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Worst MNF booth ever

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:27 pm
by Shoalzie

Kornheiser...are you kidding me? I bet Rome is pissed.

I know I'm someone who doesn't care about who the announcers and just watch the games but this trio is horrendous. Theismann is tolerable but Tirico can't hold Al Michaels' jock. And Kornheiser shouldn't be anywhere near broadcast booth.

Any word on who's calling the Sunday Night game with Madden?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:33 pm
by BSmack
When Joe Thiesman is the best out of the 3 announcers, there is a serious fucking problem. Oh well, that's what radio is for.

Re: Worst MNF booth ever

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:34 pm
by Cueball
Shoalzie wrote:

Any word on who's calling the Sunday Night game with Madden?
Maya Angelou

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:35 pm
by Cueball
BSmack wrote:When Joe Thiesman is the best out of the 3 announcers, there is a serious fucking problem. Oh well, that's what radio is for.
To throw at the TV?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:37 pm
by Shoalzie
BSmack wrote:When Joe Thiesman is the best out of the 3 announcers, there is a serious fucking problem. Oh well, that's what radio is for.

I'm on board...I'll take Marv and Boomer over Tirico (who makes Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X...Chappelle Show reset) and Kornheiser. I can stand TK on PTI but just because I guy can talk doesn't mean he's a born analyst. We're all analysts by trade, some are just more qualified. His hire makes as much sense as having Rush on NFL Countdown a couple years. I watch Kornheiser on PTI and Wilbon is more qualified to be in the booth than him...Kornheiser couldn't name more than 10 players in the league. How does ESPN think he's going to be able breakdown a zone blitz scheme. I would've preferred they stuck with just a two-man booth.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:37 pm
by BSmack
Cueball wrote:
BSmack wrote:When Joe Thiesman is the best out of the 3 announcers, there is a serious fucking problem. Oh well, that's what radio is for.
To throw at the TV?
No, to turn up in place of the TV.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:38 pm
by UCant Unretires Again
BSmack wrote:Oh well, that's what radio is for.
Sell your TV for crack much? :meds:

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:39 pm
by BSmack
UCant Unretires Again wrote:
BSmack wrote:Oh well, that's what radio is for.
Sell your TV for crack much? :meds:
Since you're not my roomate, I guess I don't have to worry about that happening.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:43 pm
by UCant Unretires Again
What does Dinsdale living with you have to do with your lack of a TV?

Suck cocks for "shooters" down at The Village much?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:49 pm
Mike Tirico, Joe Theismann and Tony Kornheiser
Dennis Miller revisited...but without the occasional funnay, I guess.

Westwood One, thanks.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:50 pm
by BSmack
UCant Unretires Again wrote:What does Dinsdale living with you have to do with your lack of a TV?

Suck cocks for "shooters" down at The Village much?
Homosmack much?

Hey PSU, wassup?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:56 pm
by Joe in PB
I read that the NFL's showcase game will now be on Sunday night football. This line up and the forecasted match ups seem to confirm that premise.

From what I heard of Kornheiser on DC radio I'm surpised he's not trying out for a job on E channel or Entertainment Tonight.

Agree with Shoalzie that Wilbon would be a much better choice.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:01 pm
by Shoalzie
Joe in PB wrote:From what I heard of Kornheiser on DC radio I'm surpised he's not trying out for a job on E channel or Entertainment Tonight.

I'm stunned he's a sports columnist with lack of knowledge he shows on PTI. Other than the fact he was in Larry Brown's basketball camp, what makes him qualified to be a sports writer? Shit, he had a short lived sitcom about his life...does he compromising pictures of Satan to have the charmed life he's having? Wilbon isn't great either but he looks like a genius next to Kornheiser.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:03 pm
by Joe in PB
That's because Kornheiser spends more time watching Desperate Housewives, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars etc, than any sport.

He's been a sports writer for the Washington Post for 30 years, but is now basically useless and clueless as a sportscaster.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:04 pm
by UCant Unretires Again
BSmack wrote:Homosmack much?
Did you not admit to being a cum guzzling queen in this forum?

Rum & cokes and... "shooters"... :lol: What a fag.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:07 pm
From what I heard of Kornheiser on DC radio I'm surpised he's not trying out for a job on E channel or Entertainment Tonight.
You have to wonder - what's this guy's connection to the sports world? Is he interested in the topic?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:10 pm
by BSmack
PSUFAN wrote:
From what I heard of Kornheiser on DC radio I'm surpised he's not trying out for a job on E channel or Entertainment Tonight.
You have to wonder - what's this guy's connection to the sports world? Is he interested in the topic?
You talking about UCant or Kornhieser? It's hard to tell the difference.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:16 pm
by Cicero
Perfect example of how ESPN has jumped the shark. They are an Entertainment Network first and the quality of their sports programming has taken a nose dive in the past 4-5 years. Al Michaels needs to be doing Monday Night Football. He is MNF. I dont mind Tirico, but Thiesman and Kornhole are gonna suck some major ass. Tony k doesnt know enough about the nuances of the game to bring anything fresh to the game. ESPN thinks he will be an entertaining guy in the booth but his schtik will get old ala Dennis Miller. ESPN is going down the freakin drain.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:32 pm
by velocet
Hey Ucant, just thought I'd mention an uwritten rule that has been observed over the years across different boards we call football posting home: fans of the team that gets the lombardy themselves are accorded Ultimate BODE. Since Pats fan have had that little dynasty going for them they have enjoyed the benefit of some respect at all times. Which doesn't mean that no one was afraid to smack them for a wack football take or if one of their membership acted like an ubertard (spamming, personal info hounding etc). Btw- RACK patriot fan for showing class this whole time in the way of handling said BODE. Tampa fan and KUTTER before also wore it well (though I'll never understand why the fuck Crut and TampaBill completely ejected right at the time of Tampa's FIRST SB WIN and never came back... whatever.)
But steelerfan, and you know that means posters other than Bsmack as well, gets a pass, up to any of the aforesaid egregious fucking up.

So what this means for you and your one man campaign against BSmack in every thread in the forum: anywhere but HERE. They (steelerfan) are at the top of the food chain until further notice and that is the way it is.

If you think I'm inventing some bullshit to defend BSmack against your ever-vigilant campaign, guess again. I'm about defending the RULE, which should stand as at least something for those who come here to represent their team. Others will testify to the truth of what I'm saying here. So don't be surprised when you get piled on for your current stylings. The rule doesn't apply on main street or any other forum, as you can imagine. But keep it up and find yourself a whole new set of enemies.


Concerning Phoney Kornshitsifter... all I can say is that this news SUCKS OUT LOUD. When Deion came to D.C., Phoney's whole bit was about the man's wardrobe. I could go on and on about the ways in which this parasite is a pestilence, but instead I'll merely ask all who don't really know his act to give him a completely unbiased chance. That's right. I'm confident that folks once properly informed by experience will end up with their own justifications for what I might have to say.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:48 pm
by RadioFan
PSUFAN wrote:Westwood One, thanks.
velocet wrote:Concerning Phoney Kornshitsifter... all I can say is that this news SUCKS OUT LOUD.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:03 pm
by Raydah James
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:RACK velocet.

Ucant, we can clearly see that you've graduated at the top of your class from the Kaley School of Ankle-Biters. You really don't need to flaunt your acheivement at each and every opportunity.
Ucant has been around for quite a few years. Motherfucker is a 10 times better smacker and read than both you and Velo combined.

Dude doesnt ankle anybody-he fucking obliterates them-and in BSmacks case watches in amusement as they melt multiple times while limp wristing one hoppers to the plate his way.

RACK him, and fuck the rest of you uniteresting and boring goof troop tards who ruin this forum with your feeble offerings and constant shit posts.

Velocet wrote:So what this means for you and your one man campaign
Great take


The Many Pile-On threads BSchmuck has endured the past week.

against BSmack in every thread in the forum: anywhere but HERE. They (steelerfan) are at the top of the food chain until further notice and that is the way it is.
Our bad. We'll just go ahead and let the smackless Steeler contingent (Which consists of ALL its members) run free around this forum to push a growing shitball consisting of weak takes, horrible fucking smack, and unfunny emoticons and pictures until a new champion is crowned.

Or not.

Feel free to continue abusing your overscarred kneecaps for steelerfans pleasure, velo-The rest of will continue to enjoy wrecking ass on these useless cunts if they roll in with the usual barrage of unreadable horseshit that is the norm for them.

In short, go fuck yourself you steelerfan facesplatted manmayo launch pad.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:34 pm
by BSmack
Raydah James wrote:RACK him, and fuck the rest of you uniteresting and boring goof troop tards who ruin this forum with your feeble offerings and constant shit posts.
This comming from the poster who hasn't offered up an original football take since Gannon vaporized under the weight of Tony Siragusa. I'm sorry if football takes are not nearly as interesting to you as man goo, hiar pray and homosmack takes. But fear not, there is a place for you.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:44 pm
by BSmack
velocet wrote:I'm about defending the RULE, which should stand as at least something for those who come here to represent their team.
You're talking to thin air with guys like UCant. He has no team. He's probably not even a football fan.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:54 pm
by UCant Unretires Again
velocet wrote:So what this means for you and your one man campaign against BSmack in every thread in the forum: anywhere but HERE. They (steelerfan) are at the top of the food chain until further notice and that is the way it is.
I could give two shits that team has the brass ring. It doesn't change the fact that he's a shit poster. I'll choke him out with his own long-sleeved Rocky Bleier T-Shirt whenever the fuck I want. And after I'm done, I'll go, "Hey Bitch, thanks!" and toss the tattered rags onto his rotten carcass ala Mean Joe Green.
velocet wrote:But keep it up and find yourself a whole new set of enemies.
Who are you, again?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:06 pm
by BSmack
UCant Unretires Again wrote:Image
Got it.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:08 pm
by Shoalzie
Hijack threads much?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:21 pm
by UCant Unretires Again
I've got a cool idea for a commercial:


Ucan't rips BitchSmacked's bottle of Coke out her calloused, blue-collared hands. Ucan't beats BitchSmacked over the head with said bottle, rendering her unconscious. UCan't drinks refreshing bottle of Coke, unbroken, flashes his winning smile to the camera, says, "Hey... bitch", tosses the empty bottle of Coke into a recycle bin (because he is environmental friendly and this isn't the 70s) and then pisses all over BitchSmacked lifeless body.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:49 pm
by BSmack
UCant Unretires Again wrote:I've got a cool idea for a commercial:
No you don't. What you have is a pissing fetish. Call Guy Fawkes if you want to get your gay on.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:47 pm
by DallasFanatic
Its crystal clear now that when Bitchsmacked gets ripped a new asshole he deflects to the "you are gay" card. Get help son. You have like 15 beatdowns going on simultaneously. Have fun joining the ranks of mtool.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by The Assassin
Mike Tirico sucks as an announcer. Why wasnt mike Patrick given the job? He was the best part of the sunday night announcing team. He might of gotten a bit too excited calling games,but he solid nonetheless.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by BSmack
DallasFanatic wrote:Its crystal clear now that when Bitchsmacked gets ripped a new asshole he deflects to the "you are gay" card. Get help son. You have like 15 beatdowns going on simultaneously. Have fun joining the ranks of mtool.
When someone start busting out their pissing fetish all over the board, it's hard not to think of words like homo, gay and Guy Fawkes.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by GrizBearStare
Cicero wrote:Perfect example of how ESPN has jumped the shark. They are an Entertainment Network first and the quality of their sports programming has taken a nose dive in the past 4-5 years. Al Michaels needs to be doing Monday Night Football. He is MNF. I dont mind Tirico, but Thiesman and Kornhole are gonna suck some major ass. Tony k doesnt know enough about the nuances of the game to bring anything fresh to the game. ESPN thinks he will be an entertaining guy in the booth but his schtik will get old ala Dennis Miller. ESPN is going down the freakin drain.

You're way off base on this one


Nick Lachey

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:44 am
Rack Scholz and Smack.

Fucking Tirico!?

It's bad enough the guy is an out & out UofM schrill.
Screaming at the referee's in the Nebraska game.
Yelling like a giddy girlscout everytime UM did something specatacular. (Including wasting away another 4th qtr. lead under Carr.) The guy is a huge bonehead Michigan Slapdick. Unlistenable.

Kornholeieser?! - That guy YELLS every sentance out of his mouth! He and Wilbon are unlistenable too!

Theisman?! - Say no more!

The problem with trying the radio route, is that the satallite companies have been ordered to put their feed on 10 sec. delay. So the play call on the radio happens way earlier than your tv screen. It sucks, and was obviously done because more and more viewers are getting so upset with the watering down of the tv broadcast boothes; that they were muting out TV, while trying the radio. And missing the more expensive tv ads.

Pretty schrewd move by Madison avenue. FORCE people, who watch the video feed, to also have to LISTEN to the damn video commercials!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:34 am
by Mississippi Neck
velocet wrote:.. . ......

They (steelerfan) are at the top of the food chain until further notice and that is the way it is.


That's ridiculous. The STEELERS won the game..not Steeler fan.

Do you know how gay you sound?

Congrats to Steeler fan for their team winning. Now it is ON for next season.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:00 pm
by Shoalzie
MSUFAN wrote:It's bad enough the guy is an out & out UofM schrill.
Screaming at the referee's in the Nebraska game.
Yelling like a giddy girlscout everytime UM did something specatacular. (Including wasting away another 4th qtr. lead under Carr.) The guy is a huge bonehead Michigan Slapdick. Unlistenable.

He and Herbstreit went overboard with the call of that play. It was the freakin' Alamo's not like the game mattered. If this happened in the Rose Bowl, I'd make a fuss about it then. Tirico is best as a golf announcer. I've grown to dislike Mike Patrick as being just as much because of verbal felatio of anything he sees as great. Brad Nessler or Dan Schulman (sp) would've been solid choices if they wanted to pick ESPN guys for the play-by-play job. Whatever, I might just mute the TV and throw on some music or something if the radio thing is FUBAR with the 10 second delay. Not to bring wrestling into this discussion but Monday Night Raw is a prime competitor in that timeslot...this announcing team won't win any wrasslin' fans away from USA to watch the games. Good luck with that, ESPN...

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:23 pm
by Shoalzie
RACK NBC...Al Michaels to rejoin Madden to call the Sunday Night games. Plus, Costas and Collinsworth will be in the studio. Good stuff!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:34 pm
So, MNF will be on cable, and SNF will be on NBC...interesting...

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:38 pm
by Cicero
Well the Sunday night game just got a lot better. ESPN should have tried and kept Michaels.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:52 pm
by frodo_biguns
PSUFAN wrote:
Mike Tirico, Joe Theismann and Tony Kornheiser
Dennis Miller revisited...but without the occasional funnay, I guess.

Westwood One, thanks.
Tanya: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I have to listen to a hairpiece, a bald man and a partial black man?"

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:52 pm
by frodo_biguns
Shoalzie wrote:RACK NBC...Al Michaels to rejoin Madden to call the Sunday Night games. Plus, Costas and Collinsworth will be in the studio. Good stuff!
True! :wink: