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The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:45 pm
by Uncle Fester
I recently started a job at a large corporate headquarters here in the Twin Cities and the biggest shock to me has been the amount of employees who hail from India (etc.). Based sheerly on observations and crowded elevator rides, I'd say they outnumber white dudes by at least a 12-to-1 ratio.

Meanwhile, I see blacks working as security guards, janitors, burger flippers, or walking around in baggy pants looking for victims and drug clients and I want to grab them and say, "lay off the shithead rap and Snoop Dog bullshite and bone up on your math and computer science!" Jebus Christ in a chicken basket, companies are importing workers by the thousands to do well-paying jobs that "Americans won't do," (if you buy the Dubya party line).

Maybe Obama would be a great thing for this country, someone who could give black kids a role model and person to emulate beyond the Alan Iversons and Iced-Teabags.

For all of Pickle's rants against blacks, the guys from India, China, and the Middle East are the ones who are quietly slipping into the American middle and upper-middle class and changing things as we know it. To a degree, I say more power to 'em, that's what this country is all about. However, it's galling to go into a public library and see prayer rooms set up for Muslim employees or to turn on a TV and see ghetto rap bullshit being pushed on kids as a norm. We have plenty of people who are either unemployed or under-employed, and yet we're importing workers by the boat-load? It doesn't make sense to me.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:11 pm
by Bobby42
The Big Pickle wrote:Image?

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:32 pm
by OCmike
In the IT Dept I work in, I'm the only true American honkey. There's two filipinos, a spaniard, a pollock, a ukranian, a paki and me.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:43 pm
by The Seer
Uncle Fester wrote:I recently started a job at a large corporate headquarters here in the Twin Cities and the biggest shock to me has been the amount of employees who hail from India (etc.). Based sheerly on observations and crowded elevator rides, I'd say they outnumber white dudes by at least a 12-to-1 ratio.

Meanwhile, I see blacks working as security guards, janitors, burger flippers, or walking around in baggy pants looking for victims and drug clients and I want to grab them and say, "lay off the shithead rap and Snoop Dog bullshite and bone up on your math and computer science!" Jebus Christ in a chicken basket, companies are importing workers by the thousands to do well-paying jobs that "Americans won't do," (if you buy the Dubya party line).

Maybe Obama would be a great thing for this country, someone who could give black kids a role model and person to emulate beyond the Alan Iversons and Iced-Teabags.

For all of Pickle's rants against blacks, the gooks from Korea are the ones who are quietly slipping into the American middle and upper-middle class and changing things as we know it. To a degree, I say more power to 'em, that's what this country is all about. However, it's galling to go into a public library and see prayer rooms set up for Muslim employees or to turn on a TV and see ghetto rap bullshit being pushed on kids as a norm. We have plenty of people who are either unemployed or under-employed, and yet we're importing workers by the boat-load? It doesn't make sense to me.


Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:53 pm
by Cuda
Uncle Fester wrote:Meanwhile, I see blacks working as security guards, janitors, burger flippers, or walking around in baggy pants looking for victims and drug clients and I want to grab them and say, "lay off the shithead rap and Snoop Dog bullshite and bone up on your math and computer science!"
Fester, why not just point out the Haji to the darkies & get a commission on the robbery?

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:49 am
by Uncle Fester" onclick=";return false;


Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:20 am
by Mister Bushice
Cuda wrote:
Uncle Fester wrote:Meanwhile, I see blacks working as security guards, janitors, burger flippers, or walking around in baggy pants looking for victims and drug clients and I want to grab them and say, "lay off the shithead rap and Snoop Dog bullshite and bone up on your math and computer science!"
Fester, why not just point out the Haji to the darkies & get a commission on the robbery?
Because Dr. Quest and Bandit would hunt his ass down and kill him.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:47 pm
I was thinking about this yesterday, at a local mall. You know your city is getting with the times when the food court workers are all recent immigrants. It also seems to enhance the get more efficient service, more actual cooking and cashiering ability, essentially, more for your dollar when the local riff-raff are replaced in these positions by folks who are willing to work hard.

Who can fail to be reminded of Villa Bavaria in the Chilean sticks? The whites who moved there to craft a super race ended up crafting a human kennel rife with child abuse, weapons, and torture...while the local indians with perhaps more humble aims simply sat back and chuckled to themselves, and sent their children to the US to outwork the locals.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:01 am
by Uncle Fester
The tally from today's elevator rides:

Babaganooshies: 6
Honky-Ass MoFos: 2
Honky Bitches: 2

6-4 was the closest score all day. The rest were all 4-1, 8-2, etc.

And the scary foogin black street people were out in force today -- too many to count.

For some strange, unexplained reason, I wandered into Neiman-Marcus at lunch to look at ties and an excited clerk told me everything was 20 percent off. I looked at the price tag for an ugly purple tie with acorns on it and it read $195! For a fricken tie! I said "Shazaam" like Gomer Pyle, loud enough to draw stares. I staggered from the Jimmy Medallion tie collection to a table full of ultra-gay, Pickle-style jeans, which could be had for a measley $200 a pair. I think I'll go back tomorrow and ask the clerk for directions to the nearest Fleet Farm. Maybe I'll bring my banjo.

-Fess, Workin' Downtown in the Tall Buildings

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:40 pm
by Goober McTuber
Here you go, Fester.

Fleet Farm" onclick=";return false;

and Farm and Fleet" onclick=";return false;

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:44 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
How's that karma thing workin' out for you, buddy? Still getting butt-fucked in the mouth by life?

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:55 pm
by Invictus
Pickle, I want to shit on your daddy's grave and fuck your saggy tittied momma on the headstone.

You can watch if you want. Just no touching.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:42 pm
by Charles De Mar
The Big Pickle wrote:
My granddaddy owned your granddaddy!

Fukkkk you knigger....FUKKK YOU!

Proof of this poofy, homo-assed mvscal fucking, cock grazing behaviour; pikkkles family has been doing this for generations.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:05 pm
Fukken Pickle hates blacks because their cokks have always made family communication difficult.

Mrs. Fukken Puckle: 'night, Stanley!
Stanley: mmmfffffff...glug glug slurp!!
Mrs. Fuggen Pikkel: 'night, Fraudo!
Fraudo: shllllorrrppp, smack pop suckle!!!
Ms. Pitschkle: 'night, papa Gherkin!
Papa Gherkin: oooooohhhhh, LeRoy!!! HARDER!!! HARDER, ASSHOLE!
Mizz Pickckle: 'night, Tyrone! Pull back and hit that G....YESSSS!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Family legend has it that Stanley had to push out the back way because Ms. Pikkkle's baby tube was stopped up with a nubian trouser snake.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:45 pm
Yep. And upon your suicide, when kids tell her jokes about her dad's exploding bloody pumpkin head, she'll be well inured to tasteless comedy. Wise anticipatory move, Todd.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:51 pm
by Charles De Mar
Toddowen wrote:I'll tell you what I'm beaming with pride over today. Yesterday my kid told me a knigger joke she'd heard in school.


It's a crying shame Todd Peterson wasn't your father and your whore mother wasn't his fishing buddy.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:55 pm
by Invictus
The Big Pickle wrote:
I imagine that is what Satan says to your father about you as he is sodomized hourly by the damned souls of executed black murderers. No doubt he is roasting in hell as I type this, with the sperm of 10,000 blacks basting his skin.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:22 pm
by Charles De Mar
mvscal wrote: That doesn't sound much like a Pickle version of hell. Think Tantalus.

Pickle Hell would be more like being surrounded by hundreds of well hung Mandingos who vanish in a puff of smoke when he bends down to suck them off only to reappear a short time later.


RACK this demented shit for the truth it contains. :bode:

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:55 am
by Uncle Fester
The Big Pickle wrote: Ramblings from a closet racist. Color me shocked.
Merely making observations about elevator counts and some of the crazies on the streets, as opposed to making blanket condemnations of entires races of people.

Not surprised you don't understand the distinction, you being the guy who joined the Army and then were too dumb to plug your ears while firing artillery guns.

You should have stayed in the Army. Who knows, after 30 years, you might have skyrocketed to the rank of corporal.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:30 pm
by War Wagon
Uncle Fester wrote: You should have stayed in the Army. Who knows, after 30 years, you might have skyrocketed to the rank of corporal.
The Army used to have a policy of either move up or move out, so that probably wasn't an option. Probably a bit different nowadays.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:47 pm
by BSmack
The Big Pickle wrote:Corporal is a grade E-4 and I made that grade in just 18 months. I was so good at what I did that they needed to get a special waver because a soldier isn't even eligible for that promotion until they have at least 24 months of service.
I didn't realize the army had an MOS for sucking cock. No wonder you excelled.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:52 pm
by Charles De Mar
The Big Pickle wrote:[

Go fukkk yourselves.

The only thing the Army would ever put you in charge of was fuckin Watermelon procurement to keep the noggles in line.


Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:00 am
by Uncle Fester
The Big Pickle wrote: I wasn't a gun bunny, you dimwit! That's what all the dumb kniggers did. I was a Fire Direction Specialist...FDC! I was the brains of the Artillery. As a matter of fact, I had a Top Secret Security Clearance for Nuclear Release and Alert Systems.
It's funny, I had great test scores and told the recruiter I wanted to work with computers and he put me in Artillery.
And yet you walked away from the army with permanent ear damage because...

a) you weren't bright enough to wear ear protection?


b) you couldn't remove a couple of those mandingo plonkers from your mouth long enough to jam them in your ears?

As for your devotion to all things German, I have no doubt you would have made an excellent Ernst Röhm-style Nazi.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:06 am
by Mister Bushice
The Big Pickle wrote: I was a Fire Direction Specialist...
Santa ana? Is that you?

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:56 pm
by Charles De Mar
Mister Bushice wrote:
The Big Pickle wrote: I was a Fire Direction Specialist...
Santa ana? Is that you?
LOL, that's strong. :lol:

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:58 am
by KC Scott
Wow..... this thread went to hell.

Back on topic....

Fes - What your saying applies to a generation as opposed to a minority.
The millenials all grew up getting "I achieved" ribbons and trophys when their soccer teams didn't win a thing.
Their atitudes are they "deserve" promotion and their average job tenure seems about 9 months.
They were coddled by their parents, and pssed by teachers that didn't demand better.

We just fired a rep in GA this week who could easily have made $150K if he had just "worked" rather than wait for the phone to ring.
It's not like we didn't coach him, he just didn't want to listen.

Funny that they called Gen X slackers... the 20 somethings to early thirtys are by and large, totally unprepared to compete in the global economy. Guess they'll all be content to live in their parents basements.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:53 pm
by smackaholic
Has a thread in this shithole ever gone more than half a page without being hijacked?

I doubt it.

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 4:12 pm
by Derron
Toddowen wrote: I say to them "Chin Up....At least you are white. Someday, you'll appreciate this."
Hmmm.... study your local and national demographics much bitch ??

Our schools are now over 47% spic..who will gain on the noggers because they will actually work...

This in turn forces more white pieces of shit into the social system..

If we could only get the spic ganstas to put the shots in the body mass..we might eliminate a few..

You can only hope that affirmative action will turn around for our kids to get some benefits..

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:18 pm
by Mister Bushice
KC Scott wrote: Funny that they called Gen X slackers... the 20 somethings to early thirtys are by and large, totally unprepared to compete in the global economy. Guess they'll all be content to live in their parents basements.
Holy fuck, yeah. We have had job openings in two major cities for the last 9 months, and EVERY qualified candidate we have interviewed and/or temp hired between the ages of 20 and 35 just doesn't want to work. NONE of them have worked out. They either terminated the interview process at some point when they found out they'd have to work hard to make 60-80k a year, or else they flamed out within 6 months and quit, saying it was "too hard"

I guess saying "can I interest you in an apple pie today?" or re-arranging clothes on a display rack in the mall for 20k a year while sponging off mommy and daddy to make up the difference is a greater draw. :meds:

Re: The Stampede from India

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:59 pm
Don't count out Chuckie D in all of this yet: ... rss&feed=2" onclick=";return false;