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Match the poster to the symbol

Post by RadioFan »

This site may take a bit to load ('sup newbie Dan?), but it's interesting, from one who's always been into symbols.

That being said, I'll start ...

Salad Tosser:

This ostentatious symbol served as a name for the musician Prince for more than five years After a publishing dispute with his recording company (Warner Brothers). Adapted from the alchemical symbol for soapstone (by the addition of a circle) as illustrated in a Dover Clip Art Book, the symbol was most likely chosen for its resemblence to the planetary symbols of Mars and Venus, making it a particularly fitting symbol for the androgynous artist.

The glyph was unpronouncable and caused much consternation amongst members of the media, who took to calling him "The Artist formerly known as Prince," a mouthful eventually shortened to the acronym "TAFKAP."


The Green Man is a mysterious, eerie figure depicted mainly in medieval European stonework, believed to represent an ancient vegetation deity. The Green man is nearly always depicted as a "foliate head," that is, a face made of leaves and vines. Sometimes, it appears as a human face peering out from leaves, other times with animal features.

The image of the Green man may have been adapted from Roman decorative stonework, or from Celtic interlace figures. Older versions bear a very close resemblance to Celtic and Norse interlace figures, and often combine plant and animal features. One of the oldest examples was discovered on an Irish obelisk that dates to the third century BCE. This may be the Derg Corra of Celtic myth, the man in the tree.

The name "green man" was coined in the late 1930s. Other names for this figure are Jack in Green or Jack of the Green.

Many believe the greenman is related to the pre-Christian Celtic deity Cernunnos; others that it is simply an expression of the forces of nature, or even a reminder that we, too, are part of the cycle of life. There is no real evidence linking the images to any particular philosophy, cult, or belief, although the faces are strikingly uniform through time.

The greenman is not a strictly European phenomenon- similar images appear in Asian, Indian, and Arabic architecture and art as well.

Whatever his origin, the Green Man is now an unmistakable mascot of the Neopagan religious movement, where he serves as the embodiment of untamed nature, an emblem of the male principal, and a symbol of fertility and vibrant life energy.


The marriage-knot or knot of Hercules, a strong knot created by two intertwined ropes, originated as a healing charm in ancient Egypt, but is best known for it's use in ancient Greece and Rome as a protective amulet, most notably as a wedding symbol, incorporated into the protective girdles worn by brides, which were ceremonially untied by the new groom. This custom is the origin of the phrase "tying the knot."

According to Roman lore, the knot symbolized the legendary fertiliy of the God Hercules; it probably relates to the legendary Girdle of Diana captured from the Amazon Queen Hippolyta. In this, the marriage-knot was probably a representation of the virginity of the bride.

The symbolism of the knot survived well beyond its religious use, and was a very common symbol in medieval and Renaissance love tokens.


Represents the planet Venus, and its corresponding alchemical metal, copper. Because of its association with Venus, it is also a symbol of femininity. The symbol has been described as representing the mirror of the goddess, but is most likely a variation of the ankh.


The IHS is a symbolic monogram of Christ used by the Roman Catholic Church. This monogram consists of the Greek letters iota, eta, and sigma, the first three letters of the name Iesous (Greek for Jesus), the letters of which are also used to spell out the phrase "Iesous Hominum Salvator," "Jesus, savior of man." It relates to the story of Constantine, whose vision of the Chi-Rho was recorded by Church Father Eusebius. In the vision, Constantine was reported to have heard a voice proclaim, "In this symbol, thouse shalt conquer." Therefore, the IHS has also stood for "In Hoc Signo," in this sign.

The symbol as it appears at right originated in Rome with the early Christians, and was popularized in the fifteenth century by Franciscan disciple Bernardine of Sienna, who promoted it as a symbol of peace.

Some evangelicals have theorized that the initials stand for "Isis, Horus, and Seb," and are related to Egyptian sun worship, but this is a spurious claim that has never been supported by any solid evidence. Solar and Lunar symbolism have been in continual use by the Church and are most likely continuances of Roman ceremonial symbolism. There is, however, good evidence that the initials were used to represent Bacchus, the god of wine, who early Christians identified with Jesus.

The IHS emblem today most commonly represents the communion wafer, and is closely asociated with the Jesuit Order. The solar rays often depicted surrounding the emblem represent the monstrance (Ostensorium), a decorated vessel used to display the Communion Host. The solar symbolism is probably ancient in origin, and probably borrowed from Roman ritual implements.

The three nails pictured on some examples represent the nails of the crucifix.


The feather is the emblem of the Egyptian Goddess embodying justice, Ma'at. Egyptians believed that at the time of death, the feather was weighed against the heart of the deceased. A heart made heavy by sin outweighed the feather and was devoured by Ammit, but a light heart meant the individual was free from sin and entitled to join Osiris in the underworld. (The originof the phrase "light hearted.")

LTS TRN 2/Carol:

This is the symbol of the Raelian UFO 'cult,' representing a spinning galaxy within a hexagram. The original symbol, a hexagram containing a swastika, was deemed offensive and redesigned:

The Group has no ties or connections to Naziism; the swastika was intended in its older meaning as an Eastern Cosmogram- a symbol of the whirlings of the universe.


The image at right (L, on T1B) is the most common of several decorative devices referred to as "Solomon's Knot," a simple design of interlaced, endless loops.

This particular design is very ancient, and appears all over the architecture of the ancient world, and further back, in stone-age carvings.

The design is frequently used in the designs of ancient synagogues, which probably gave rise to the symbol's association with King Solomon. Interlaced designs of this type took much skill to execute; reportedly, this symbol was a particular hallmark of the medieval Italian stonemasons known as the Comacines,* who imbued it with mystical meaningi, a symbol of eternal motion and the intertwining of space and time.

Solomon's knot is related to the swastika and the shield knot; the knot is often interchangable for these solar emblems.

* According to Masonic lore, the Comacines were the forerunners of the Freemasons.



Sorry bro, but it's in the symbols.
The Black Sun is a Nazi emblem consisting of three swastikas arrayed within a circle to form a sun design. The black sun symbol is found in the ornamental floor design of Wewelsburg Castle in Germany, Himmler's "World center" for the Nazi party, the headquarters of the SS.

The design was drawn for Heinrich Himmler from an old aryan emblem, and was meant to mimic the Round table of Arthurian legend- each spoke of the sun wheel repsented one "knight" or Officer of the "inner" SS.

The "black sun" of and its attendant mythology has fueled a number of bizarre conspiracy theories involving UFOs, secret societies, the hollow earth, and worse, none of which have any real basis in fact. The Wewelsburg sun should not be confused with the alchemical black sun (any more than it already has been), a symbol of hidden spiritual potential.


The word fasces comes from the the Roman word meaning bundle. The fasces itself is an axe surrounded by bundled rods of elm wood. It's original use and true meaning is lost, although it probably originated as a phallic emblem.

The fasces was a symbol of authority in ancient Rome. It was later adopted as an emblem by Mussolini's fascist party during World War two, and is the origin of the word "fascist."

On early American coins and other symbols, the fasces symbolizes the unity of the colonies, strength in numbers (A single stick may be broken, but a number of sticks bound together are invincible).

Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the Eye of Ra or Eye of Horus represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. As the udjat (or utchat), it represented the sun, and was associated with the Sun God Ra (Re).

The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (Thoth). (A very similar concept of the sun and moon as eyes appears in many religious traditions)

According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magick. After the restoration, some stories state, Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris, which allowed this solar deity to rule the underworld. The story of this injury is probably an allusion to the phases of the moon as the eye which is "torn out" every month.

Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yin-yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. Together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus.

The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of ingredients in medical preparations) to prepare medications.

The Masonic all seeing eye, the Eye of Providence symbol found on American money, and our modern Rx pharmaceutical symbol are all descended from the Eye of Horus.

The Djed is a very ancient Egyptian symbol of stability. It resembles a short pillar with four horizontal, stacked platforms on top. It is a symbolic representation of the Tree that entombed the god Osiris at his death by his brother's hand.

The Djed was central in a festival in his honor called "the Raising of the Djed." The Djed also represented the phallus of the god, and represented the cosmic axis, or Tree of Life. The Djed can also be viewed as a representation of the human spinal cord.


This symbol found on old Norse stonecarvings is called "Hrungnir's heart," after the legendary giant of the Eddas. It is best known as the Valknut, or "knot of the slain," and it has been found on stone carvings with funerary motifs, where it signified the afterlife.

The valknut can be drawn unicursally (in one stroke), making it a popular talisman of protection against spirits.

The Valknut's three interlocking shapes and nine points suggest rebirth, pregnancy, and cycles of reincarnation. The nine points are also suggestive of the Nine Worlds (and the nine fates) of Norse mythology. Their interwoven shape suggests the belief of the interelatedness of the three realms of earth, hel, and the heavens, and the nine domains they encompass.

The Valknut is also an important symbol to many follwers of the Asatru faith, who often wear it as a symbol of the faith.

A variation called an "open" valknut, due to the looser design


Oh yes, my friend ...
The Cross of Lorraine consists of one vertical and two evenly spaced horizontal bars. It is a heraldic cross, used by the Dukes of Lorraine (previously known as the Dukes of Anjou). This cross is related to the Crusader's cross, the standard of Joan of Arc, and the six globes of the Medici family.

The Lorraine cross was carried to the Crusades by the original Knights Templar, granted to them for their use by the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ. When drawn symmetrically, it symbolised the hermetic maxim, "As above, so below."

The Lorraine Cross is used in Freemasonry as a degree symbol.

In the Catholic Church, the equal-armed Lorraine Cross denotes the office of Cardinal.

In 1940, the cross of Lorraine was adopted by Admiral d'Argenlieu (commander of the Free French Forces) as a symbol of the French Resistance, chosen as a symbol to stand against the Nazi Swastika.

A very old form of this cross, a depiction of a shepherd's staff, was used in ancient Sumeria as an ideogram for rulership.

The Cross of Lorraine is not a "Gothic" symbol, or a symbol of Satanism.

The swastika used in Buddhist art and scripture is known as a manji (whirlwind), and represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. It is derived from the Hindu religious swastika, but it is not identical in meaning.

The Manji is made up of several elements- a vertical axis representing the joining of heaven and earth, a horizontal axis representing the connection of yin and yang, and the four arms, representing movement- the whirling force created by the interaction of these elements.

When facing left, it is the Omote (front facing) Manji, representing love and mercy. Facing right, it represents strength and intelligence, and is called the Ura (rear facing) Manji.
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Post by Wolfman »

thanks for doing the matching for us--
probably the only one I would have correct was Salad Tosser/Prince symbol !!
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I wold hate to have your life.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.
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Post by Felix »


The Gorgon were legendary monsters of Greek myth, the three fearsome sisters Medusa, Euryale, and Sthenno, the daughters of sea monsters with fearsome teeth and hair of serpents.

The gorgon Medusa, whose gaze could turn the living to stone, was slain by the hero Perseus, who beheaded her using her reflection in Athena's sheild to avoid looking at her directly. Afterward, her head adorned the shield (Aegis) of the Goddess Athena. Some scholars believe that the Gorgon was once a facet of the goddess Athena herself, in her destructive solar aspect.

The Gorgon's head is frequently seen in use as a protective device on ancient shields and talismans.
too obvious.......
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Post by pron »


This gigantic earthwork, called the Cerne Abbas Giant, or "Rude Man" (in reference to his gigantic genitalia) can be found carved into chalk bedrock on a in Dorset, England hillside. The figure is of indeterminate age, but is believed to date from the Iron age, and is probably a representation of the Celtic God Ogmios.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.

Looks like a gaping vagina. Are you claiming it as an avatar?
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Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.

Looks like a gaping vagina. Are you claiming it as an avatar?
No, my avatar is staying as is.

It reminded me of that Cinder taco pic Indy throws up on this board every so often.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Post by Rich Fader »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Rich Fader wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.
Actually, Cinder.

Although it could be m2 -- if somebody wytched a plunger in there, that is.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
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Re: Match the poster to the symbol

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

RadioFan wrote:MtLR:

It relates to the story of Constantine, whose vision of the Chi-Rho was recorded by Church Father Eusebius. In the vision, Constantine was reported to have heard a voice proclaim, "In this symbol, thou shalt conquer." Therefore, the IHS has also stood for "In Hoc Signo," in this sign.
Very nice. I don't know if you understand just how appropriate the above stuff is....
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Post by indyfrisco »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I'm surprised you forgot this one, RF:


I'll give you three guesses who it reminded me of, and the first two don't count.

Looks like a gaping vagina. Are you claiming it as an avatar?
No, my avatar is staying as is.

It reminded me of that Cinder taco pic Indy throws up on this board every so often.
What? These? :lol:

Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Post by Ana Ng »

Oh my!! Are those really pictures of Cinder (Blondiebabe, SLCone)?? Bwahahaha!!

She's gone all "Christian" and shit over at SN.

Who did the wytching on those?
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Post by RadioFan »

Damn. I forgot the "save your cinder resets, clones," for the Sheela-na-gig.

And quit tarding up my thread, unless you want to add something, freaks.


The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol of life. Also known as an Ansata cross, it is a visual representation of a sandal strap.

The horizontal and vertical bars of the lower tau cross represent the feminine and masculine energy, respectively. This combination of male and female symbols (the cross and circle) in the ankh suggest fertility and creative power. The top loop also symbolises the sun on the horizon, and suggests reincarnation and rebirth.

The ankh appears frequently in Egyptian writings about rebirth, and this symbolism was adopted by Coptic Christians, especially gnostic sects, to symbolize the resurrection of Christ and the heavenly marriage. The ankh was an earlier form of the cross than the later "latin" cross.
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[Cuda] Biggie Cohen:

A Halo, is a symbolic representation of the aura, or nimbus of light believed in many cultures to surround a Godly or enlightened person. It is used in art, especially Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu religious images, to depict holiness. The practice is probably a holdover from the identification of deities with the sun.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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This crude graffiti cartoon from the early second century, may be the oldest depiction of Christ. (Scholars disagree; some believe the Donkey headed figure may represent Bacchus. Still others point to the drawing as evidence of a close relation between the cults of Jesus and Bacchus/Dionysus).

Scratched onto a plaster wall, it depicts a donkey headed man on a crucifix. Next to him is a figure with a raised arm, ostensibly Alexamenos, the butt of the joke. The Greek caption reads "Alexamenos sebete theon" (Alexamenos worships his god.)
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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In the kabbalisticly based traditions of ritual magic , the planets are the manifestation in the physical world of higher cosmic forces. These forces are represented by the numbers that embody their qualities. The seals and symbols are used to invoke those qualities (Saturn in ritual magic represents the forces of containment, time, death, and stagnation) in ritual.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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The Ouroboros is a greek word, and means "tail swallower." The ouroboros is usually depicted in the form of a snake swallowing its tail, and is usually circular, although it is sometimes depicted in a lemniscate shape. It originated in Egypt as a symbol of the sun, and represented the travels of the sun disk. In Gnosticism, it was related to the solar God Abraxas, and signified eternity and the soul of the world.

In alchemy, it represents the spirit of Mercury (the substance that permeates all matter), and symbolizes continuous renewal (a snake is often a symbol of resurrection, as it appears to be continually reborn as it sheds its skin.), the cycle of life and death, and harmony of opposites.

A double ouroboros (two creatures swallowing one another) in alchemy signifies volatility. Spiritually, it signifies the balance of the upper and lower natures.

The Ouroboros appears in many other cultures and settings as well...the Serpent Jormungandr of Norse legend, who encircled the world, and guarded Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, is often depicted as an ouroboros. The Aztec serpent God Queztacoatl was depicted similarly, and Chinese alchemical dragons have both similar shapes and meaning.
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Abraxas, also known as Abrasax, is a Gnostic solar deity associated with Yahweh, Mithras and the Celtic Belenus, as well as Yeshu (Jesus). Amulets and seals bearing the figure of Abraxas were common in the second century, and were used as recently as the thirteenth century in the seals of the Knights Templar. By medieval times, Abraxas was relegated to the ranks of demons.

The image most associated with abraxas is that of a composite creature with the head of a rooster, the body of a man, and legs made of serpents or scorpions. He carries a whip and shield, called wisdom and power, respectively. Abraxas is occasionally depicted driving a chariot drawn by four horses, which representing the four elements.

The word Abraxas was first proposed by the Alexandrian Gnostic scholar Basilides, and is created using the first letters of the names of the seven visible planets. Gematrically, the letters in Abraxas add to 365, the number of days in a solar year, and the number of Aeons, or divine emanations, in Gnostic cosmology. Each of the seven letters represents one of the seven planetary powers.

Church father Tertullian, speaking of Basilides' description of Abraxas:

"Afterwards broke out the heretic Basilides. He affirms that there is a supreme Deity, by name Abraxas, by whom was created Mind, which in Greek he calls Nous; that thence sprang the Word; that of Him issued Providence, Virtue, and Wisdom; that out of these subsequently were made Principalities, powers, and Angels; that there ensued infinite issues and processions of angels; that by these angels 365 heavens were formed, and the world, in honour of Abraxas, whose name, if computed, has in itself this number. Now, among the last of the angels, those who made this world, he places the God of the Jews latest, that is, the God of the Law and of the Prophets, whom he denies to be a God, but affirms to be an angel."
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Image(New Disney video)
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Raydah James:

Mjolnir, or Thor's Hammer, is an ancient Norse symbol, a stylized representation of the legendary magical weapon of the Norse God Thor. "Mjolnir" means "lightning," and symbolized the God's power over Thunder and Lightning. The Hammer Mjolnir was said to always return after it had been thrown.

The Thor's Hammer amulet was worn frequently by believers as a symbol of protection- a practice so popular it continued even after most of the Norse population had converted to Christianity. In modern times, is often used as an emblem of recognition for members of the Asatru faith, or as a symbol of Norse heritage.

A later form of the Mjolnir is called the Wolf's Cross, or Dragon's Cross, and was associated with early Norse Christianity
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In Vodoun (Voodoo) practice, Veves are intricate symbols of the Loas (gods), and are used in rituals. Each Loa has his or her own complex veve, which is traced on the ground with powdered eggshell or a similar substance prior to a ritual.

The ability to draw a Veve correctly is considered to be the skill of an initiate. A veve is believed to be more powerful if it is drawn with the correct details.

The picture above is the veve of the love Goddess Erzulie. Similar designs exist in Santeria and Candomble.

Curiously, the Veve is similar to the Hindu Kolams, symbols drawn in rice flour for the Hindu deities.

Pronunciation: Vayv or vay-vay • (noun)
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The enso is an emblem of Zen Buddhism. A simple circle drawn with a single, broad brushstroke, it is a symbol of infinity, and represents the infinite void, the 'no-thing,' the perfect meditative state, and Satori (enlightenment.)
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The footprint of the Buddha is represents the Buddha's teachings, and his continued presence on earth. In many places, the Buddhapada marks a place where the buddha visited in his lifetime; these are venerated as holy places.
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Tom in Va:

The folk-charm we know today as the ubiquitous "dreamcatcher" was originally a very small charm, a tiny hoop, usually of willow-wood, filled in with an interlaced webbing of sinew or plant fibers to resemble a spider's web. The first dreamcatchers were crafted by the Ojibwa people (Chippewa) and were probably derived from or inspired by snowshoe designs.

Most dream catchers were used as protective charms for infants. The "spiderweb" would trap negative spirits that cause disease, nightmares, etc., and protect the child. The negativity caught in the web would be destroyed by the rising sun. According to most sources, the original dreamcatchers were made in honor of Asibikaasi, or Spider-woman, whose magical webs even had the power to trap the sun.

Over time, these charms were adapted by other bands, each of whom developed their own methods, materials, and origin stories.

There is some argument over whyat constitutes a 'genuine' dreamcatcher. The monster-sized, ornate leather wrapped dreamcatcher with large feather dangles, stones, and beads is largely a product of the modern resurgence of interest in native cultures that occurred in the sixties and seventies and do not represent any actual ancient traditions. Likewise, even though many modern tribes have adopted and modified the design, they are not traditional in the strict sense., and neither are many of the 'ancient legends' associated with them.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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A popular image of the Hindu deity Shiva. The dance of Shiva is symbolic of the dynamic forces of creation and destruction, and the harmonious balance of opposites.

Most images of the dancing Shiva depict him with four arms, which represent the four cardinal directions of space, and are symbolic of Shiva's omnipresence.

In each hand, the figure holds a different symbolic object or makes a meaningful gesture. A drum represents the sound of creation. A gesture (Abhaya) means "do not be afraid." A gesture toward the lifted right foot is symbolic of release from the cycles of death and rebirth. Another hand holds a flame, which is the essence of creation and destruction.

The small figure under Shiva's feet is the body of the dwarf Purusha (forgetfulness), who is symbolic of man's inertia, the ignorance which must be overcome.

The circle of flames surrounding the figure denotes the universe in its entirety.
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The Greek mathemetician Pythagoras is credited with the discovery of the Golden Rectangle. The Golden Rectangle is built on the "golden ratio" or "golden proportion," which is determined by the irrational number known as Phi. (Symbolized by its namesake, the Greek letter phi:)

To put it simply, a golden rectangle is a rectangle divided in such a way as to create a square and a smaller rectangle that retains the same proportions as the original rectangle. To do this, one must create a rectangle based on the golden ratio.

To find the Golden Ratio, one must divide a line so that the ratio of the line to the larger segment is equal to the ratio of the larger segment to the smaller
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Although made famous Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci, the figure known as the Vitruvian Man is actually named for the man who created him, the Roman architect Vitruvius. Vitruvius, a proponent of the Sacred Geometry of Pythagoras, designed temples based on the proportions of the human body, believing them to be perfect. This perfection, wrote Vitruvius, was due to the fact that the extended limbs of a perfectly proportioned human fit into both the circle and the square.

According to Pythagorian tradition, the circle represents the spiritual realm; the square, material existence, so the human body represented the perfect marriage of matter and spirit, which was is reflected in its proportions.
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RadioFan wrote:socal:

The Greek mathemetician Pythagoras is credited with the discovery of the Golden Rectangle. The Golden Rectangle is built on the "golden ratio" or "golden proportion," which is determined by the irrational number known as Phi. (Symbolized by its namesake, the Greek letter phi:)

To put it simply, a golden rectangle is a rectangle divided in such a way as to create a square and a smaller rectangle that retains the same proportions as the original rectangle. To do this, one must create a rectangle based on the golden ratio.

To find the Golden Ratio, one must divide a line so that the ratio of the line to the larger segment is equal to the ratio of the larger segment to the smaller

A six-pack of beer is thus an example of the Golden Rectangle! Well, happy Saint Pat's
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RadioFan wrote:Toddowen:


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The Cornucopia (Latin, 'horn of plenty'), a spiraling, woven basket overflowing with an abundance of produce, is an ever-present symbol of harvest prosperity. The symbol dates back to an ancient tale of the Nymph Amalthea,* who, as a reward from the infant Zeus for a meal of Goat's milk, was given an enchanted goat's horn which gave whatever one wished for.** The cornucopia became a ubiquitous symbol of forune and plenty, and was associated with many Goddesses, including Fortuna, the goddess of good fortune, and Ceres, Goddess of agriculture.

Amalthea feeds Zeus from the horn

*Sometimes, Amalthea herself is the goat.

**Similar tales include the Finnish Sampo and the Celtic legend of the Cauldron of Plenty.
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The Dearinth symbol was designed by Oberon Zell (Then known as Otter Zell) as an emblem to represent his "Church of All Worlds," a Neopagan religious group based on the spiritual themes in Robert Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land.

The symbol is based on ancient labyrinth designs, and incorporates the images of the Goddess and the Horned God. The nine concentric rings asymbolize the nine levels of initiation in the Church.
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The upward pointing triangle is the alchemical symbol for fire. One of the four classical elements, fire has the properties of heat and dryness, and symbolizes the "fiery" emotions- love, hate, passion, compassion, empathy, anger, etc., as well as spiritual aspiration- those actions of intent which bring us closer to the divine. Fire is represented in numerous cultures as the tringle, symbolising rising force.

The symbolism of the upward-pointing triangle symbolises rising energy. The element is sometimes represented by a sword or knife; when paired with the chalic of water, it is referred to as the blade.

In Paracelsian alchemical tradition, the elemental spirits of fire are salamanders.

The fire symbol is derived from the medieval magical Seal of Solomon.

Zodiac signs ruled by the element of fire are: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
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The Orthodox cross, made up of two horizontal and one diagonal bar crossing a vertical pole, is the symbol of the Russian Orthodox Church. The upper bar represents the sign "INRI," ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews") the mocking title bestowed on Christ by the Romans in the New testament account of the crucifixion.

The lower, slanted bar is simply a stylized footrest, a common design in early Christian crosses. Later folklore holds that the lower end points to hell, and the upper to heaven, representing the destinies of the two thieves crucified with Christ. The first thief, repentant, went to heaven, the second, who did not regret his sin, to hell.
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RadioFan wrote:Luther:

The footprint of the Buddha is represents the Buddha's teachings, and his continued presence on earth. In many places, the Buddhapada marks a place where the buddha visited in his lifetime; these are venerated as holy places.
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The traditional Tibetan Buddhist Yab-yum (literally, "father-mother") image of two deities in an overtly sexual posture is meant to be shocking, but not in the way one might suppose. A yab-yum icon is a meditational tool, one of many seemingly contradictory images of sex or death used to achieve the insight that leads to spiritual liberation.

There are several types of yab-yum, each depicting a tantric deity (compassion) in sexual union with his consort. (wisdom), each with its own layers of additional symbolism.

Like the Hindu Shatkona or the Taoist yin-yang, the image represents dual forces in union, which united, create a transcendent unity.

Despite appearances, the yab-yum is not related in any way to sexual practices.
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