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Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:05 am
by poptart
In America.

Dearborn, Michigan.

'Stoning' Christians.

The clip is 22:00 long, but worth watching all the way through.


1. Poor evangelism approach taken by the Christers.

2. The Christers' civil rights were badly and blatantly violated. Many multiple rage boys were guilty of criminal assault and yet the authorities turned a blind eye to it and instead said the Christers (who were guilty of nothing - other than a dumb idea) needed to leave.

3. Muslims are friendly, peaceful, and tolerant.

4. The new AmeriKa - you must expect no rights and freedom.

5. Allahu Akbar!

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:32 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:the fundie thumpers bitch when they aren't welcomed by the Muslims?
Is that what happened? The Christians simply weren't welcomed?

Is that Muslim cock a nice, tight fit up your ass, faggot?

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:46 am
by poptart
Jsc, when told that they were not allowed to use the horn, the Christians complied.

Were the civil rights of the Christians violated? Y or N?

Did multiple instances of criminal assault occur? Y or N?

Why do you value muslim rage more than your freedom?

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:52 am
by atomicdad
Jsc810 wrote:A bunch of fundie thumpers go to a Muslim festival and yell about Jesus using bullhorns and carrying signs saying that the Muslims will go to hell, and then the fundie thumpers bitch when they aren't welcomed by the Muslims?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED at these events.
So you are in favor of primeval violence to stomp down first amendment rights.

I'm not not shocked that you seem to be not offended by the behavior from this community of muslims.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:52 am
by Dr_Phibes
Call me old fashioned, but strolling into a bar and mouthing off is grounds for a whuppin.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:26 am
by M Club
Oh look, some aggrieved proto-Christian crying about his people being persecuted. :meds: For one thing, it's an Arab festival, not a Muslim festival, so Christians are certainly welcome so long as they stick to normal festival-like shiz, say eating falafel and riding the rides. My sister takes her three young children there every year and makes a good day of it. For another, East Dearborn's mildly ghetto, so if starting fights with 16-24 year old hyper-testerone youf is akin to jihad then your side has to take credit for all the NYC or LA gangbangers dropping their families off at church on Sundays.

This video was a bunch of pussies crying about a fight they started, the equivalent of a bunch of Nancies insisting on a pride parade in bumblefuck Alabama. Would love to see all the Christian love on display at one of those.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:05 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I think I'll go stand in front of a synagogue with a sign that reads NEVER HAPPENED.

I'll probably be invited in for coffee and kugel.


Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:11 am
by poptart
MClub wrote:Christians are certainly welcome so long as...
Que the Twilight Zone music.


The First Amendment grants individuals the right of free speech and assembly.

No such thing as, "you're welcome so long as..." you little fascist r@t.

MClub wrote:This video was a bunch of pussies crying about a fight they started

The violence was 100% on the part of the Islamic mob.

The Christian group was exercising it's right to assemble and speak.

This was just another example of muslims doing what muslims always do.
They've mastered the art of coming completely unhinged.

The muslim, when confronted with an opinion not matching his, is emotionally incapable of doing anything other than melting down, babbling, and throwing objects.

t's an Arab festival, not a Muslim festiva
Yeah, sure.

The mob chanted Allahu Akbar as they assaulted the people who's voice they could not bear to hear.

Melting muslims.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
So those were missionaries?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:15 pm
by BSmack
Everybody who has ever advocated violence towards flag burners, occupy protestors, anti-war protestors...

Just spare me this bullshit right now.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:40 pm
by poptart
You're talking out your @ss.

There was violence in this instance and the authorities turned a blind eye to it - and sanctioned it, by sending the Christians out, rather than doing their job and arresting violent rage boys.

Disgraceful episode.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:41 pm
by smackaholic
Is there even a single lib out there that is not appaled by muzzie savagery.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:57 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:Is there even a single lib out there that is not appaled by muzzie savagery.
I’m a Libertarian, and I’m appaled (sic) by most forms of savagery, including your regular savaging of the English language.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:04 pm
by R-Jack
I can't think of one instance that Christers with giant signs and bullhorns in public were not aggravating the public.

They went into a crowd of unwashed and ghetto muzzies for the sole purpose to incite a riot. They got what they wanted. Forgive me for not RSVPing to their pity party.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:08 pm
by Sirfindafold
I'm sure this would be a non-story if the roles were reversed.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:54 pm
by Goober McTuber
Who gives a fuck?

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:47 pm
by Mikey
Sirfindafold wrote:I'm sure this would be a non-story if the roles were reversed.
To you, poptart and your ilk it would be.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:51 pm
by M Club
poptart wrote:
MClub wrote:This video was a bunch of pussies crying about a fight they started

The violence was 100% on the part of the Islamic mob.

The Christian group was exercising it's right to assemble and speak.
hardly a liar. what was their purpose in going down there? to convert the willing? "you're going to hell" is hardly the way to start a dialogue.

and while i'm not sure exactly how all the arguments would play out in a court of law, common sense tells me shouting down people with bullhorns who would otherwise be going about their day at a summer festival is less peaceful assembly and more incitement to violence. you inbred christers know full well what you're getting yourselves into when you try to "witness" for some peaceful, benevolent god who curiously wants to send everyone to hell. not that you care since this just plays into your self-parodied, woe-is-us siege mentality, as if somehow allowing unbelievers to do their thing is an assault on your religious freedom. just go to church, talk shit about each other, try to find meaning in your own happiness, and leave people the fuck alone. will result in a lot less ass kickings for your side.

and yes, they're so horrible yet you're the ones who always go looking for them. when's the last time you saw a bunch of muslims exercise their right to assembly in front of a church while carrying signs that read "jesus is a faggot"?

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:54 pm
by M Club
88 wrote:I am an atheist, so this kind of stuff is a little bit tricky for me. Let's see if I have it correct:

When a woman gets sexually assaulted and then someone says "No surprise, look how she was dressed." That someone is a complete douchebag because the victim's actions can never, ever be considered a provocation or justification for the assault.

However, when a Christian gets physically assaulted and then someone says "No surprise, he preached his faith at an Islamic festival." That someone is a sage observer because the victims' actions clearly provoked and justified the assault.
really, the two are congruous?

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:57 pm
by Mikey
88 wrote: Victims' actions clearly provoked and justified the assault.
Spoken like a true lawyer.

Maybe not justified but clearly provoked.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:35 pm
by lovebuzz
I watched the entire video, am familiar with Dearborn as well as that particular area/hood and the locals, have been to this festival, my little brother is an associate pastor at the largest Catholic church in this 'hood (save it gang, i'm well aware that the golden child is a closet homo and sadly misguided)
I also happen to know Mike Jafaar.

I have relatives and friends in West Dearborn, which compared to what you see in the video is a fairly white bread suburb, it too is being taken over by
the ghetto muslim element.
My bff's Dad recently retired from his 33 year gig teaching (wait for it) American History to Dearborn middle schoolers/junior high savages just like those you see here.
(Thankless, miserable, shit job, eh !)

This sort of shit started brewing a few years ago (6-7 if memory serves me correct though it could be more) and has progressively escalated each year.
The festival is not labeled a muslim festival but rather The Arab American Festival (of Dearborn ? there used to be a similar gig down at Hart Plaza, not sure if that still happens), the demographic it serves is clearly muslim though there's a small percentage of Chaldeans and average white/black Americans that attend.
A bunch of asshole kids chanting delusional fairy tale shit that has been drilled into their heads since birth doesn't really make it a muslim festival...
It does make it some sort of free babysitting/swirling cesspool of juvenile delinquent assholes though.
The same little cretins that are crying Allah Akbar also smoke, drink, fuck, idolize stereotypical black culture and blah blah blah.

Defnitely a poor approach by the Christians. Just who were they trying to enlighten ? A bunch of ill mannered, beastly, unwashed children whose parents can not be bothered to actually parent in any positive and reasonable way.
Where the frack are the parental units ? Who are these people who allow their adolescent children to wander a street fair unsupervised and in packs ?!?!

The civil rights of the Christians were violated, no doubt about it.
Multiple instances of criminal assault did occur.

The Dearborn PD and Wayne County Sheriff's department are understaffed, broke, mismanaged and overwhelmed. Pretty sure that's commonplace these days.
I also suspect they are scared and/or in the pocket of the sleazy gas station, liquor store owners (the "upper crust" of the local muslims, if you will.)

My Dad (Undersheriff and Dept. of Corrections Union Prez - local and state chapters) retired a few years ago from another County Sheriff's Dept.
Different county (NE 'burbs) but like anyone would in a certain field for that many years, he has loads of friends, acquaintances and associates in law enforcement.

As far back as I can remember, he voiced major concerns and frustration at what he perceived to be Dearborn being overrun by muslims, by the public officials and
law enforcement succumbing to pressure from the muslim community. Again, this isn't a new story. Sad story, fucked up story but not a new one.
Where is the outrage from the local non-muslims ? Where is the activism from the local non-muslims ?
Complacency and white flight have been the chosen route, far as I can tell.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:38 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Both Christers and Muslims are bastard sons of Judaism, period. In each case the sons hate the father and is held in contempt in return. All three of them need to scour off the vile contagion of monotheism and begin to actually live.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:28 pm
by Van
Someone already mentioned it, but I'd love to see how the police would've responded had a group of a dozen or so Muslims carrying pro-Islam signs attended a festival in Thumperville, USA and gotten all manner of shit thrown at them for their troubles...on tape, including tape of the police telling them that they'd be arrested for peaceably practicing their right to free speech.

Yeah, I'm fairly sure the police would've been willing to spare a couple-few cops to deter the Christians from throwing objects at those sign-holding Muslims.

The guy at the end of the video was correct. The police basically just taught the thugs that violence against the innocent will go unpunished, as long as it's committed in overwhelming numbers.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:26 pm
by Dr_Phibes
88 wrote:Why do Nazi's get to march through Jewish neighborhoods (protected by the police every step of the way, mind you), but Christers should be subjected to police harassment and assaults when they enter a predominantly Muslim neighborhood?
The Nazi's phoned ahead :meds:


Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:37 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dr_Phibes wrote:
88 wrote:Why do Nazi's get to march through Jewish neighborhoods (protected by the police every step of the way, mind you), but Christers should be subjected to police harassment and assaults when they enter a predominantly Muslim neighborhood?
The Nazi's phoned ahead :meds:


Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:41 pm
by jiminphilly
Goober McTuber wrote:

I'm in fucking love.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:51 pm
by pron

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:16 pm
by jiminphilly
KC Scott wrote:You're in luck Jim - she's in the market


Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:52 pm
by DC Smackmaster
Religion, :lol: :lol: :lol:, Bollocks!! The whole fucking lot of em is wankers.

(sorry, I've been watching Peep Show for the last few days on Netflix. One of the funniest British comedies I've seen since The Flying Circus. Go watch it. You will thank me.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:12 pm
by Dr_Phibes
Well, getting beaten up at family fun fairs by Muslims isn't uniquely Christian or American, the English Defence League has been doing it for four years now. They show up at Muslim events, get the shit knocked out of themselves with regularity and film it with cell phones.

'oooo LOOK! I'm bleeding!!' and they mug for the camera, then show a picture of a Spitfire and play the national anthem.

It's a slightly bizarre attempt at public relations, but good to see it's making its way around.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:14 pm
by poptart
Great post, buzzer!

88 wrote:We have laws that permit people to peacably exercise their right to free speech in public places. We also have laws prohibiting assaults. Those who did not want to listen to what the crazy Christers had to say could exercise their right to walk away or ignore them, as I would.

If you're a festival-goer and you walk by some sign-carrying 'tard who is 'preaching' at you, you look at it and think, "Wow, that's pretty fucked up," and you go on your way.

The end.

MClub's head is up his ass.

The Christers started no fight.

It's on tape.

The fighting came exclusively from the rage boys.

The motive of the Christers does not matter, because the fact of the matter is that people have every right IN AMERICA to assemble and speak - just as those folks were doing.

I hope Dearborn gets the shit sued out of them.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:27 pm
I was hopping up and down with glee when the thumpers started getting hit with stuff.

I think I missed my calling in life. Oppressing thumpers looks like the bomb shiznit.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:29 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
poptart wrote: The Christers started no fight.

It's on tape.
Public Disturbance/Inciting A Riot

Might want to look into the laws of your own (former) country.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:43 pm
by DC Smackmaster
poptart wrote:
I hope Dearborn gets the shit sued out of them.
Your christian hypocrisy knows no bounds!

“Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?”

-1 Corinthians 6:7

Without a doubt you will have some other verses suggesting that suing the dune coons (awful) is the right thing to do in god's eyes... 8) I'm sure you would advise those misguided jesus freaks to pray deeply about the situation before suing Dearborn.

Yeah, I hope Dearborn gets the shit sued out of them., sounds like a prayerfully considered sentiment.


Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:01 am
by poptart
Marty wrote:Public Disturbance/Inciting A Riot

At least try to make your trolling seem a little bit believable, Martard.

Yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre is inciting a riot.

Assembling and preaching ---> is not, and it is an action which is protected under the constitution.

DC wrote:Without a doubt you will have some other verses suggesting that suing the dune coons (awful) is the right thing to do in god's eyes...
You would be right, but this is not a theology thread, so I'm not going to reply to what you posted.

It's a social, legal, political thread.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:14 am
by Dr_Phibes
poptart wrote: You would be right, but this is not a theology thread, so I'm not going to reply to what you posted.

It's a social, legal, political thread.
Well you're vacillating between the two, social, political situations and theological formulations. It's a bit confusing.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:19 am
by War Wagon
'tart is an enigma wrapped up in a conundrum.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:34 am
by poptart
Phibes wrote:Well you're vacillating between the two, social, political situations and theological formulations. It's a bit confusing.
The only thing close to a 'theological formulation' I made is saying this...

This was just another example of muslims doing what muslims always do.
They've mastered the art of coming completely unhinged.

The muslim, when confronted with an opinion not matching his, is emotionally incapable of doing anything other than melting down, babbling, and throwing objects.

I don't consider that any kind of deep theological forumlation.

Muslims universally flipping out and going ape-shit is pretty much self-evident to anyone who simply has his eyes open.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:21 am
by M Club
88 wrote:
M Club wrote: really, the two are congruous?
I think so. Why not?

We have laws that permit people to peacably exercise their right to free speech in public places. We also have laws prohibiting assaults. Those who did not want to listen to what the crazy Christers had to say could exercise their right to walk away or ignore them, as I would.

I thought we fought these battles a long time ago. Does anyone remember National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie? The ACLU successfully fought for the right of Nazi's to march through a village inhabited by many holocaust survivors. Why do Nazi's get to march through Jewish neighborhoods (protected by the police every step of the way, mind you), but Christers should be subjected to police harassment and assaults when they enter a predominantly Muslim neighborhood?
Well yes, in a court of law a woman has the same right to walk down the street without getting raped as a bunch of ignorant this-or-thats have to stand in a park trying to trip emotional triggers of a gathered crowd. And yes, it's best just to ignore them. But in the real world - the one where you figure you can just fuck your wife in the arse if you feel like it even though there's technically a law against it - a woman should be able to show half her thigh while fully expecting to get from point a to point b without getting savaged, whereas you, I, and, if he were being honest, Poptart know full well walking into an assembly at MLK High School in so and so city and screaming "mvscal" would result in an ass whooping. The law precludes many versions of common sense; if it didn't then the self-aggrieved white guy would have gone extinct by now.

Re: Islamic Rage Boy(s)!!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:33 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:'tart is an enigma wrapped up in a conundrum.

There's nothing "enigmatic" about poptart's motivations.
He's actually quite obvious.