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It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:39 am
by KC Paul 5.0
OK, enough of this "banned" business already....somebody can feel free to explain to me why that had happened in the 1st place. I DID NOTHING WRONG WHATSOEVER to warrant doing so.

Seriously, this NFL forum has been HORRIBLE since the season RememberTheTitans troll was meant to fire things up a little bit up in here. In a good way. The football talk here has been truly subpar at best, and it needs to get better.

I'll start by saying this: I have NEVER been more embarrassed to be a Chiefs fan than I am these days. King Carl Peterson and Herm Edwards has effectively run this team right into the ground. The personnel decisions these two clowns have made in the past two years just kill me. The fact that Herm actually believed that he could build this football team around Brodie Croyle completely floors me, and should be a fireable offense. The kid has been injury prone since he first stepped onto a football field, and why would the NFL be any different for him, especially with this sham of an offensive line that KC rolls out on the field with every Sunday.

Larry Johnson: Where do I begin with him? Let's start with his off-field problems. Dude's track record with the opposite sex right about now isn't very good. Having said that, I think he finally got the message this week now that Herm suspended him for a 2nd game and that the NFL will probably follow suit. Why ANY broad would even approach this guy with his background is beyond me- maybe the bitch deserved it, maybe shs didn't, but Dude had best stay down in public settings for the foreseeable future if he values his endorsements and his big contract that he will NEVER get from anybody else. On the field, he needs to check his attitude at the door and start carrying himself like know, like Tony Gonzalez does each and every day. Tony is far and away the hardest working player on this team- he's usually the first guy at practice, and he's usually the last to leave. LJ needs to adopt Tony's work ethic and philosophy if he really wants to be considered by his fans and his peers as a "superstar" in this league.

Defense: How Gunther Cunningham still has a job in this league is a complete mystery to me. This blowhard jackass made his name with Derrick Thomas and Neil Smith blasting enemy QBs on a weekly basis.....TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO. There IS talent on this defense, but Gunther has no clue how to use it. His blitzes are predictable, he coaches his DBs to play WAY off the WRs, and more often than not the safeties lose contain or generally have no idea who to cover or what side of the field they need to be on. I'll give Herm a pass on this- I'd guess that if it were up to him Gunther would've been gone when he got hired two years ago. Gunther has no use for the "Tampa 2" defense, and it shows with the performance (or lack thereof) of his defense.

Feel free to entertain a civil discussion on this topic....I'm not in the mood to ankle-bite or have it done to me at this point. You guys are better than that, and it's high time we get back to that place again on this board. As for you Mods, you do what you feel you have to do, but I'm all about the pigskin. The extra-curricular crap bores me to tears anymore.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:28 am
by Rack Fu
I don't see 5.0 as much of an upgrade. Shitty Microsoft.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:19 am
by BSmack
Too many coherent sentences in that post. This has to be a troll.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:23 pm
by RJ
BSmack wrote:Too many coherent sentences in that post. This has to be a troll.
Yep. Cut 'n' Paste RuPaul is hard at work yet again.

Doesnt fucking matter anyway, Paulina......5.0 will be no better than 2.0/3.0. You're a fucking certifiable tard who will never get it. It's only a matter of time before your Cinnabun bleeding ass starting "T1B sucks cock" threads again at .net



Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by Cueball
When does KC Paul 350+lbs become the newest registered member?

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:53 pm
by Felix
KC Paul 5.0 wrote:OK, enough of this "banned" business already
don't really know if this is actually him and don't particularly care, but one thing I do know is that he reads this board constantly....he simply can't help himself...what I find fascinating is why somebody that is the target of continual scorn and ridicule wants so badly to post on a board that clearly doesn't want him around...

it's simply mind boggling

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:23 am
by Mississippi Neck

I can't speak much about the Chiefs because they suck so bad, I dont pay any attention. However, I would say that this board is a lot more lively when the Chiefs at least delude their fans into thinking they have a shot at a ring. Its always fun to watch the predictable stages of chest thumping, then consternation, followed by the always fun chief fans turning on each other, to the inevitable complete molecular fan implosion. It just happened a bit earlier than usual and this board is the worse off for it. Overall, chief fans in here appear to be good folk, but, there's no reason for them to even be watching at this point...

hope that helped. And welcome back for whatever its worth.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:53 am
by Screw_Michigan
Felix wrote:what I find fascinating is why somebody that is the target of continual scorn and ridicule wants so badly to post on a board that clearly doesn't want him around...

it's simply mind boggling
For the same reason women stick around with men who beat them. They crave the attention, no matter how they receive it.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:55 am
by KC Scott
Mississippi Neck wrote: However, I would say that this board is a lot more lively when the Chiefs at least delude their fans into thinking they have a shot at a ring. Its always fun to watch the predictable stages of chest thumping, then consternation, followed by the always fun chief fans turning on each other, to the inevitable complete molecular fan implosion. .
Funny shit Neck and spot on.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:29 am
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:Too many coherent sentences in that post. This has to be a troll.
No troll, it's simply C&P Paul 5.0 regurgitating what he read elsewhere.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:34 am
by War Wagon
Screw_Michigan wrote: For the same reason women stick around with men who beat them. They crave the attention, no matter how they receive it.
You would seem to be an expert on the matter, Screwed.

Should we add "wife beater" or "beaten wife" to your illustrious resume?

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:51 am
by RJ
Mississippi Neck wrote:Paul,

I can't speak much about the Chiefs because they suck so bad, I dont pay any attention. However, I would say that this board is a lot more lively when the Chiefs at least delude their fans into thinking they have a shot at a ring. Its always fun to watch the predictable stages of chest thumping, then consternation, followed by the always fun chief fans turning on each other, to the inevitable complete molecular fan implosion. It just happened a bit earlier than usual and this board is the worse off for it. Overall, chief fans in here appear to be good folk, but, there's no reason for them to even be watching at this point...

hope that helped. And welcome back for whatever its worth.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:04 am
by War Wagon
Mississippi Neck wrote:Overall, chief fans in here appear to be good folk, but, there's no reason for them to even be watching at this point...
No reason?

I've watched this team for 40 years.

If it's ok with you, I'll keep watching them for another hard 40.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:04 pm
At least Paul's latest had the decency to be a Chiefs Fan. I guess all of the wagons are rolling along too fast for Paula to plant his ass on.

Re: It's good to be back

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:16 pm
What a twat. :hfal: