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Morgellons... and other things

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:48 am
by poptart
God created man in His image -- as a spiritual being to live w/God and by His grace.
John 4:24, Genesis 1:26-28

Because man is a spiritual being, he seeks to fill his spirit.
Apart from the connection with God, he seeks to fill the void with created things.
We all do this.
We find something to attach our focus, energy, ambition toward.
We could call these things idols.
Romans 1:23-25

But because it is the incorrect object of worship, mental issues arise.
People become oppressed and afflicted mentally, in varying degrees.
Matthew 11:28

Later physical problems arise.
Acts 8:4-8, Matthew 8:16-17

Death comes (Genesis 2:17), there is judgment and hell.
Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19-31

The fundamental spiritual problem was not resolved and the same issues fall down to the next generation -- the children.
The begin to suffer the same way.

Exodus 20:4

This is man's resume.

Immediately upon our entering into this fundamental problem (Genesis 3), God gave the solution.
Genesis 3:15.

It would be the Christ.
Jesus is the Christ.

Freedom from the resume.
Make no mistake.