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Post by Cicatrix »

Fans set to put their money where MacT's mouth is
Move afoot to send message to NHL by raising $10,000 toward fine for tirade over ref's botched call

Mike Sadava, The Edmonton Journal
Published: Tuesday, November 07, 2006
EDMONTON - The NHL's decision to fine Oilers coach Craig MacTavish for his outburst about a referee's call has really hit the fans -- and some are trying to raise the $10,000 needed to pay the league.

MacT was disciplined after going ballistic over a botched call by referee Mick McGeough that cost the Oilers a game against the Dallas Stars on Friday. He accused McGeough of having "a spastic attack" and making a "retarded call" on a disallowed Oilers goal that would have tied the game 3-3 with four seconds left.

Since Friday, hundreds of postings on the Oilers website have voiced displeasure with the call, and there is a movement afoot to send a message to the league by raising $10,000 for the coach, including passing around a "swear jar" at the next home game.

"I'd gladly give MacT 20 bucks towards recovering those 10 Gs," wrote G9latin.

"He sure earned a lot of my respect after speaking out, after a lot of the players and management didn't have the cojones to say anything."

"How many seats are there in Rexall? I think there should be a donation box at the next home game and everyone should put in $1," wrote 39in50againstphilly.

Other ideas have circulated among fans, including sending back ticket stubs from Friday to the NHL and demanding refunds, to offering donations to the Oilers Community Foundation, a charity set up to promote fitness. But the money could be raised before the next home game on Nov. 16 against St. Louis.

Ryan Zimmerman, program director for The Bear, said the station decided over the weekend to start a fundraising effort of its own, and by Monday afternoon had already raised $2,000 from broadcasts at two locations.

"We felt that he was the voice of the fans that night and our motto is that we pay for this together," Zimmerman said. "It's our fine and we support MacT and his comments."

The Bear will be at Hudsons on Whyte Avenue tonight as the Oilers play the Montreal Canadiens; the bar has already pledged $1,000.

"Part is that the Oilers are good to us and it's a good promotion," said Mike Yasinski, owner of Hudson's.

Andy Grabia has set up the MacT Relief Fund on his Battle of Alberta blog, complete with a PayPal program. By late Friday afternoon he had raised $330, including donations from the odd Calgary Flames fan.

"I think people saw the call everywhere, especially out West, and they saw it was a really bad call," Grabia said. "People have put aside their team differences and are having a little bit of fun with it."

Those raising the money say they expect in the end MacTavish will pay the fine himself and then donate the money raised to charity. By raising the money they're making a gesture, they say, to send a message to the league.

Grabia hopes the money will benefit the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

Oilers spokesman Allan Watt said the offerings show the level of fan support in the city. "I think it's the level of passion for one, the situation, and two, the guy," Watt said.

MacTavish hasn't said what he'll do with the money, but Watt said the league expects him to pay the fine out of his own pocket.
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Post by Shoalzie »

I saw that during pregame last night on FSN Detroit...that's kind of funny. He was right to blast McGeough but the use of 'spastic' and 'retarded' probably got him rung up by the league. Although anything said about the officials...inflammatory or not...usually gets some form of punishment.
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Post by Mustang »

What, no "have another donut, ya fat pig?" I guess you can only use that once. Oh, such a classic. But I watched that debacle unfold and was more pissed at the Stars botching a 2 goal lead in the last two minutes. A bit of a cheesy win. But can't blame them....that's on McGeough. What an awful call. Felt sorry for Oilers, which is a rare occurence for me. Nobody should lose like that. I think McGeough was to the left of Turco and the draw was to the right. He could see a hand pass through all that? Obviously not. Oops..... He'll hear from the league on that one.
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Post by JD »

Felt sorry for them? Not me!

I was watching the game, and I couldn't do anything but smile and rub my hands together with glee.

I think I have a favourite referee now!
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Post by al? »

Now you guys believe me. I've been telling you for years McGoo is a horrible official.

McTavish is one of the good ones, and Oiler fan paying off the fine only lends credence to the widely held view that Oiler fans, though dirty, smelly and somewhat retarded from all the filth in their environment......are among the best in the league.
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Post by Hobbes »

How does Mr. Magoo..errrrrrr... McGeough still have a job? Year after year, this guy is consistently one of the worst refs in the league. Sucks for you, Oilfan, but it is not the first, nor will it be the last time this clown jobs someone on a botched call.
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Post by Cross Traffic »

He called the Kings/Sharks game last night, the incident last week has mellowed him out, not so demonstrative in his calls.
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