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What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely deaths

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:23 pm
by Atomic Punk
Van Not down by the river but by asphyxiation due to a large black woman sitting on his face while licking the smegma off her piss flaps.

Jsc Well... finally.

Screw Michigan Meth addicts stick him in a dryer and run high heat while they were "heated."

shutyomouth He didn't believe in discrimination. There wasn't a calorie he hated.

Atomic Punk/zztop He will be missed... by nobody. Good riddance.

mvscal Resident racist hates everybody equally. Got to like the consistent message he sent.

Smackie Chan Well he's not officially dead but sure looks like it.

Dinsdale King Salmon did a drive by on his kayak up on of those fishing spots he brags about in the U&L.

TVO/Moving Sale Gang raped by a tribe of disenfranchised apes and he died of pleasure.

Terry in Crapchester I wrote a song for you:

"Well I drink beer, and I hate queers,
but there's one thing you really need to know
A sister or a brother, from a darkie mother fucker,
had your number so sad to see you go.
I put on my niggger hatin' hat, makes me feel bigger
Hatin' hat, got my finger on the trigger, hatin' hat,
Good times when I put on my niggger hatin' hat."

Indy Frisco That extra TV didn't quite fit on the shelf and smashed your little body. Don't worry though, your wife has been getting side action and will enjoy the payout for you Life Insurance policy.

BSmack Thanks for dying so I don't have to replace scroll wheels.

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:39 pm
by smackaholic
AP-well, at least he's not him, anymore.

Smackaholic-We told him to stay off that fukkin' ladder. Anybody need a rusty mower (hardly used) and a collection of ext. cords?

JSC-Wonder if GI tract specialists in La will qualify for federal retraining funds?

Dins-Make sure you use proper sq. head deck screws on the casket lid, just incase he ain't dead yet.

Goobs, wolfie- what the fukk took ya?

Smackie Chan-At least heaven will have a good selection of music.

Bsmack-Guess he doesn't have to worry about that credit score of 13 anymore.

TiVO- standing applause

LTSturd- see above

shutyomouth-T1B average body mass index drops 73%

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:38 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
AP - best comedic efforts were of the unintentional variety.

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:12 am
by Bizzarofelice
all of you

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:19 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
^props for getting the right vid

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:09 am
by Mikey

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:22 am
by campinfool
That c-fool, he didn't post much but he was a PET'n punk rock listening muther fucker.

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:49 am
by Ana Ng
BSmack wrote:sweater puppies snuggling with real puppies.

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:42 am
by Atomic Punk
Tardowned Wasn't surprised when his biological mother beat him to death with a broom handle for his continued sexual advances.

Diego in Seattle The elementary 5th and 6th grader boys got fed up with his advances and gave him an ultimate beat down. Who didn't see that coming, so to speak. The Seattle DMV is now more efficient and grateful.

KC Scott Turns out his wife didn't like the color on whatever new car he bought her and she ran him over better than Juan Pablo did to the track guy last night. No more bragging from KC Scott.

War Wagon No idea how he died, but my bet is it was from sucking.

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:33 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
JSC810: "With all the illnesses he had, I'm surprised he didn't go years earlier."

Dinsdale: "With all the cigarettes, booze, drugs, and thousands of sex partners, I'm surprised he didn't go decades earlier."

Wolfman: "Finally. Did someone call the Guinness Book of World Records?"

R-Jack: "But he looked so young."

shutyomouth: "We're gonna need a specially-built casket, and about thirty pallbearers."

mvscal: "I guess they needed a replacement for Satan."

m2: "He once scored four touchdowns for Polk High in the City Championship game. After that, he pranced around the country at Ren Faires hawking wind chimes."

bradhusker: "He's not really dead. The National Enquirer says he's marrying a space alien."

AP: Dunno what they'll say, but it'll be like the episode of Friends where the neighbor died, they went through his apartment and found a full closet of women's clothing (too easy, I know).

Me: "I heard he won the lottery yesterday."

Re: What T1Bers will say about you after your untimely death

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:33 pm
by R-Jack
mvscal - How many did he take with him?

War Wagon -What are the odds he's already on the other side telling someone "I know you're dead but so am I"?

TiC - That's what you get for listening to Kanye and leavin' her ass for a white girl.

Dinsdale - If he wrote what he wanted said on his tombstone, we're cremating him.

shutyomouth - Macon county can't handle a five alarm grease fire. We're burying him.

Screwy - That was so last week.

KC Scott - That's why you don't do that in gym showers. Tile walls are much harder than headboards.

Ucant - Should've laid off the shrugs. His traps wrapped around and cut off his air supply. That's why they're called traps.

Rog - No need to roll in a stretcher boys.