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Royal Rant

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:50 pm
by Truman
Swept by the faggot Cardinals.


Just when we needed a starting pitching effort most, who do we get today? Jonathon-Fucking-Sanchez.

I’m sensing a pattern here. Four Royals pitchers have gone down this year with torn UCLs, yet Jonathon Sanchez still toes the slab every five days. There is no God.

Fucker gives up five runs in his first 1 2/3 innings, is relieved in the fifth after giving up his 6th, and has the audacity to tell the Kansas City listening audience how he kept his team in the game while attributing his slow start to “well, that’s just baseball.”

No, Loser, Royal bats kept you in the game.

"Well, that’s just baseball,” has plagued this fucker every single fucking time he’s taken the ball this year.

This is not an isolated incident. This is Jonathon Sanchez every-five-fucking-days. The guy has an ERA even worse than Luke Hochevar, and that takes effort.

Was this guy always such a fuck in San Francisco? It’s clear he wants to be in Kansas City just about as badly as trev does. Dude, if you hate it here so much, take a page from Gil Meche and simply walk away. Do yourself – and us – a favor. NOBODY will hate you for doing so as much as we hate you right now.

Trouble is, the Royals are paying him $5.6 M to be a burning bag of suck. You’d think an arbitration year might prove to be some sort of incentive for even an interested effort, but I’m not convinced the guy even has a pulse.

Christ, pay ME $5.6 M per, and I too could still muster up a 85 mph straight fastball and a mediocre curve that will not break. At least I’d appear to actually CARE about my ass-kicking when asked about it during the post-game. Can we get Melky back? Please? What an abortion of a trade. Die in a fire, Sanchez. Or better yet, blow out your UCL. TIA.[/melt over]

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:21 am
by War Wagon
and yet they somehow remain only 5 games or so back. Ponderous. This starting pitching staff is held together by duct tape and the once reliable bullpen is getting worn the fuck out. They're on pace to pitch a record number of innings if their arms don't fall off first or they don't wear out I-29 bringing up and sending down yet another chump.

On the bright side, Moose has been raking, Escobar is a pleasure to watch and we got Sal Perez back. Small consolation after getting swept at home by the Cards but what are you gonna' do?

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:41 pm
by Van
Yeah, but Melky Cabrera is hitting .370, leading the majors in hits, playing all-around great baseball, and will likely go to the All Star game without even needing a ticket.

And I saw Sanchez's no-no in person. Still have the ticket somewhere, too. Were it not for an early-inning error by Juan Uribe, that no-no would've been a perfecto. But Sanchez pretty much sucked thereafter, and especially his last year or so in San Francisco. He kept getting worse, not better. He had zero command of any of his pitches. He always maintained a great batting-average-against because his stuff was so "nasty," yet he sucked anyway because he walked eight guys per game and was forever way behind in the count.

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:22 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Truman wrote:Luke Hochevar
Zero earned runs in his last 2 starts covering 16.2 innings! :shock:

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:43 am
by War Wagon
yes and it's good to see the 2006 #1 overall draft pick finally look like he belongs in a MLB uniform because before those outings he was routinely getting shelled and failing to last 5 innings.

I've been saying dump him, cut your losses, for some time now. I hope I was wrong but two nice games don't prove much. He probably won't make it out of the 3rd in his next start.

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:14 pm
by War Wagon
they dumped him from the TV color analyst role supposedly because he wasn't homer enough to call a sows ear a silk purse. I loved the job he did and the understated easy sense of humor, as did most Royals fans.

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:46 am
by Van
Frank White was easily my all-time second favorite Royal behind only George Brett, who's my all-time favorite third baseman, period.

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:21 am
by kcdave
There is also a lot of talk about White being somewhat of a bitterman and a malcontent.
Whatever it is, its not good. Its going to take a lot to make it right, for both sides.

Re: Royal Rant

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:31 am
by War Wagon
true that, I'm not taking sides in a family squabble.

but they have his number retired and up on the base of the scoreboard and need to resolve this mess.