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Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:56 pm
by Mikey
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives there is a very profound movement.
Funny, I just had one of those this morning.

I believe that they're just trying to show their frustration with the financial industry's failures and with the administration for allowing them to drop their load on the middle class.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:03 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives there is a very profound movement.
Funny, I just had one of those this morning.
I believe Tom was aware of that joke. No need for you to come in and un-funny up this thread, you buzz-killing dullard.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:16 pm
by Mikey
Martyred wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives there is a very profound movement.
Funny, I just had one of those this morning.
I believe Tom was aware of that joke. No need for you to come in and un-funny up this thread, you buzz-killing dullard.
I knew he knew. And i'm pretty sure you knew I knew he knew. I just thought I'd add an interesting anecdotal reference.

And if you're actually getting a "buzz" out of a bunch of corny shit jokes then I'd suggest that you really need to get a life. Or maybe even a job.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:20 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Mikey wrote:I just thought I'd add an interesting anecdotal reference.

Well, there's a first time for everything.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:41 pm
by Tom In VA
Well I'm not so sure all of this shit is just lefties.

Maybe this town (D.C., what's up Screw) just needs a truth enema.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:44 pm
by Screw_Michigan
I can't tell where that is. It doesn't look like Freedom Plaza near 14 and Pennsylvania.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:49 pm
by Tom In VA
Screw_Michigan wrote:I can't tell where that is. It doesn't look like Freedom Plaza near 14 and Pennsylvania.

He's in New York, he's addressing issues that predominantly emanate out of D.C. though.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:07 pm
by mvscal
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives
No, it doesn't.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:12 pm
by Mikey
Tom In VA wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:I can't tell where that is. It doesn't look like Freedom Plaza near 14 and Pennsylvania.

He's in New York, he's addressing issues that predominantly emanate out of D.C. though.

I think the movement might progress more quickly if it incorporated a higher level of moral fiber.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:32 pm
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:Once you reach the saturation point in sales of anything, your company growth dries up, you lay people off, and it dominos down the supply chain.
Only if your management strategy is predicated on never ending growth. You cancer. It grows like gangbusters until it kills the host.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:32 pm
by Y2K
Interesting to note that people actually give a shit for the cause.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:52 pm
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:Some of you might be flushed with rage, but I find that situation just "corny".
actually, there aint no corn in that shit, maybe blood and disease. See, most left wing filth eats arbys and mostly cheap fast food, so there stools would be loose and bloody, the diet of these sick left wing unemployed is the worst fast food there is, they wouldnt know a salad unless your talking about their sex lives which, is full of tossing salads, for sure.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:06 pm
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:If we start laying tariffs on their crap - we get hurt a lot of ways.
No, we don't. Not even a little bit.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:20 pm
by Truman
mvscal wrote:
Only if your management strategy is predicated on never ending growth.
You ever sat through a sales meeting, mv? Is there any other kind?

God, god, GOD, G0d, and Gawd might not be able to hit the number... but YOU better.

Your livelihood is based upon it.

Wouldn't trade entrepreneurship for workin' for the Man for nothin'.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:26 pm
by BSmack
KC Scott wrote:• U.S. price levels are 1.4 percent lower thanks to imports from China
What about wage levels? Or don't they give a damn about wage levels?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:32 pm
by Truman
Still waiting for that KDM contact within your company, Scott. You know, help a brother out n' junk. We do Canadian too. Don't make me come over and drink all your single-malt...

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:53 pm
by bradhusker
KC Scott wrote:
Truman wrote: You ever sat through a sales meeting, mv? Is there any other kind?
Let's talk about something important. Put. That coffee. Down. Coffee's for closers only. You think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking with you.

Oh? Have I got your attention now? Good. "Cause we're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. Get the picture?
probably alec baldwins best role ever! glenngary glennross, bonafide classsic film, right up there with 'roadhouse' , on a sidenote, I am what you would call, a "closer", I could sell you a steaming pile of turds, I have the god given ability to make anything sound delicious.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:56 pm
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:I'm sure you're far smarter than the folks who wrote this report
So am I.

Anyone who suggests that our trade relationship with China is a net positive for US employment is a fucking liar. We can get along just fine without boatloads of cheap crap from China and, if they stop purchasing our debt, so much the better to wean our politards off the junk.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:14 am
by Tom In VA
mvscal wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives
No, it doesn't.
He and his posse are students of the Austrian School of Economics,, Mises, Hayek et. al, I thought that was more or less a fiscal conservative perspective.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:11 am
by Dr_Phibes
88 wrote:
BSmack wrote:What about wage levels? Or don't they give a damn about wage levels?
I got's a laser level, dog. Wage levels are for losers.
:lol: you'll never solve your problems, you'd cut off your nose to spite your face. You're not particularly suited to comment on the problems of a nation, you've a whole range of issues to deal with and those involve yourself.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:26 am
by mvscal
Tom In VA wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives
No, it doesn't.
He and his posse are students of the Austrian School of Economics,, Mises, Hayek et. al, I thought that was more or less a fiscal conservative perspective.
Opposition to crony capitalism (and he should learn to spell it before he discusses it) really isn't a liberal v. conservative issue. Crony capitalism is fascism with a global rather than national perspective. It's bad for business and bad for the country.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:28 am
by Bizzarofelice
mvscal wrote: Crony capitalism is fascism with a global rather than national perspective. It's bad for business and bad for the country.
and it has been a mainstay of America. hopefully more light can bedirected upon it.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:05 am
by Dr_Phibes
Might as well, realistically, I'll guess you get as far as the garage, drop your pants and rub your arse on the lawn mower.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:25 am
by bradhusker
did anyone watch msnbc this past week since these protests started? This corrupt supposed news channel is calling it, "the 99 percent movement". HOW SICK AND DISHONEST IS MSNBC???

The ED show, with that fat leftist pig, Ed shultz, The Rachel Maddow show, with that leftist dyke pig, Rachel Maddow. First, Ed keeps calling it the 99 percent movement. IN REALITY, to put it into FACTUAL numbers, its more like 2 percent of all americans. And even if you add people who dont attend these rallies, but would like to? BUT they have actual lives and jobs? It still wouldnt amount to more than say maybe 10 percent?

WOW, a supposed news channel like msnbc can lie and deceive its viewers? See, I get that they are making a play on words here, talking about the richest 1 percent holding all the wealth, while 99 percent dont have any. HOWEVER, msnbc is cleverly lying, trying to dupe the viewer into believeing that the entire country is behind these filthy maggotts, when clearly, they are not, we the people look at them with sheer vile and disgust.

Whats even more funny is the fact that the richest 10 percent of all americans pay 76 percent of the total tas bill. YET, leftist democrat pigs say they dont pay their fair share?

Finally, On the Rachel Maddow show today, she now introduces Bill Mahr, as, "the great Bill Mahr"???
are u fuckin kiddin me? Bill Mahr? the famous hook nosed comedian? who isnt even funny?
Bill Mahr? one of the dumbest hook nosed fucks ive ever heard on tv?
Piers Morgan and Larry King talked to Bill Mahr as if he is someone of great esteem? The guy is a joke and a loser, who spews his garbage with a rat like smile and little beady eyes.

Again, fools like Mahr wont debate anybody, because they dont have the brain for it. So, they come on these shows as talking heads, and merely parrott the same leftist propoganda over and over.
The marchers on wall st. are so brain dead, that they buy into this leftist bullshit.

Where does that leave a concerned Reagan conservative such as myself? I watch "The Factor" with Bill O reilly. WHY? Because he isnt afraid to bash both sides. Because he invites liberals on his show daily, and a vigorous spirited debate happens nightly.

Just last night, Bill had on two notorious race pimps, liberal leftist academic scholars, Cornell West, a gap toothed race pimp, and Tavis smiley, another less obvious race whore, who was anything BUT smiley when faced with hardball questions from Bill.

NOW, you can try to bash Bill O reilly, BUT, his show encourages open debate nightly, he isnt afraid to go "toe to toe" mano to mano with any leftist lying piece of dung.

One thing you need to know about liberals in general? They dont like debate, they are not tolerant of any opinions but there own, and in the academic world, they insulate themselves in a bubble, and do not tolerate any other viewpoints.

its sick and disturbing, to say the least.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:29 am
by Van
Just for once, would you please try to say the least?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:56 am
by Bizzarofelice
bradhusker wrote:did anyone watch msnbc this past week since these protests started? This corrupt supposed news channel is calling it, "the 99 percent movement". HOW SICK AND DISHONEST IS MSNBC???

The ED show, with that fat leftist pig, Ed shultz, The Rachel Maddow show, with that leftist dyke pig, Rachel Maddow. First, Ed keeps calling it the 99 percent movement. IN REALITY, to put it into FACTUAL numbers, its more like 2 percent of all americans. And even if you add people who dont attend these rallies, but would like to? BUT they have actual lives and jobs? It still wouldnt amount to more than say maybe 10 percent?

WOW, a supposed news channel like msnbc can lie and deceive its viewers? See, I get that they are making a play on words here, talking about the richest 1 percent holding all the wealth, while 99 percent dont have any. HOWEVER, msnbc is cleverly lying, trying to dupe the viewer into believeing that the entire country is behind these filthy maggotts, when clearly, they are not, we the people look at them with sheer vile and disgust.

Whats even more funny is the fact that the richest 10 percent of all americans pay 76 percent of the total tas bill. YET, leftist democrat pigs say they dont pay their fair share?

Finally, On the Rachel Maddow show today, she now introduces Bill Mahr, as, "the great Bill Mahr"???
are u fuckin kiddin me? Bill Mahr? the famous hook nosed comedian? who isnt even funny?
Bill Mahr? one of the dumbest hook nosed fucks ive ever heard on tv?
Piers Morgan and Larry King talked to Bill Mahr as if he is someone of great esteem? The guy is a joke and a loser, who spews his garbage with a rat like smile and little beady eyes.

Again, fools like Mahr wont debate anybody, because they dont have the brain for it. So, they come on these shows as talking heads, and merely parrott the same leftist propoganda over and over.
The marchers on wall st. are so brain dead, that they buy into this leftist bullshit.

Where does that leave a concerned Reagan conservative such as myself? I watch "The Factor" with Bill O reilly. WHY? Because he isnt afraid to bash both sides. Because he invites liberals on his show daily, and a vigorous spirited debate happens nightly.

Just last night, Bill had on two notorious race pimps, liberal leftist academic scholars, Cornell West, a gap toothed race pimp, and Tavis smiley, another less obvious race whore, who was anything BUT smiley when faced with hardball questions from Bill.

NOW, you can try to bash Bill O reilly, BUT, his show encourages open debate nightly, he isnt afraid to go "toe to toe" mano to mano with any leftist lying piece of dung.

One thing you need to know about liberals in general? They dont like debate, they are not tolerant of any opinions but there own, and in the academic world, they insulate themselves in a bubble, and do not tolerate any other viewpoints.

its sick and disturbing, to say the least.

In summary, you don't have to work early tomorrow.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:08 am
by bradhusker
Bizzarofelice wrote:
bradhusker wrote:did anyone watch msnbc this past week since these protests started? This corrupt supposed news channel is calling it, "the 99 percent movement". HOW SICK AND DISHONEST IS MSNBC???

The ED show, with that fat leftist pig, Ed shultz, The Rachel Maddow show, with that leftist dyke pig, Rachel Maddow. First, Ed keeps calling it the 99 percent movement. IN REALITY, to put it into FACTUAL numbers, its more like 2 percent of all americans. And even if you add people who dont attend these rallies, but would like to? BUT they have actual lives and jobs? It still wouldnt amount to more than say maybe 10 percent?

WOW, a supposed news channel like msnbc can lie and deceive its viewers? See, I get that they are making a play on words here, talking about the richest 1 percent holding all the wealth, while 99 percent dont have any. HOWEVER, msnbc is cleverly lying, trying to dupe the viewer into believeing that the entire country is behind these filthy maggotts, when clearly, they are not, we the people look at them with sheer vile and disgust.

Whats even more funny is the fact that the richest 10 percent of all americans pay 76 percent of the total tas bill. YET, leftist democrat pigs say they dont pay their fair share?

Finally, On the Rachel Maddow show today, she now introduces Bill Mahr, as, "the great Bill Mahr"???
are u fuckin kiddin me? Bill Mahr? the famous hook nosed comedian? who isnt even funny?
Bill Mahr? one of the dumbest hook nosed fucks ive ever heard on tv?
Piers Morgan and Larry King talked to Bill Mahr as if he is someone of great esteem? The guy is a joke and a loser, who spews his garbage with a rat like smile and little beady eyes.

Again, fools like Mahr wont debate anybody, because they dont have the brain for it. So, they come on these shows as talking heads, and merely parrott the same leftist propoganda over and over.
The marchers on wall st. are so brain dead, that they buy into this leftist bullshit.

Where does that leave a concerned Reagan conservative such as myself? I watch "The Factor" with Bill O reilly. WHY? Because he isnt afraid to bash both sides. Because he invites liberals on his show daily, and a vigorous spirited debate happens nightly.

Just last night, Bill had on two notorious race pimps, liberal leftist academic scholars, Cornell West, a gap toothed race pimp, and Tavis smiley, another less obvious race whore, who was anything BUT smiley when faced with hardball questions from Bill.

NOW, you can try to bash Bill O reilly, BUT, his show encourages open debate nightly, he isnt afraid to go "toe to toe" mano to mano with any leftist lying piece of dung.

One thing you need to know about liberals in general? They dont like debate, they are not tolerant of any opinions but there own, and in the academic world, they insulate themselves in a bubble, and do not tolerate any other viewpoints.

its sick and disturbing, to say the least.

In summary, you don't have to work early tomorrow.
actually, I do, but you'd be suprised how a couple 24 oz 7 eleven coffees with extra sugar and hazelnut creme can even wake the dead.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:56 am
by Bucmonkey
Suncoast gave you a job? Grats...

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:53 pm
by Kansas City Kid
Obama and the liberals insist on putting people into boxes; if you are "the working class" that is lib-speak for being in a Union. If you are the Middle Class, you apparently make less then $250,000 filing jointly or $200,000 filing as a single. If you are a Millionaire or Billionaire, or corporate jet owner, you make over $250,000. (Though never figured out what happened to that poor millionaire making $250,000, he is getting short-changed by $750K!!) If you are ethnic, you are a hyphenated person, ie African-Americans, Asian-Americans. Soon we will be calling the KC Pauls Breasted-Americans? Who knows with this bunch.

To me, we are ALL Americans, we all have the same opportunities to succeed or fail (save for Screwy, MGO, AP, etc). This 99% vs 1% thing we see sprouting up all over the country; when you have communist groups and unions joining in, that just becomes another left-wing-entitlement-complaining-no-shower-taking-shitting on cop cars- whining mob.

We have to stop letting these people put us in separate boxes, and be who we truly are, the greatest country on earth, though as of late, we certainly do not act like it. But we can change that together.

Also, of the 99%, don't forget that 47% of those don't pay any taxes. We can, according to the liberal ideal, split that up into some additional boxes. Of that 99%, you have the Recipient Class and the Producer Class. The Recipient class is who we are seeing on the streets because if they had jobs, they most likely have lost them by now. They want the Producer Class to give more of what they earn to those to just want to receive. Yet, everyone gets to vote. So the 47% will vote for people and programs that take more from the Producer class. Eventually, those towards the bottom of the Producer class are giving away more then they need to live on and become members of the Recipient Class. The present government is doing all that they can with regulations and taxes on business to have them cut more people from the workforce to raise the percentage of the Recipient Class. Once the Recipient Class reaches 51%, which is the goal, right? Then they can demand anything from those who produce to take care of them.


Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:43 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Where did you C&P that take from?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:48 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Kansas City Kid wrote:Obama and the liberals

I already know you're a moron. No need to read further.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:29 pm
by Truman
We will gladly trade him to St. Louis straight up for a case of out-dated Ambien, a keg of flat Busch Light, and a barrel of Roundup.

What say you, Bace? Deal?

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:45 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Truman wrote:^^^^^^^^^^
We will gladly trade him to St. Louis straight up for a case of out-dated Ambien, a keg of flat Busch Light, and a barrel of Roundup.

What say you, Bace? Deal?

out of respect I will give you the Busch Light and Roundup, but I need that ambien.

maybe I'll set up some sort of pygmalion orientation and in one month will have him back in here firing coherent takes and running tards.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:12 am
by Truman
KC Scott wrote:throw in an E(I)mo's pizza...
If Joplin residents had only used that stuff to sheet-rock their walls, that town would easily still be standing today...

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:17 am
by poptart

You want to know how to disperse the crowd of smelly losers on Wall Street?
Go down there and set up a jobs fair.

- Dennis Miller

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:35 pm
by bradhusker
poptart wrote:paraphrasing...

You want to know how to disperse the crowd of smelly losers on Wall Street?
Go down there and set up a jobs fair.

- Dennis Miller

funniest thing ive heard in a long long time. Just set up a jobs fair, and those leeches and parasites will scatter like you just sprayed the entire area with RAID. (cockroaches scattter)

Leeches and parasites dont want a JOB. why would they? They are maggotts and bloodsuckers. Fuckin spray the area with RAID.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:15 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:
The Working Families Party (WFP) The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York's Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws...

The WFP is seeking immediate hires...

•Compensation: $350-$650 A Week Depending On Responsibility & Length Of Time On Staff

Someone is trolling the want ads, right?


Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Agreed, Occupy Wall Street, which isn't complelely LEFT WING and has a variety of folks including conservatives there is a very profound movement.
Funny, I just had one of those this morning.
My intestines are cooking up a monster as I type this.

I think I shall name it Shaniquia.

BTW -- The cops are now hauling off the Occupy Portland tards... I guess setting up camp in the middle of a downtown street wasn't such a good idea.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:05 pm
by Dinsdale
bradhusker wrote:Elvis Aaron Presley

For a guy who has spent 30 long CORN FED years studying THE TRUE KING, I'm surprised you don't know how to spell his name.

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:15 pm
by Van
From wiki...

Although some pronounce his surname "PREZ-lee", Presley himself used the pronunciation of the American South, "PRESS-lee", as did his family and those who worked with him.[353] The correct spelling of his middle name has long been a matter of debate. The physician who delivered him wrote "Elvis Aaron Presley" in his ledger.[354] The state-issued birth certificate reads "Elvis Aron Presley". The name was chosen after the Presleys' friend and fellow congregation member Aaron Kennedy, though a single-A spelling was probably intended by Presley's parents in order to parallel the middle name of Presley's stillborn brother, Jesse Garon.[138] It reads Aron on most official documents produced during his lifetime, including his high school diploma, RCA record contract, and marriage license, and this was generally taken to be the proper spelling.[355] In 1966, Presley expressed the desire to his father that the more traditional biblical rendering, Aaron, be used henceforth, "especially on legal documents."[354] Five years later, the Jaycees citation honoring him as one of the country's Outstanding Young Men used Aaron. Late in his life, he sought to officially change the spelling to Aaron and discovered that state records already listed it that way. Knowing his wishes for his middle name, Aaron is the spelling his father chose for Presley's tombstone, and it is the spelling his estate has designated as official.[355]