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Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:10 pm
by M2
Cicero wrote: so shut the fuck up.


Run Sissy, run!


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:30 pm
by ElvisMonster
How you holdin' up, Cicero?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:36 pm
by Goober McTuber
Rack James and Dins. :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:38 pm
by Cicero
ElvisMonster wrote:How you holdin' up, Cicero?

Should I be doing bad?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:47 pm
by ElvisMonster
I don't know. I didn't read the thread. I was just here to offer moral support.

Stay strong.


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:01 pm
by Cicero
a semana lakum

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:44 pm
by UCant#2
Dinsdale wrote:Like them or not, people like RJ, UCan't, et al don't need to explain why they're better than anyone and everyone -- they try and prove it with every post, every time, and aren't ever going to make a special post to explain it to the bottom-tier tards who don't get it.
To expand upon this... just in case there's really someone out there who doesn't get it... we've ALL seen Rayda James launch into some very detailed homosmack... absolutely destroying some poor fuck with never seen before material that is certifiably RACKABLE. If you seriously believe that replying with "But... I'm not gay" and that you've somehow dodged his roundhouse right... you better pick your chin up off the floor and delete this site from your cookies folder.

But... but... I make good money. But... but... I got good grades. :meds: BITCH.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:46 pm
by Cicero
Spin away UCunt. You were the one that ripped on my grades and my salary, so I corrected you. Double standard much??

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:39 pm
by RadioFan
Drive by RACK for rozy.
TwatBitch wrote:How you are a mod blows my mind.
Tears, Jerry. Tears.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:11 pm
Cicero wrote:
ElvisMonster wrote:How you holdin' up, Cicero?

Should I be doing bad?
How much more do you have to save up until you can put a down payment on at least a pair of low testosterone producing balls?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:21 pm
by WhatsMyName
Yeah well I got a 3.7 GPA in school and I am currently a retired 26 year old millionaire with a whole harem of high-class harlots feeding me grapes sporadically between flossing their teeth with each other's curlies for my amusement, not to mention I pack a meat hose that would make Stay Puft go into full fetal mode and cry like a menstrual bitch. Why you namby pamby mouthbreathing motherfuckers think you're so much better than me still blows my fucking mind.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:07 am
by Shoalzie
WhatsMyName wrote:Yeah well I got a 3.7 GPA in school and I am currently a retired 26 year old millionaire with a whole harem of high-class harlots feeding me grapes sporadically between flossing their teeth with each other's curlies for my amusement, not to mention I pack a meat hose that would make Stay Puft go into full fetal mode and cry like a menstrual bitch.

Now that's a sentence. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:26 am
by Smackie Chan
Cicero wrote:I'm a tard b/c my smack isnt as fresh.
This "take" exemplifies a much more significant problem from which you suffer. You see, you're just not what could be considered a "big picture" kinda guy. You tend to look at your tendencies individually, rather than as a whole. Sure, your smack isn't fresh. But that in and of itself wouldn't qualify you for the megatard status that you have attained. Many posters suffer from stale smack, but few have sunk to the depths of tardacity to which you have descended. Unfresh smack is just one of the many less-than-endearing traits that, when viewed in toto with your other shitty qualities, make you the ubertard. There's no sense in my pointing out the others; most of them have already been identified elsewhere in this thread. The lesson I'm offering here is to take a step back and try to see the big picture, hideous as it may be. And don't feel that you need to thank me for this advice. I offer it unsolicited and with no expectation of gratitude. I'm just helpful that way.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:35 am
by rozy
Dinsdale wrote: Like them or not, people like RJ, UCan't, et al don't need to explain why they're better than anyone and everyone -- they try and prove it with every post, every time, and aren't ever going to make a special post to explain it to the bottom-tier tards who don't get it.

Terry, TWIS nailed it, as you figured out.

And RACK my ole bro, Ucan'trememberapasswordwithathesaurusadictionarytwobagsofcornnutsandaonewaytickettoFSU2!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:52 am
by Dinsdale
Shoalzie wrote: Now that's a sentence.
Possibly the greatest run-on ever written.

I laughed.

Maybe not quite as hard as when I read:
Raydah James wrote:ding dong devirginizers
But I laughed, nonetheless.

And Sissy, yet another red flag that you just might be a tard -- when somebody starts a pile-on thread in your honor, it just might not be the most opportune time to bust out your double-secret stash of "I'm in your dome...BODE me."

Just sayin'.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:23 am
by War Wagon
Good thing that I'm TOO damn good to even post (really) in this thread, else I might go poptart and run you all.

My conclusion:

You all suck, each and every one who posted in this thread.

Yeah, guilty as charged, but somebody had to say it.

Rack the folks who can bring the lumber but instead choose to remain silent and not dignify this garbage with a response.

Buncha' immature Jackalopes, the lot of ya'.

Grow the fuck up and get a clue.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:26 am
by Derron
This "take" exemplifies a much more significant problem from which you suffer. You see, you're just not what could be considered a "big picture" kinda guy. You tend to look at your tendencies individually, rather than as a whole. Sure, your smack isn't fresh. But that in and of itself wouldn't qualify you for the megatard status that you have attained. Many posters suffer from stale smack, but few have sunk to the depths of tardacity to which you have descended. Unfresh smack is just one of the many less-than-endearing traits that, when viewed in toto with your other shitty qualities, make you the ubertard. There's no sense in my pointing out the others; most of them have already been identified elsewhere in this thread. The lesson I'm offering here is to take a step back and try to see the big picture, hideous as it may be. And don't feel that you need to thank me for this advice. I offer it unsolicited and with no expectation of gratitude. I'm just helpful that way.
Feel free to break that bitch up into more than one paragraph, and some one might actually read it. You ADD fucks just don't get it do you ??
Good thing that I'm TOO damn good to even post (really) in this thread, else I might go poptart and run you all.
Self gloss...bwwwaaahhaaa
You all suck, each and every one who posted in this thread.
Self emoliation much ??

Rack the folks who can bring the lumber but instead choose to remain silent and not dignify this garbage with a response.
Is there a hint of redundancy in this statement ??

Buncha' immature Jackalopes, the lot of ya'.
Cutting edge indie smack I think.....

Grow the fuck up and get a clue.
A brilliant closing statement, one that comes from deep in the mind of a forklift driver, who has smoked his first bowl of the evening and feels like kicking some asssssss.....

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:51 am
by RadioFan
This post had to be saved somewhere while velo's thread was mopped of the ubertard's overflowing drool bucket.

Sissy, quit fucking up other threads. You've got plenty of idiocy posted in this thread to last a few more days.

Carry on ...
Dinsdale wrote:
Cicero wrote:Bump, cause this shit is hilarious. Amazing how the "badasses" on the board have failed to come in.

"Sitting on the cock of a gay" was pretty damn funny. The rest of it, or at least the parts I read, sucked fucking ass. Oh, and the L to R: Village People pic was funny.

But see -- my man velo put in a good effort, engaged in a little creative writing, took his swipes, and in mu opinion, laid an egg.

But see -- since velo has had me in stitches a few times over the years, I sure the fuck don't want to do anything to discourage any future efforts he might contemplate.

See how that works, you complete fucking retard? A thread sucked, but might have been funny to others(your retarded ass doesn't count, since I'm quite convinced that you giggle endlessly every time someone jingles a key chain). Therefore, I chose to ignore it (up until I couldn't take any more of your fucking retardation, you neanderthal), rather than possibly ruin something that might have had a wee bit of potential to entertain others.

See how that fucking works, stain?

What the fuck did you think was going to happen here, genius? Even somebody as fucking stupid as you are should by now be able to figure out that every time you post, you're going to say something fucking stupid. This is a given. And when you say something stupid, the rest of us are going to pile-on you for it. That's the Law of the Jungle, asshat.

And there was already a thread dedicated to you getting piled-on. Stay there, you humorless fucking gimp.

Mods/Admins, a request -- delete Sissy's posts and my responses to them, if you see fit. I'm about at the end of my rope with these people who were born without a right-brain who think they have any business posting in thread that soemone has put a little effort into it. If the board/humor killers are allowed to continue to run amok, I can guarantee you it's going to kill any appeal this place holds in a big hurry. I can only speak for myself, and yes -- I realize that if your brain is working correctly, you probably couldn't care less if I continue posting here or not (which I'm guessing goes for about 99.99% of everybosy else here, or I would hope). I'm just commenting on my thoughts, and I wouldn't be suprised if I wasn't alone on the matter. Please don't mistake this as any sort of demand or threat, because it certainly isn't -- just look at it as "input."

So Mods/Admins, I guess what I'm basically trying to say is -- you've REALLY been dropping the ball lately-imo.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:47 am
Sissyroo's too stupid to read a post that long, R-Jack.

Cliff's Notes for sissyroo: R-Jack's tying his shoes through your mouth now, Twat Bitch.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:47 am
by Dinsdale
Dinsdale's PM Box wrote:From: Cicero
To: Dinsdale
Posted: 11 Apr 2006 08:14 pm
Subject: ..

You and a couple others have a problem and thats it. Its a fucking message board. You must`really take this place seriously. Sad fucking piece of shit you are.

Let's're the one who is so unfuckingbelievably stupid that you think your image here is part of some massive conspiracy, because you're one of those very rare individuals that is SO stupid, that they don't even realize they're stupid...

And I have a problem?

And I "must really take this place seriously?"


Aren't you the guy who threatened to beat me up because I called you "stupid?" Aren't you the fucking retard who said "Oh wouldn't say that shit to my face?"

So, you're implying that you're willing to fly 3000 miles to get the crap kicked out of you by a guy you've never met, for the sole offense of calling you "retarded" and a "fag" on a site that's pretty much dedicated to...calling each other "retarded fags?"

Am I the one who has passed such harsh character judgements as "sad piece of shit" based upon what somebody I've never met (and never will) posted on a messageboard?

No dude -- I'm pretty sure that wasn't me.

Now, all smack aside, on a more serious note:

Does anything you've read in my post maybe give you, maybe, just a tiny little bit of a clue as to how a thread like this might get started? Why you're universally considered the dumbest motherfucker here? A perpetual boardbitch?

Are you REALLY this dumb?

Really? Because if so, then please accept my sincere apologies, man to man. This shit has been all fun and games to me up until this point, but if it turns out your behavior here is a result of a mental disability, I'm probably going to have to rethink this smackboard thing, and learn to deal with my guilt.

But until then...RACK RJack.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:03 am
by Mister Bushice
go find a Civil War outfit and wear it.
Been there, done that.


luther, mace, and big o.
Go measure some guys cock as it slides out of your girl's asshole.
Someone call for me?

- Russ
Go beat off to your cousin-in-law.
don't you guys ever give up?

Give us something to at least laugh at you about. Until then, and even after then anyway, fuck off you takeless gimp.


Just about everyone posting here most of the time.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:09 am
by Dinsdale
Bushice(and to the mods, yet another deletable post by me) -- This pile-on of Sissyroo was going quite swimmingly. Why would you want to go and take his seat in it by being a fucking retard?

And please don't offer your commentary on other people's sense of humor again.

But hey -- at least you understood one of those references you were trying to comment on.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:21 am
by Mister Bushice
dinsdale wrote: yet another deletable post by me

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:45 am
by Mister Bushice
"TrollTrain" being the operative word.

So far really, it's not impressive, and you're not teh funnah.

You really need to just circle jerk the wagons, get a private message board going, invite the elite you worship, and self stimulate.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:10 am
by Dinsdale
Mister Bushice wrote:I just clowned myself, so now I'll see if I can run damage control.
Dude...I TRIED to warn you. You were just too cicero to figure it out.

Yup. This board is going down the shitter quickly. I think I'll take it upon myself to clean this joint up.

Tards are put on even more notice than they already were.

Think I've been a prick on here in the past? Think I've dished a little smack out?

You ain't seen nothing yet. You just done awoke the sleeping giant, fools.

But really, some of you are doing your damnedest to make this place even more unreadable than it already was. Unacceptable. You'll either pull your heads out of your asses, or you'll continue to be unfunny douchebags who don't think before they post...without me. Again, I don't expect you to care if I stay or go. I'm sure there's a large contingent that would like nothing more than my departure. And oddly enough, that's the same contingent that would benefit from my absence, so they could continue to bring the stupid without me pointing out their fundemental stupidity.

Conversely, those who can write their way out of a wet paper bag and occasionally make a funny will recieve approprite, if not excessive, RACKs from me.

I guess some of you are so remedial, tht we need to get back to the "reward/punishment" training to discourage you from being morons, and to encourage you to not be devoid of humor.

You've brought this on yourselves. You're officially on notice.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:30 am
by Mister Bushice
Dinsdale wrote:Yup. This board is going down the shitter quickly. I think I'll take it upon myself to clean this joint up.
Please. This "I'm so superior to everyone" bullshit attitude is so fucking tired. Can't you just gather together your best pals on an anonymous board else where and run a suckfest without the rest of us? That way you can achieve message board posting nirvana without annoying everyone else here with your constant complaining.
Tards are put on even more notice than they already were.

Think I've been a prick on here in the past? Think I've dished a little smack out?
No. You are just another blowhole no one really cares about.
You ain't seen nothing yet. You just done awoke the sleeping giant, fools.

You are this much of a fucking loser that you think a threat like that will scare people?

Holy christ. Please get some help dude. You just don't matter that much here. No one does.
But really, some of you are doing your damnedest to make this place even more unreadable than it


You've brought this on yourselves. You're officially on notice.
Remember Danny - Two wrongs don't make a right but three rights make a left.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:47 am
by Mister Bushice
R-Jack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:I have no idea what I am talking about. Whoops.
I've destroyed as many brain dead trolls as I have dissapointed women. The list is a mile long on both counts. Since the marriage I haven't pushed the issue just to keep the numbers even, but I'm willing to get back on the wagon with the tard list. The fact that I can say that and still know I have your teeth across my knuckles anytime I want speak volumes bitch.
You keep track of that shit?

Good lord you are a fucking loser.

Seriously. Posting words of internet heroism and conquests of women is just another way of spelling I AM R JACK, AND I AM LOSER.

"Teeth across your knuckles"? Pathetic. You aren't man enough.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:07 am
by Dinsdale
R-Jack wrote:humorless
Well said, RJack. RACK you.

Bushice -- seriously can you be this truly humorless, and then have the fucking nerve to comment on other people's sense of humor?

You OBVIOUSLY have no working knowledge base from which to evaluate, so why would you do something so cicero?

Seriously dude -- ONE of us needs help. And that person seems to be having trouble distinguishing which one of us that might be.

More help for you --

Moorese = Funny

Euro = Funny

Biggie = Funny

RJack = Funny

You = ....not so much

And before you come up with the next retort that was clever in Bushiceland, but not in reality, bear in mind that I've recently (like on this page/thread) expressed a strong desire to RACK everyone, inculding the tards such as yourself and Sissy. Trust me, I'd love nothing more.

That said, you really let me down. I was of a mind to hand out discount RACKs, but you couldn't even muster up enough to get one of those.

Yet MORE help -- yeah man....I was sitting here saying to myself "OH YEAH??? This should scare them." That's why I launch threats towards people I've never met. Not for entertainment, not for dramatic/comedic effect...but to scare the bejesus out of them. Or at least I used to, until your clever ass went and blew my cover (since you're a fucking idiot, this is typically where one might use a :rolleyes:).

And are you sitting there getting so worked up that when RJack compared the number of trolls he's brained to the number of "women he's disappointed," you thought that was some sort of boast?

Yeah, just keep on critiquing other people's sense of humor, dude. You're, really.

I may not know much, but I have learned one absolute on these boards -- when someone breaks out the "you take this place too seriously" card, it is 100% for certain that the person who said it is seething and foaming from the mouth. Believe that.

And what's with all of the thread hijacking around this place? I mean, here we have a perfectly good gangrape of a mouthbreather, but when Bushice saw everyone lined up with their bar of soap in a sock looking to drop science on someone who truly deserves it, he gets all jealous and has to divert the attention to himself. Looks like pretty strong evidence that dude takes this place too seriously.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:24 am
by Mister Bushice
Bushice -- seriously can you be this truly humorless, and then have the fucking nerve to comment on other people's sense of humor?
reading your unfunny shit comes to mind.

But carry on. I'll step off and let you dazzle everyone with your unstoppable sense of humor, such as it has been so brilliantly displayed in this thread.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:40 am
by Dinsdale
Mister Bushice wrote:I'll step off
Smartest thing you've ever said.

I don't believe it for a second, though -- your addiction to the bottom of the pile is much too strong.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:37 am
by ZigZag
Out ta get mean always is dinsdale.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:25 am
by tough love

No offence, but that there nic pokes hard at a sore spot.
I recently had to put down the best damn dog I ever had, and her name was Zig Zag.


Sorry about the sentimental interjection, Thread.
Do carry on with your silly hate thingy.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:16 pm
by Raydah James

RACK R-Jack and Dins for smashing yet another fucking tard in this thread.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:41 pm
by ZigZag
RJ I was told you were the one to come to with diet pill and exercise questions is this true?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:43 pm
by Dinsdale
Fuck off, Jess.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:10 pm
by ZigZag
why is this not fun for you guys anymore. you gotsta lighten up some, at least join me for a trolltrain at the jakin4beats site it is illin for a killin

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:50 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Welcome to...

...please continue.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:35 am
by Dinsdale
The whole thing was superb, but this one really stood out --
R-Jack wrote:it's still presented in a manner that even the hampster in your head can break off conversation with the gerbil in your asshole and hit the wheel long enough for you to try something witty.
Excellent...pending Bushice's approval, of course...

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:17 am
by Rack Fu
R-Jack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote: Seriously. Posting words of internet heroism and conquests of women is just another way of spelling I AM R JACK, AND I AM LOSER.
Try throwing you a bone and giving you a little self-depriciation on my part for you to work with just to see if you could get up to a snail's speed in this smack exchange. I was hoping that bearing at least one thing you could use against me would help you along showing some of this "humor" you seem to be such an expert on but have failed to show in all but, well...all of your posts.

What more do you need from me? Shit, I'm a drunk driver. I'm a drunk. I traded in my favorite old sled for a breedermobile minivan. I am pussy whipped. I already told you about the scores of women I probably turned lesbian. I stalked local bums over missing trash cans. I make my living as a glorified register jockey for christufckingsakes. Is there anything there you could use against me you brain dead gimp?

Don't flatter yourself into thinking I am melting by giving all this info up. Everything I have said has been expressed on this board at one time or another. I forgot, you have trouble remembering anything reset, evidenced by your stumbling into this thread in the first place. I understand if you glossed over those admissions in the past. No time for that when you are too busy typing nothing of consequence, hitting submit, seeing your drivel on screen again, shooting a load all over your Bugle Boys and repeating the pointless process 4500 times or so.

Then again, maybe the thought of a job, transportation and sex with women is more life than you can handle. Despite the fact that my most embarassing times I have achieved more than your bottom feeding ilk could hope for, it's still presented in a manner that even the hampster in your head can break off conversation with the gerbil in your asshole and hit the wheel long enough for you to try something witty.

So there is a mountain of things for you to work with dipshit. Just direct one thing at me that anyone here would find humor in. I dare, no, encourage you to do so. It is your choice, but if you choose not to, you might want to accept the fact that folks who have wasted enough time in their lives to drop thousands of posts on boards like this without including a rational or humorous thought should really refrain from the loser talk.

:shock: :D

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:44 am
by WhatsMyName
RJack wrote:I've destroyed as many brain dead trolls as I have dissapointed women. The list is a mile long on both counts.
Buschice, he practically teed this one up for you.

Christ al-fucking-mighty, how the FUCK do you guys consider yourselves smack artists when a dude pitches one right over the plate like that and you take the strike?