THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Python »

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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Cuda »

Python wrote:So he's dead, right?
you're still a m0D on Hostboard. you could e-mail him & find out for certain
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Oh yeah, almost forgot...


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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by OCmike »

KC Scott wrote:
Go Coogs' wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Mikebacker needs to be added to this list
Loved the story he told of he and the chick in the airport restroom.

and here that is

Branman was his nic back at TNW - solid Jungle guy

Funny but after TNW all the Indy guys faded away (cept Frisco)
Need a Mike Backer fix? He sent me this yesterday.


I horrified the office with that pic just a few minutes before the boss announced that a coworker had died suddenly. My timing, as always, is out-fucking-standing. :doh:
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

I bet some of those people are on here but under different nics. Maybe because they got ran? Or the chat is not what it use to be so they can stay in anonymity without being outed? Or they, like me, just come by for a drive by and see what is up.

I do know this:

LTS is still an anti-Semitic raving douchebag that could be mistaken for those street corner preachers who maniacally proclaim that the end is near.
MVSCAL is still punking people and showing he actually understand things.
And all Liberals, especially those who sucks on Obama's nutsack, should be shot for following and listening to that idiot.
Last edited by Arch Angel on Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Mikey »

Arch Angel wrote: And all Liberals, especially those who sucks on Obama's nutsack, should be shot for following and listening to that idiot.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Dinsdale »

It's probably not too terribly PC to mention that it seems like we've run off the vast majority of the black people who have posted here...

I blame Arch.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Moving Sale

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Moving Sale »

Arch Angel wrote:MVSCAL is still punking people and showing he actually understand things.
You got a link for that?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

No need for a link, all I have to do is watch one of your fights with him to see it. I bet you have a plunger with his name on it. You know the one that you stick up your ass every time he makes your left liberal loving ass bleed every time you open your piehole so you can stop the hemorrhaging.
Moving Sale

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Moving Sale »

So what you are saying is that you admit to being full of shit and that you couldn't produce a link if your shitty fucking life was contingent on finding said link. Gotcha you stupid fucking blowhard. Would you like to post any other shit you can't back up?

Here we go again...
Arch Angel wrote:left liberal loving ass
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

What do I need to back up, Fuckwad?

He simply owns you, we all can see that. If he didn't, you wouldn't have came to this thread to say otherwise. He is in your dome and whenever his name pops up, like a jock itch, you have to come scratch it.

The onus is on you to disprove what I say.

Just like all idiot Liberals, they bitch about this and that and want others to prove a point but do not want to do the work themselves. The optimum word there is "WORK" which is anathema to them.
Moving Sale

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Moving Sale »

Arch Angel wrote:What do I need to back up, Fuckwad?
Say shit and have Zero to back it up if you want. You think I care if you look like an ass?
He simply owns you...
The old ‘because I say so’ defense. Are you stupid or just acting?
we all can see that.
So now you are speaking for the whole board. Messiah complex much?
If he didn't, you wouldn't have came to this thread to say otherwise.
That is stupid beyond words.
He is in your dome and whenever his name pops up, like a jock itch, you have to come scratch it.
I haven't posted for weeks and his name has popped up many times in that period so your little theory holds about as much water a crippled Japanese Nuke Plant.
The onus is on you to disprove what I say.
You are dumber than a box of dead hookers. You opened your fucking semi-literate cock hole now be a man and back it up you sniveling cumbong.
Just like all idiot Liberals, they bitch about this and that and want others to prove a point but do not want to do the work themselves.
I'm a liberal? Care to back that piece of fantasy up? Of course you don't you’re a lazy hypocritical piece of rat cum.
The optimum word there is "WORK" which is anathema to them.
What does them being lazy (if it were even true) have to do with me you ballsucking furburger?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Mikey »

Arch Angel wrote: Just like all idiot Liberals, they bitch about this and that and want others to prove a point but do not want to do the work themselves. The optimum word there is "WORK" which is anathema to them.
So, "liberals" don't like to work?
Nice stereotype there, peanut brain.
About as legitimate as Conservatives all being knuckle dragging Neanderthals (OK, that one's actually true).

Sort of makes you wonder how some of "us" got where we are.

I can think of some other groups that have been stereotyped over the years for the same thing...but I won't go down that road.
Last edited by Mikey on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

Like I said, mentioned his name has got you so discombobulated that you cannot even type a decent smack back at me. It's all broken up and shit.

Tighten your smack up, son, I will be waiting.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

Mikey wrote:
Arch Angel wrote: Just like all idiot Liberals, they bitch about this and that and want others to prove a point but do not want to do the work themselves. The optimum word there is "WORK" which is anathema to them.
So, "liberals" don't like to work?
Nice stereotype there, peanut brain.

Sort of makes you wonder how some of "us" got where we are.

I can think of some other groups that have been stereotyped over the years for the same thing...but I won't go down that road.
If you want to mention my race, go right ahead, because it is the truth. They vote Democrat too, soooooooooooo what are you actually saying?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Mikey »

Arch Angel wrote: They vote Democrat too,
All of them?
Arch Angel wrote: soooooooooooo what are you actually saying?
I thought it was pretty obvious what I was actually saying.
Since it apparently wasn't, let me try a more simple and direct approach.

Something repeated or reproduced without variation : something conforming to a fixed or general pattern and lacking individual distinguishing marks or qualities; especially : a standardized mental picture held in common by members of a group and representing an oversimplified opinion, affective attitude, or uncritical judgment (as of a person, a race, an issue, or an event).

Applying such an obvious stereotype in any discussion shows either a high level of ignorance or just the fact that you're too lazy to come up with anything better.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

Mikey wrote:
Arch Angel wrote: They vote Democrat too,
All of them?
Arch Angel wrote: soooooooooooo what are you actually saying?
I thought it was pretty obvious what I was actually saying.
Since it apparently wasn't, let me try a more simple and direct approach.

Something repeated or reproduced without variation : something conforming to a fixed or general pattern and lacking individual distinguishing marks or qualities; especially : a standardized mental picture held in common by members of a group and representing an oversimplified opinion, affective attitude, or uncritical judgment (as of a person, a race, an issue, or an event).

Applying such an obvious stereotype in any discussion shows either a high level of ignorance or just the fact that you're too lazy to come up with anything better.
Actually no, I do think that MOST Democrats and Liberals are lazy and do not want to work. If you want to call that stereotyping, that is fine by me. When they decide to stop wanting handouts and have some common sense and actually want to better themselves, then I will take that label off. My race is horrible at it. I offer jobs to my fellow brethren, they refuse to take the job. So I gave up, no sense in trying to make them earn a living than living off the government teet.

As they say in the Catholic Church, you are a cradle to grave Catholic. As a black in America, you can be a cradle to grave welfare recipient.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Mikey »

Well then.
I guess that makes you more hard working than the typical black.
And me more hard working than the typical liberal.

Unless...maybe I'm not really liberal...and you're not really black.

And I don't want to get into being Catholic right now, cradle to grave or otherwise...
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Python »

Mikey wrote:you're not really black.
I think you're supposed to say colored, but I'm not really sure.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

Mikey wrote:Well then.
I guess that makes you more hard working than the typical black.
And me more hard working than the typical liberal.

Unless...maybe I'm not really liberal...and you're not really black.

And I don't want to get into being Catholic right now, cradle to grave or otherwise...
Come on Mikey, you know what I mean. I am not literally saying all are. You can be a responsible Liberal (hard to find, but they are out there). I just don't like lazy people who don't want to work and refuse to work and I have to pay for them. My kind is notorious for that. I bust my ass trying to get these brothers off the street and offer them decent paying jobs, more than they make at McDonalds or cleaning the streets for a temp service, plus they can get benefits if they last long. So you know where I am going with this....they simply do not want to work.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Mikey »

Of course I know what you mean. There are lazy people everywhere, of all races, genders, ages, etc. and it pisses me off too (even as a card carrying liberal) that the rest of us have to support them. But there are also people out there who are willing to work and either can't find a job or don't get paid enough to live on in spite of all their work. Is it their own fault? For some, maybe at least partially because of some bad choices or whatever. I've found myself in that situation before and though I never asked for a handout, I could see it happening to some people. What happens when you've worked all your life, saved your money, and then something happens that drains your bank account? You're broke with no means of support. What do you do then? Not everybody who needs a handout is lazy. There needs to be some kind of safety net.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by mvscal »

Mikey wrote:Of course I know what you mean. There are lazy people everywhere, of all races, genders, ages, etc. and it pisses me off too (even as a card carrying liberal) that the rest of us have to support them.
It just so happens that there are more lazy nigggers per capita than any other group.
There needs to be some kind of safety net.
How about a one way bus ticket to the nearest lettuce patch? Get rid of the fucking wetbacks and put these welfare skidmarks to work. There's your fucking safety net.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Dinsdale »

A conservative's definition of a safety net is to help out their fellow man when they need it (which they do at a MUCH greater clip than their liberal counterparts).

A liberal's version of a safety net involves everybody else's money.

Ultimate arrogance.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Bucmonkey »

Stick to your day job... :meds:
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Of course I know what you mean. There are lazy people everywhere, of all races, genders, ages, etc. and it pisses me off too (even as a card carrying liberal) that the rest of us have to support them.
It just so happens that there are more lazy nigggers per capita than any other group.
There needs to be some kind of safety net.
How about a one way bus ticket to the nearest lettuce patch? Get rid of the fucking wetbacks and put these welfare skidmarks to work. There's your fucking safety net.
I would prefer public works projects to fix our crumbling infrastructure.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Arch Angel »

Mvscal, Moving Bowel Syndrome say you don't have takes. I guess the truth hurts his little delicate Virginal ears. I know you like throwing the "n" word around, which doesn't bother me when you speak the truth and in this case you do.

Dinsdale, you are so right, no need to expand on that.

Mikey, I understand your point and more power to you, but come on, people like you need to speak up and tell my lazy brethren a job won't hurt them and possibly give them some credibility back.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Cuda »

Python wrote:
Mikey wrote:you're not really black.
I think you're supposed to say colored, but I'm not really sure.

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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by mvscal »

Mikey wrote:
Arch Angel wrote: They vote Democrat too,
All of them?
95% of them do.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

KC Scott wrote:We've also got several muzzies that work for us - absolutley great guys to work with. None have ever muttered a word about their beliefs or anything else remotely radical other than an undying love for the Habs.

I am going to have to call bullshit on a bunch of sand mvscals liking the Montreal Canadiens, much less, even knowing what the fuck hockey is.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by R-Jack »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
KC Scott wrote:We've also got several muzzies that work for us - absolutley great guys to work with. None have ever muttered a word about their beliefs or anything else remotely radical other than an undying love for the Habs.

I am going to have to call bullshit on a bunch of sand mvscals liking the Montreal Canadiens, much less, even knowing what the fuck hockey is.
He meant to say Heebs. Feel free to call bullshit on that one too.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Dan Vogel »

I don't have time to read this topic but I'll guess the people who are gone from here are the people who are emotionally above 5th grade.

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Goober McTuber »

Dan Vogel wrote:I don't have time to read this topic but I'll guess the people who are gone from here are the people who are emotionally above 5th grade.
And where does that leave you, Dan?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
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Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Bucmonkey »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Dan Vogel wrote:I don't have time to read this topic but I'll guess the people who are gone from here are the people who are emotionally above 5th grade.
And where does that leave you, Dan?
A degenerate who gambles away his meager earnings instead of providing for his disfunctional family?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Dan Vogel »

Don't slander me or my family mister. You'll find out where that has gotten others. My family is well taken care of by me. I'm a real man and I love my family more than you can imagine.
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by indyfrisco »

Dan Vogel wrote:My family is well taken care of by mvscal.

Hey Dan, what ever happened to...your balls?
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Dan Vogel »

If I came on to this board and began trashing people for no reason would that mean I have balls to you? I don't know where you people dream up all these ideas about me and my family. And I sure don't know how your standard of manhood could be. Whenever I look at this board I feel sad for humanity. Just knock it off. Can't you learn to just come on here and post something good about someone or something? Is that really a foriegn idea? Aren't you thankful for anything?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by War Wagon »

Don't get your panties in a wad, Dan. The header already says "kumbaya, asshats", what more do you want?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by indyfrisco »

Dan Vogel wrote:Aren't you thankful for anything?
Sony, Panasonic, DLP projection, etc...
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Too funny.

"I ran him".

Yeah, that happened. Or,............

They just left.

What were we just talking about?
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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Post by mvscal »

Dan Vogel wrote:Aren't you thankful for anything?
I'm pretty thankful for your wife's DSLs, Dan. She's a champ. I have to say I've never left with a single drop in my sac.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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