Heeeelp me PLEASE!

RIP scritti.

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Heeeelp me PLEASE!

Post by David_Copperfield »

I am very new to recording and mixing using my pc. Here's what going wrong:

I am using Cool Edit Pro to record. I'll record a beat as one layer, then my guitar as another layer, then my vocals. When I am sequencing them, everything sounds great for about the first minute then everything seems to slowly get off beat as if the guitar is speeing up a little and the vocals speed up too so by the end of the song everything is off beat. It's not too noticable as it happens because it happens so slowly, but enough to screw it up badly by the end. Is it just because I don't have them synched to the exact millisecond? Because I think I've got them lined up where they need to be because it sounds great at the beginning. What would cause this and how in heck can I fix it? This is very frustrating.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I think Elvismonster or shutyomouth would be the guys the hit up about editing stuff.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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