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Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:04 am
by kcdave
Remember the band "Extreme?"
They have a new cd out. Not bad.
Nuno Bettencourt can JAM!

Covid and all it's bs is GONZO.
Tart' I hope you can say the same now or very soon.

I don't even want to talk or think about grill biz.
More projects on my plate at the moment than
I can comprehend. To many irons in the fire.
Speaking of fire, it's gonna be hot as fuck in FOC
the next 2 days. Our first little taste of the miserable
heat and humidity that will soon take over and have
us dripping in sweat for the next 4-5 mos. Yay!! (Where is the nut tap smilie?)

Last week I posted a link to the Motley show.
That got me to thinking. Is there any other band that
I would have wanted to party with back in the day,
more than those guys? Specifically, Tommy and Nikki
for me. Vince and Mick, eh, whatever.
Van Halen? AC/DC? GNR? Metallica? Ozzy? No, not me.
Tommy and Nikki would have been my first choice I think.
What about you?
Party with a rockstar! Who would it have been?

The memes I have been seeing of late suck ass,
so no meme again this week. I must search harder.

Happy Weekend, Y'all.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 10:19 am
by Softball Bat
dave wrote:Covid and all it's bs is GONZO.
Tart' I hope you can say the same now or very soon.
I'm glad you're better, dave!
I'm about 85%, I'd say.
Thank you.

Have a great weekend!

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 11:32 am
by Wolfman
IN--- happy birthday to me---#84.
may go to the casino today and give the Seminoles some of my money

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 12:33 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Wolfman wrote: ↑Sat May 06, 2023 11:32 am IN--- happy birthday to me---#84.
may go to the casino today and give the Seminoles some of my money
Happy bday, Wolftard

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 3:09 pm
by Smackie Chan
Wolfman wrote: ↑Sat May 06, 2023 11:32 am IN--- happy birthday to me---#84.
Happy Birthday!! πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸŽŠπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 7:57 pm
by Ken
Happy Birthday, Wolfman!

Got back from a weeklong biz trip to Austin, TX late last night. First time there. Knew it was a 'happening' bar scene but, bloody hell, didn't know it was THAT off the hook. Stayed out and drank probably a bit more than I should have Thursday night before my flight out yesterday morn. But, fuck it... I had fun.

Caught up on the grass mowing and weedwhacking earlier today... now time to relax.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 8:40 pm
by Sudden Sam
Happy birthday, Wolfie.

Glad our Covid patients are doing better.

Kicked back watching the paradigm shift: Chinese yuan, digital currency, collapsing commercial property values, banks going under. Gonna be a different world soon. My grandkids will lead radically different lives than any of us have. Better enjoy it while we can.

All you Antifans, BLMers, Proud Boy fan boys, etc better get all that shit outta your system. The Chinese don’t put up with that shit at all. You loot, you die.

The Chinese have been fomenting the divisiveness here since Clinton was the prez. They’ve done one helluva job. Their time is nigh.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 8:56 pm
by Mikey
I think I would have enjoyed partying with Tommy and Cheech. Not exactly a "band" but WTH.

I went to the Padres game at Petco Park last night with the wife, daughter and son, along with my son's wife, bro in law, mother in law and grandmother in law - all of them are huge Dodger ( :hfal: ) fans and came down for the game. This was the first time the Padres have played the Dodgers since the NLDS last year, and the atmosphere was somewhat charged to say the least. We always get a lot of Dodger fans for these games and last night was no exception. Combine that with a Cinco de Mayo themed "party in the park" (these precede every Friday night home game) and you had all the elements for a wild good time. The Padres jumped on Kershaw for four runs on eight hits and five walks in 4.2 innings, including two homers by today's most popular man in town, Fernando Tatis Jr. By the time he knocked Kershaw out of the game in the 5th, the place was going fucking bonkers. The gas lamp district, right outside the ballpark, was undoubtedly rocking until all hours (I was at home asleep by then).

Including our Mexican dinner in the gaslamp before the game, it was a great time. Except for one sort of unfortunate incident. Our seats were about 20 feet outside the right field foul pole, with a great view of home plate down the first base line. I was at the far (from home plate) end of our row of eight seats. Just before the game started some guy and his girlfriend came and occupied the seat just in front (and slightly to the right) of me, and the next one further out. Dude was wearing a Padre hat and Padre jacket never sat down before the game. He was a youngish guy but I probably had six inches and 50 or 60 lb on him, but could not see around him. I was OK with that before the game but, when the game started, he still didn't sit. He was the only person anywhere around who was standing at that point. So I leaned forward and asked him if he would mind sitting down. Not sure he if heard me or not (pretty sure he was aware of being an asshole though) so he turned around and said "what?"

Me: "Take a seat."

Him: "Why should I?"

Me: "Because you're standing in front of me and I can't see most of the outfield and part of the infield."

Him: "I paid for this seat and I can do what I want."

Me: "So are you going to stand for the whole fucking game? I paid for my seat too and would like to watch the game."

My language seemed to shock the fuck out of him and his fat gf with three inch eyelashes and three inch green fingernails.

She says: "You don't have to use profanity."

Me: "Yeah well I asked him nicely and he's not sitting down."

Him: "It's my seat and I paid for it and I don't have to sit."

Me: "Why do you think they call it a seat?"

This went on for another minute or so with voices getting louder and, to her credit, the gf made him switch seats with her so that he was no longer right in front of me, and I could see the whole field. There was nobody in the seat next to me so he wasn't blocking anybody at that point, so I was OK with that. But he still didn't want to drop it yet. Seemed like he was trying to recruit people around us to his side. So I finally said, "look, do whatever the hell you want I'm done." and just ignored him after that. Dude didn't sit down once for the first four innings until some late arriving Dodger fans came and occupied the seats next to me. At that point he sat down without even being asked.

It was a great game though.

My birthday is on Monday. Not quite as old as wolfie. Planning on dinner out at a nice seafood place in Carlsbad. On Friday we fly to Dallas for our granddaughter's graduation at SMU. We should see a lot of family and some old friends there.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:23 pm
by Kierland
I got stoned with Cheech up in Squaw Valley back in the day. Super nice and funny dude.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:34 pm
by Mikey
Saw them when I was a Sr in HS at a theater on the Stanford campus. Drunker than shit on Southern Comfort they had me literally figuratively rolling in the aisle. For all I really know I may actually have been rolling in the aisle.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 5:30 am
by Softball Bat
Kierland wrote: ↑Sat May 06, 2023 9:23 pmI got stoned with Cheech up in Squaw Valley back in the day.
Did he smell like he hadn't bathed in four days?

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:21 am
by Ken
Son of a bitch... Presently have my foot elevated and iced. Pain scale was about a 7, now down to a 4 with an Advil. First softball game of the year today and I NEVER felt while I was playing that I had an 'episode'. Never thought to myself in the moment, 'Oh shit, I just fucked up my ankle'. Got home, relaxed for a bit before making dinner (grilled NY strip for the win). Then surprisingly my ankle started firing up and quickly. In the matter of 45 mins I went from walking normally to struggling a bit. Another 30 mins and I could barely put any weight on it.

Weird thing is that there is zero swelling. Just pain. It even hurts to let my leg hold the weight of my foot. Oh well... when you're 52 yrs, you should probably give up shit like this other than golf or shuffleboard. Hoping its nothing major, but we'll see.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 2:20 am
by Kierland
Sounds more like you went from a 6 to a 5. 7 is close to unbearable and would burn right thru an advil. 4 is like you can walk on it but there is some pain.

Re: Weekend Roll Call 5-6-23

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:50 am
by BSmack
Ken wrote:Son of a bitch... Presently have my foot elevated and iced. Pain scale was about a 7, now down to a 4 with an Advil. First softball game of the year today and I NEVER felt while I was playing that I had an 'episode'. Never thought to myself in the moment, 'Oh shit, I just fucked up my ankle'. Got home, relaxed for a bit before making dinner (grilled NY strip for the win). Then surprisingly my ankle started firing up and quickly. In the matter of 45 mins I went from walking normally to struggling a bit. Another 30 mins and I could barely put any weight on it.

Weird thing is that there is zero swelling. Just pain. It even hurts to let my leg hold the weight of my foot. Oh well... when you're 52 yrs, you should probably give up shit like this other than golf or shuffleboard. Hoping its nothing major, but we'll see.
I remember the last time I played flag football. Put me out of commission for two days. Golf and swimming is about it for me. Maybe pickle ball someday.