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Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 2:00 pm
by Softball Bat
You're the movie review guy here.

I will wait for your review of -----> Unfrosted.

A movie about Pop-Tarts can't be all bad. :smile:

I read a few reviews and watched a couple of video reviews, and the reviewers have generally not been real enthusiastic about the movie.
Some chuckles, not terrible, but far from excellent.

Some reviews have been more critical, though.
And I wonder if some of the might be due to Jerry Seinfeld's recent comments about how "wokeism" ruins comedy.

"A silly movie for Boomers and Generation Xers."

Jerry Seinfeld is... 70?
I am old.

I remember when he was just a young comic appearing on the Tonight Show with Johnny.
Time flies.

At any rate, here is one review, and this clown, btw, needs to lose that stupid low volume background music he has playing throughout his review.


Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 2:07 pm
by Carson
Watched it this past weekend.

Lots of old pop culture references, along with a couple of recent ones.

Hugh Grant steals the show.

I give it 7 out of 10.


Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 6:59 pm
by Sudden Sam
After my return to theaters to see, of all things, the uber shitty Fall Guy, I desperately needed a palate cleanser. So I watched Unfrosted.

A bit disappointing, but had some funny moments. It felt to me like they had a blast making the film, but their joy didn’t transfer 100% to the screen.

As Carson said, lots of 60s references…early days of the space program, JFK (Bill Burr), TV ads…so folks my age (and Jerry’s) will like that aspect.

Some clever lines and moments. But not the gut splitter I expected it to be.

I’ll go along with Carson’s 7/10, but I might slide it back to a 6.5.


Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 11:03 pm
by HighPlainsGrifter
Thanks for the recommendation, Bat.

I've heard Jerry Seinfeld's interview about wokeism killing comedy and I wondered if his comments were at all related to this movie. Did he want to be more curting edge with this script and felt held back by acid-spitting leftist activists on social media? I suspect that might be a factor in this movie getting such a luke warm reception. Jerry is a comedic genius whose bread and butter has always been the absurdities of regular life. If he didn't lean into the absurdities of modern life and pop culture, it's safe to say he self-censored and held something back.