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Spamming this waste of a forum...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:56 am
by velocet
Golf fans: you have a lot to answer for.

1. "Junior" Feinstein.
This assclown wasted gallons of ink and too many trees writing completely useless crap about the most boring thing one can do drunk or sober.

2. Golf courses are ecological disaster zones. I'm sure there's a link to support that somewhere but I'm too lazy to dig it up, especially for this topic.

3. Golf isn't a sport, its a game, and a lame one. Most games and sports obtain scoreboard by accumulating points... the snooze fest on the greens actually rewards a lower number. Genius.

4. I'm a team player. I figured I'd give you forum m0ds something to attack... why let the Main Street muggers have all the fun?


Re: Spamming this waste of a forum...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:32 am
by BSmack
velocet wrote:Golf fans: you have a lot to answer for.

1. "Junior" Feinstein.
This assclown wasted gallons of ink and too many trees writing completely useless crap about the most boring thing one can do drunk or sober.
And they're some of the best books ever written about the game of golf. I recomend them especialy to non golfing Philistines.
2. Golf courses are ecological disaster zones. I'm sure there's a link to support that somewhere but I'm too lazy to dig it up, especially for this topic.
You would be amazed at how many golf courses are former strip mining sites that were rehabed after they had been mined out and turned into alternate profit centers for their owners.
3. Golf isn't a sport, its a game, and a lame one. Most games and sports obtain scoreboard by accumulating points... the snooze fest on the greens actually rewards a lower number. Genius.
Have you ever played golf by the rules (no muligans, no gimmies, no "practice shots") and on foot to boot?

Parse over words all you like. Golf is still the one "game" you should be praying your child is gifted at. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:21 pm
by Dinsdale
No sex in the VIP Room.

(Or however that saying goes.)

Re: Spamming this waste of a forum...

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:35 am
by 3putt
I guess I should at least make an appearance in here before I lose my Mod card.
velocet wrote:Golf fans: you have a lot to answer for.

1. "Junior" Feinstein.
This assclown wasted gallons of ink and too many trees writing completely useless crap about the most boring thing one can do drunk or sober.
I've read a book or two of Feinstein's. Not bad. I've definitely read worse useless crap...most of it on internet boards. I have a high tolerance for boredom so that part isn't a problem.
velocet wrote:2. Golf courses are ecological disaster zones. I'm sure there's a link to support that somewhere but I'm too lazy to dig it up, especially for this topic.
Most golf courses I've seen seem to support plenty of wildlife. Moles, gophers, snakes, hornets, fire ants, old guys in bad pants -- they're all there. How bad could it be?

velocet wrote:3. Golf isn't a sport, its a game, and a lame one. Most games and sports obtain scoreboard by accumulating points... the snooze fest on the greens actually rewards a lower number. Genius.
First off, most sports are games. You might consider hunting a sport even though it's not really a game, but you do hunt game, so it gets in on a technicality. I figure the sport/game argument is something a decent athlete came up with when he found out he sucked at golf. If he could convince himself golf wasn't a sport, he could still say he was good at every "sport" he ever played. It also doesn't hurt that for some reason, it tends to piss off some golf fans (though I'm not sure why anyone cares.) Personally, I tend to consider something a sport if it has set rules, is competitive and it requires physical skeels to gitter done. The problem is that my definition of a sport would also include bowling, ping pong and darts. And yes, I realize that tiddly winks and NASCAR fall in there, but I don't lose any sleep over it.

Despite John Daly, I consider golf to be a primarily physical sport. Not anywhere near the most athletic of sports, but still mostly physical -- particularly at the general duffer level. As with most sports, the average idiot with good hand/eye coordination will trounce the average chess team captain when they first start out. Not so with SCRABBLE®.

Golf isn't the only sport where the person with the fewest shots wins. Russian Roulette comes to mind. There must be others.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:42 am
by Tiberious
Jerkoff, thoughts?