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black friday

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:24 pm
by smackaholic
how many of you fukking lemmings got up at three this morning to join in the stupidity?

thankfully, nobody in the smackaholic family did. infact, this is a particularly joyful black friday as mrs smack had to get up at 6:30 to go to the hospital for a shift in her new career as an xray tech. i got to surf pro.errrrrr sleep in.

i think i'm gonna like this dual income thing.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:57 pm
by RevLimiter
If you get up at 3AM to go wait in line in front of a goddamn Wal-Mart today you are a loser. Period. End of discussion.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:47 pm
by BSmack
My wife woke up at 7 to meet my sister in-law for their annual shopping binge. Me, I slept in til 10 AM and have the house all to myself for the next 4 hours.

Where's the problem here?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:05 pm
by Cross Traffic


Lemmings showed up at 1am this morning for a chance at 500 gift bags and ONE Nintendo Wii.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:33 pm
by Mikey
We just got back from our late morning 3 mile walk. Gonna rest for a while, have a large turkey sammich and then go out with the kids and see the No Country...

For tomorrow I'm gonna try to find I'm Not There, but it doesn't seem to be playing anywhere around here yet. Might even go see Enchanted.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:04 pm
Picked up a Stones CD at the local music store. No lines.......

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:40 pm
by Cuda
RevLimiter wrote:If you get up at 3AM to go wait in line in front of a goddamn Wal-Mart today you are a loser. Period. End of discussion.
Next time, try getting up earlier.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:29 pm
by RevLimiter
Cunt-a wrote:
RevLimiter wrote:If you get up at 3AM to go wait in line in front of a goddamn Wal-Mart today you are a loser. Period. End of discussion.
Stop or I'll have you arrested for stalking.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:06 am
by Cuda
Quit begging for Kaley's picture, fag.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:08 am
by Smackie Chan
OK, I'll come clean. Never done the Black Friday thing before, and hope to never do it again.

I needed a laptop computer before traveling next week, and figured I'd take advantage of the Black Friday sales, not realizing what had to be endured in order to get them. Just up the road are Best Buy and Circuit City, both of which were advertising 5:00 am openings. I woke up at 5, and drove into the parking lot of the center where Best Buy is, only to find it already full at 5:10. Drove across the street to Circuit City, and of course the lot there was also full, but I was able to park in the lot for the nearby grocery store. Still in a near-dream state from the early rising, and having not showered or enjoyed a cup of coffee, I wasn't sure if I was in line at an electronics store or an arena where Led Zeppelin was about to play. The line to get in was a few hundred people long, and I had on sandals and a light jacket with temps in the 30s. Was standing behind a Canuck with his ol' lady and 3- or 4-yr-old daughter, and dude musta busted out with, "If anyone had an RV out here selling coffee, they'd make a killing, eh?" no less than a dozen times during the nearly 90 minutes before I was able to get into the store. I felt like goin' upside dude's dome with a hockey stick, since he wouldn't shut his fucking yap.

So I finally get in the store, hoping to get a 'puter advertised at about $400. Naturally, another line awaited my arrival, and as soon as I got in it, I hear that in order to get that particular unit and a few other hot deals, vouchers were needed that had been handed out before I got in line. Now it looks like I'm gonna be spending between $700-1000, but turning around and leaving woulda meant that the whole endeavor to that point would be in vain, so I decided to hang. The line is hardly moving, and they start taking voucher holders to the front of the line, thereby further delaying my shopping bliss. To make matters worse, the line is comprised of all brown people with accents - a regular mvscal house of horrors.

But then, my luck changed. One of the accented brown beeyotches with a voucher for the computer I was hoping to get asked me a question that I could hardly understand, and while trying to answer it/get rid of her, she said she didn't need the voucher and asked if I wanted it! You shoulda seen all the hands that reached out for that golden ticket - it was as if they were giving away Ho-Hos at KFC Paul's crib. I snagged it, thereby incurring the wrath and envy of all who witnessed the transfer of that pink sheet of paper. Things were looking up.

With about a half-dozen customers between me and check-out, I figured I was getting close to getting out of hell with what I went there for. But it seemed that every one of the ignorant foreigners ahead of me needed to make their purchases using combinations of no less than three, and closer to five, credit/debit cards, only after having the first batch they tried get declined. Right about then, I'm thinkin' that the immigration fence ain't such a bad idea after all.

At last, I reach the register, get my desired machine, and pay with it using a single valid credit card. The deal included a printer, wireless router, and Norton Internet Security s/w package that all came w/ rebates for their full costs, plus a $150 rebate on the computer, which was already marked down the same amount from its regular retail price. All told, I saved about $510 by putting up with three hours of torture, and will prolly sell the printer unopened on ebay.

Yeah, I know. I'm a loser.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:22 am
by smackaholic
let's say you had slept in and got there at about 3 or better yet waited till today, I suspect you would have gotten the same or damn near the same deal. wait till after xmas and you woulda done better.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:16 pm
by Smackie Chan
smacklessscrotelick wrote:let's say you had slept in and got there at about 3 or better yet waited till today, I suspect you would have gotten the same or damn near the same deal. wait till after xmas and you woulda done better.
Let's say you pay attention and have some level of comprehension. (I now that's a reach, but here on the interwebs, we can play make believe and pretend anything is possible.) As I mentioned, to get the deal I got, one needed a voucher that was handed out before the store opened. Had I slept in, I would not have gotten it - I was lucky to have gotten it under the circumstances I described. One thing I didn't mention was that the voucher deals were only good 'til 8am, so the 3pm suggestion of yours kinda sux, considering that it was just about 8 when I reached checkout. (I could give you a pass on that since I failed to mention it before, but...naah.)

As far as your "wait till after xmas" advice goes, what part of
I wrote:I needed a laptop computer before traveling next week
did you not understand? According to my calendar (yours may be different), next week falls before xmas. I stated at the outset of my post that I'd never done the Black Friday thing before, and the same can be said about after xmas sales. But I have a strong suspicion that there's not much difference in the amount of bullshit that has to be endured between those sales and Black Friday, so I'm not sure what that woulda gotten me.

Don't quit your day job to chase your dream of becoming a syndicated advice columnist.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:18 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Toddowen wrote:I went to see a 9:30pm showing of "No Country For Old Men" last night in Madison.
Saw it yesterday, in a somewhat surprisingly packed theater. Good flick.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:36 pm
by Trollfessor
Toddowen wrote:I gotta confess that I feel like going to see "Brokeback Mountain" again just to watch the opening half hour or so.


How awesome is that, huh? Seeing the herd bolt across the rangeland with the shadow of the clouds after one of their number gets struck upon the chest with a money shot delivered by Llwellyn?

Shoot, they could use my chest for the money shot...

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:26 pm
by MuchoBulls
RevLimiter wrote:If you get up at 3AM to go wait in line in front of a goddamn Wal-Mart today you are a loser. Period. End of discussion.

You have to love sleeping in on the Friday after Thanksgiving, putting up the Christmas tree and lights, and drinking beer and watching football all day.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:44 pm
by RumpleForeskin
The wife and I were up in Atlanta, TX about 20 miles south of Texarkana for the holidays. We got up at 2 am and made the drive up Hwy 59 and arrived at the Kohl's parking lot around 3 am. We waited in line for an hour and finally got in and we able to purchase everything we set out for. We got out of Kohl's around 5 am and then bolted over to Office Depot for a HP Pavilion 2.66 AMD Athlon Dual Core processor with 3 gig of RAM and a 320 gig hard drive with a 22" LCD HP Monitor and a Free HP Printer for $599. We wanted to get 3 of them, 2 for the business and one for the house but by the time we got up there to wait in line, I would have settled for just one.

We get in line around 5:10 and we were the 9th person(s) in line. I asked to see the ad from someone in front of me and they asked what it was I was waiting in line to purchase. I told them I was wanting the HP Pavilion Desktop. The lady told me there were none left as there were four people already in line to purcase it. I asked, "That's all they have?" The gentleman that was first in line said he was first in line last year and they only had four. What-the-fuck!

I was ready to bolt, but Mrs. Rumple convinced me to stay and maybe we would get lucky. 6 am arrived very slowly and the already tired employees open the doors, but did not let us in yet. They had vouchers to hand out for the earlybird specials, so I immediately asked how many of the Pavilions they had and the first guy in line said they had nine of them. YES!!! My wife got a voucher and I got a voucher, but they would not let us get a third. I would have asked the lady in front of me to get a voucher for us, but we would have had to give her cash and we were about $120 short. Oh well. Instead, we went ahead and got another HP Pavilion that had less specs, but was a serviceable computer for the business and it was only $400.

Smackie had mentioned the issue about waiting in line for the inbreds errr immigrants doing about 4 different transactions. Well, we were guilty of that same thing; however, our excuse was that the only way we could quailfy for all of the mail-in rebates was to do 3 different transactions.

It was worth every minute of lost sleep for those computers.

Rack Black Friday

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:54 pm
by Goober McTuber
Nice story, Rumple. Did you and the "missus" then head over to Bath & Bodyworks so she could buy you a new body-splash? Did you then head to Farm & Fleet to get her a new tub of Udder Balm?

Please change your nic to RumpleTwatlips. TIA.