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Nebraska star QB gone?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:40 am
by Frank Beamer's growth
QB Beck skips practice
Saturday, Aug 05, 2006 - 06:47:21 pm CDT

Harrison Beck watches a receiver on the first day of the Huskers preseason practices Thursday. (Eric Gregory)

Nebraska sophomore quarterback Harrison Beck, apparently upset over lack of practice time, skipped Saturday’s practice, only the Huskers’ third of the season.

Coaches were initially concerned they couldn’t locate Beck, who was with the team in the morning but disappeared shortly after noon. Evelyn Beck-Bothwell, Beck’s mother, said her son text-messaged her late Saturday afternoon with the message, “I’m safe.”

Beck-Bothwell said her son has been frustrated because he’s not getting enough practice repetitions. She said junior Joey Ganz is receiving the brunt of the snaps behind senior returning starter Zac Taylor.

“Maybe if he would’ve stayed in the SEC, he would’ve been playing,” Beck-Bothwell said of her son, a Clearwater, Fla., native, and a highly touted high school player in the 2005 recruiting class. “Maybe he made the wrong decision, I don’t know. He knows that playbook. It’s just an issue of not getting respect from the older players.

“It’d be different if he was sitting behind Matt Leinart or Brady Quinn. Zac’s OK; I wish him all the best, but he’s just OK. The bottom line is, my son isn’t learning anything. He’s just on his own. If he got more time and attention from the coaches, he would be ahead of (Taylor). That’s just my opinion, but I’m his mother.”

Callahan, who addressed the media after practice regarding Beck’s absence, said through Nebraska media relations that he didn’t want to respond to Beck-Bothwell’s comments until he had a chance to talk to Beck.

Calls from the Journal Star to Beck’s cell phone late Saturday afternoon went directly to voice mail.

After practice, Callahan said Beck had given no indication of unhappiness.

“No, not at all,” Callahan said. “I’ve talked to the players about it, and it really comes as a real surprise and shock to all of us right now.”

How had Beck been performing during the first two practices?

“Pretty good,” Callahan said. “Really, very well, in fact. We’ve been very encouraged.”

At Thursday’s press conference to open Nebraska’s fall camp, sophomore running back Cody Glenn said Beck had been working on becoming more focused.

“Harrison, he’s the kind of guy who’s got all of the physical tools, he can throw it a mile, he can throw it harder than anybody else I’ve seen in my life,” Glenn said. “But he has to mature a little more. You saw it a lot during 7-on-7 stuff this past summer, how he’d come in and take control and try to be more of a leader, as opposed to last year, where he kind of goofed off and jacked around. This year, it’s like a totally different Harrison.”

Said Beck-Bothwell: “I know he has some growing up to do, but it’d not like he’s getting in trouble. He’s doing everything he’s supposed to do.”

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:44 am
by Vito Corleone
Nothing like a big hissy fit to show everyone on the team your ready to be the man.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:58 am
by Frank Beamer's growth
I suppose Nubs will say that Eric Crouch did the same thing.

Both of them are bitches. This kid won't amount to shit if he stays or leaves. How could he? His team will hate him for what his mommy said. How could anyone on the NU team respect him?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:42 am
by SoCalTrjn
having his mom complain about the upper classmen not respecting him is surely the best way to assure that they never will

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:19 am
by minorthreat
Actually, he was gone a while ago.

Phillip Bates

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:10 pm
by At Large
Actually, Crouch never missed any practice, but that's comparing apples to oranges. Crouch actually backed up his hissy fit with results. Beck complained of a sore shoulder all spring and didn't play in the spring game. So he throws a fit when he's listed at No. 4 to start fall practice? He has to prove himself before he can move up.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:52 pm
by Danimal
Crouch was being a little whiny but from what I understand Solich thought Bobby Newcomb was the next big thing and despite not outperforming London the previous preseason or Crouch that preseason was handed the starting job. Crouch shouldn't have walked but he had a legit reason to be pissed.

Beck needs to nut-up and quit being a prima-donna. You are the heir apparent but when you don't do jack during the spring coaches may move you down the depth-chart a bit. Taylor is the starter and we want to win games this year, so he is getting most of the first-team reps. Case closed.

While the press came to his mom, not vice-versa she still should have kept her hole shut. She has made things much worse.

Beck would have to sit-out this season then have to learn a new system and still fight for a job(if he goes anywhere good) if he transfers. Since that fucker Freeman backed-out on us last year after having us promise not to go after anymore qb's(we could have had 4* Alex Cate) all we have left is a couple of very meh guys from our scraped-together-in-two-weeks-recruit-class from a couple years ago. Beck would be starting next year, no doubt. I think he'll stay, but you never know.


Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:37 pm
by Frank Beamer's growth
To add to that Nebraska's best corner Zach Bowman has torn his ACL and is out for the year.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:55 pm
by Danimal
Rumor is that Bowman tore his ACL, hopefully that is just a net-rumor and he just has a strain. When you consider how much your nickel-back plays we had no depth at cb. This would be a considerable loss. It could mean another year of mediocre coverage and over-relying on a big pass-rush.


Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:07 pm
by Frank Beamer's growth
Nah its been confirmed. Ouch

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:10 pm
by Danimal

and some titties

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:47 pm
who will RACK Danimal with me?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:48 pm
by RedHerring
Leave it to "stagemom" to help fuck up her kids collegiate career. The only way Beck can save his own ass now is to come clean with the coaches. If what the article says is true, He needs to get off the Diva pedastal that his folks and the scout magazines put him on and get his ass down to Callahan's office. Or he can burn a year and transfer to a school desperate enough for a QB to enlist a simpering bitch. As is Beck is starting to look like a poor man's Jeff George without the talent.

Beck also needs to his old lady to shut hell up...otherwise:






Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:08 am
by Cornhusker
Frank Beamer's growth wrote:To add to that Nebraska's best corner Zach Bowman has torn his ACL and is out for the year.
This IS the most damaging news!

To lose a 6-2 195 cover corner on a team without a true tested talent that size, blows biggens' ( Kiper projected first rounder.)

Beck can pack his bags if he's gonna be a cryboy, pure and simple..
To think Mark Sanchez would be sittin' in his place right now instead of this momma's boy sickens me.

And yes, Alex Cate was ours to lose.

Callahan has, I'm sure, learned NOT to make "only guy recruited this year" promises to 17 year olds. F**k-you Freeman (afraid of competiton) you too Beck, for the tight fitting pampers.

Read an article out of KC this weekend where Freeman expects to be the starter. Fine if you believe you are the most talented, but I'm bettin' promises were made to him by Prince that will damage that team from within as time goes on.

It would appear Callahan, at this point, won't let the inmates run the prison.

Don't buckle Callahan, if he comes's gassers..lots of 'em.

Personally, I think we'd be better off without his issues for 3 years.

Go bye-bye baby boy. Your momma will have your back, and your teammates will be put in their place by her toot-sweet.
And your world be be a better place with sugar and spice and fuck it!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:55 pm
by SoCalTrjn
You honestly think that Nerbraska would have ever had a shot of landing Sanchez?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:48 pm
by Cornhusker
SoCalTrjn wrote:You honestly think that Nerbraska would have ever had a shot of landing Sanchez?
If memory serves me, I recall Sanchez wanting to attend NU but when Beck commited, NU no longer pursued him as they told Beck no other freshman would be brought in that class.
I know rivals reported this.
I'm not saying he was a shoe-in by any means, but he was very much interested in Nebraska until NU pulled back.
I was pissed then, and I'm pissed now.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:30 pm
by SoCalTrjn
The only other school I heard that Sanchez ever considered was Ohio State because a few buddies were going to go there.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:02 pm
by quacker backer
88 wrote:
SoCalTrjn wrote:You honestly think that Nerbraska would have ever had a shot of landing Sanchez?
Sanchez is dirty. At least that is what I hear.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:05 am
by Danimal
Screwed by two punk-assed qb's in one freaking year. Geez this hurts.

Now we have to pray nothing happens to Taylor and we can land a JUCO-stud that can come in for the Spring, learn a very complicated system, and be ready to lead us in the fall. Taylor isn't a typical JUCO kid, he was at Wake Forest first, but didn't fit their run-oriented system. He wasn't some goof that couldn't pass his SAT or manage C's in school.

Now we are short at cb for the year. When you consider how much your nickel-back plays you really have to have three solid cb's. We are down to two. Too bad Lean Jackson is being such a dumbass, he could be a starting safety now while we move Green back to cb. Instead he is riding-pine at rb.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:07 pm
by Frank Beamer's growth
NU will have a juco this week, a good one too. Elite 11 guy from 2004

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:57 pm
by Cornhusker
C'mon Danimal and Frank B's g., where's my back-up for SoCal on the Sanchez deal?
He needs to hear of it from more than just me.
Last night 1620 The Zone mentioned it again that Sanchez wanted to come to NU and even contacted Callahan after Beck's commitment.
Said he felt he'd have a shot at breaking all NU passing records with Callahan's offense.
Callahan kept his promise to "Don't hit me Carriker" Beck

F.B's.g.-I've got his name, but from everything I've been told by my guy, at UNL, it shouldn't be floated around.

I'll PM you.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:13 pm
by Frank Beamer's growth
SoCalTrjn wrote:You honestly think that Nerbraska would have ever had a shot of landing Sanchez?
Its been well documented in the recruiting world Nebraska was Sanchez's first choice. He wanted to be the guy to in his words, "rewrite the passing record books" :meds:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:47 pm
by King Crimson
Frank Beamer's growth wrote:NU will have a juco this week, a good one too. Elite 11 guy from 1982

link: once you watch video on this guy, Beck is in the rearview, IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:25 pm
by Frank Beamer's growth
lol, NU will take state!!!!