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Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:53 pm
by Dinsdale
That was really Bubba's first win as a pro? Did I hear that right?

Not on the Nationwide, not on the PGA.

Nice breakout.

Re: Bubba

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:57 pm
by indyfrisco
Dude's a little bitch...
After making a 3-footer on the par-3 16th to win, Watson hugged wife Angie and began crying. He said he was so nervous, he could not feel his arms on the final putt.

"I'm a very emotional guy," he said. "I cry all the time. When I go to church on Sunday, I cry at church. I couldn't get the 'Yes' out of 'I do' at my wedding. The pastor said, 'You got to say it. You can't just nod. You can't nod.'

"Everybody has issues. My family had some issues. My dad is battling cancer. My wife last year thought she had a tumor in her brain. We got lucky with that one, and now, we're battling with my dad. It's emotional."


Re: Bubba

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:09 pm
by Go Coogs'
My buddy played on the Hooter's Tour with Bubba and there were stories floating around when Bubba first joined the tour that there was this overweight dude who could hit these shots that were impossible.

Everybody was talking about this guy and saying he hit a 280 yard high cut 3 wood into a cross wind over pine trees and water and stuck it about 4 feet from the hole. This guy could do stuff nobody would even try. My buddy said Bubba's problem was dude just couldn't win. He was the ultimate choke job artist, but knew his talent would get him to the big show.

I played yesterday with said friend and he thinks now that Bubba has won, the sky is the limit for him. We'll see.