong.

The only real danger remaining is to any population in the area that doesn't evacuate if the winds switch and start blowing inland while the reactors still need to release steam to lower piping pressure. And in case you're wondering just how irradiated the water is, the way that it's heated up is that it actually touches the radioactive fuel rods during the fission reaction. So it's basically gamma juice.

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:54 am
by MuchoBulls
Toddowen wrote: And I'm going to have to revisit this one in the near future.

This may be more appropriate


Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:45 am
by LTS TRN 2
Toddowen wrote:
Carson wrote:Only jizzmopper and FUK STK 2 could turn this thread into a political discussion.

Back to the topic: What makes this disaster bigger than 2004 are the out-of-control nuclear reactors that stand a good chance of letting Godzilla out.

Guess what, Goldielocks, it's gonna get a hell of lot more political in about three hours if that Japanese nuke plant melts down. Get it? Or are you just sucking cheese-whiz straight from the aerosol can--again? Ya see, it ain't Godzirra that's coming out, it's the U.S. plans for sneaking back into the nuclear power racket going up in smoke. Of course the Koch brothers Denial Machine will on it like a coon hound, but forgeeeeeet aboooout it!

Think solar! :wink:

Re: 8.9 quake hits Japan, and.....

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:18 am
by Willie McGee
Rack this tsunami for assplundering Japan on a FRIDAY, 3/11 right during the conference tourneys. Seeing the footage tonight while eating a club sub and Doritos was uplifting and really put things into perspective. Hopefully there will be even more fallout including nuclear meltdowns to really keep the momentum going.